here are a few pics of my paladin/wizard. i think this makes me the highest lvl posted in this thread
Ok! Let's Have Fun With Our Screenshots
just a couple more
Hey, here's a couple more! Gotta love the ground-fish...also, just a couple cool enemy shots, plus one of me up on a 'spike' on the Demon Realm wall. enjoy!
Also, I wasn't able to get my camera view changed by holding ctrl and pushing any button. Is there a certain combination you need?
Hey, here's a couple more! Gotta love the ground-fish...also, just a couple cool enemy shots, plus one of me up on a 'spike' on the Demon Realm wall. enjoy!
Also, I wasn't able to get my camera view changed by holding ctrl and pushing any button. Is there a certain combination you need?
wow, am i cool or what? Im the only one posting screenshots....maybe it's because I'm a photographer and I just like to try and get cool ones
Well, here's a couple cool ones (I think they are anyway) of like...a harrowbark and me using cataclysm on shaduroth and you gotta love the land-dwelling bloodgills! hope y'all enjoy!
Honestly ppl, I think I should start my own thread or something, haha....but I just had to put up this sweet pic of me fighting a giant spider...and a couple more...sorry they're so dark...the second one is a pic of me on the 'arc' before you enter Ulm, and the last one is of me just doing some climbing in the Fargrove Monestary, you can see the Temple of the Celestine in the distance.
Hope you're not bored! LOVE
kinda sucks
yeah i know that the 8 slots max kinda sucks expecially when you make a back up of a char in case you main save bugs out. and i will never be board seeing other peoples interest in a good game(when you forget about the bugs). and try to download a program called "fraps". that is what i use to get my photo's and it has built in anti-dark software, overall i think it is almost a must for dl as you dont get to alt tab out and paint only gives you 1 screen shot per go.
yeah i know that the 8 slots max kinda sucks expecially when you make a back up of a char in case you main save bugs out. and i will never be board seeing other peoples interest in a good game(when you forget about the bugs). and try to download a program called "fraps". that is what i use to get my photo's and it has built in anti-dark software, overall i think it is almost a must for dl as you dont get to alt tab out and paint only gives you 1 screen shot per go.
Hey, sorry I haven't gotten a post up yet. But I checked out your pic and my character is NOwhere near yours lol! I've only gotten to like, a level 20 or something... One of these times I will see how high I can get... I have an obsession with beginning new characters, and playing the beginning, so I usually get so far and start a new one, lol. But I will be posting some new pics here soon, and I will post my newest character, despite the probably low level 
cant wait
hey i cant wait to see what your new character is going to be. i have a new character started but have lost my internet connection (stuck using library comps) and my old urgoth that i was going to make a hatamoto fried, so i started a new one. im hoping that i can beat the game with melee as magic was boring once i got spellfire and cataclysm. i have had good luck with the paladin class so im going to use it to get heavy armor and stuff needed for hatamoto i will try to get some pics up soon.
b.t.w. i think using a low lvl to go through the game is tougher than beating the game with an uber lvl char. so kudos for you using a low lvl.
hey i cant wait to see what your new character is going to be. i have a new character started but have lost my internet connection (stuck using library comps) and my old urgoth that i was going to make a hatamoto fried, so i started a new one. im hoping that i can beat the game with melee as magic was boring once i got spellfire and cataclysm. i have had good luck with the paladin class so im going to use it to get heavy armor and stuff needed for hatamoto i will try to get some pics up soon.
b.t.w. i think using a low lvl to go through the game is tougher than beating the game with an uber lvl char. so kudos for you using a low lvl.
So, thanks for the kudos! I like to have a challenge, but all the same I like to just blast my way through certain places (such as the Tomb of Souls) as well! I also have an obsession with going strickly melee, so I don't use magic that often only the poison cloud (alot), as that's my favorite spell! I am playing a zaur for the first time as well, and I have a question, are the zaurs just naturally slow to recover after being hit, or do I have to advance in something although I have my dexterity, agility and parry up quite a bit higher than the rest? It gets frusterating after a while! But anywho, next reply I post on here will have some pics of my zaur for sure! (mind you I haven't even gone through the trial of the ancients yet!) talk to ya soon!
heres some from me
hey its been a few days since i was on, lost internet and library comps suck!!!! i finally got a connection i can use periodically. and figured i would post a few pics while i had it. b.t.w. is that a thundering hammer? if so and you have gotten it charged how is it working out for you? i noticed you only had 37 intelect, you really need to train that up to about 80 or 90 so everything will be cheaper. if you like using the nether magic i have to say use drain life, spell not ability. i have used it to great success. i have to ask why you chose socrerer if you dont like magic? you would have been better off choosing paladin because celestial magic is more utility than offense, and from what i have heard you say i think you would like celestial magic. i have started a paladin/samouri and it made so i took a break from it for a while to work on another new char. this one will be a battlemage/enchantress and ev entually up to a warwitch. i have found that i like magic myself (my computer likes it better too) as i can keep the movement far away to prevent lag (5fps on average if up close, have seen 3fps). also i am kinda stuck in a room smaller than most peoples bathrooms with a full size bed and a 27" tube tv and tons of speakers so not much room (my bed is where im stuck playing). well here are a few of my climbing shots.
dang it freaking slow anus computers

i sorry but i cant load any pics right now soon as i can i will post em.
hey its been a few days since i was on, lost internet and library comps suck!!!! i finally got a connection i can use periodically. and figured i would post a few pics while i had it. b.t.w. is that a thundering hammer? if so and you have gotten it charged how is it working out for you? i noticed you only had 37 intelect, you really need to train that up to about 80 or 90 so everything will be cheaper. if you like using the nether magic i have to say use drain life, spell not ability. i have used it to great success. i have to ask why you chose socrerer if you dont like magic? you would have been better off choosing paladin because celestial magic is more utility than offense, and from what i have heard you say i think you would like celestial magic. i have started a paladin/samouri and it made so i took a break from it for a while to work on another new char. this one will be a battlemage/enchantress and ev entually up to a warwitch. i have found that i like magic myself (my computer likes it better too) as i can keep the movement far away to prevent lag (5fps on average if up close, have seen 3fps). also i am kinda stuck in a room smaller than most peoples bathrooms with a full size bed and a 27" tube tv and tons of speakers so not much room (my bed is where im stuck playing). well here are a few of my climbing shots.
dang it freaking slow anus computers
Yes that is the thundering hammer, and I didn't take the time to charge it, so I'm not sure how it would work with the charge...just by itself it's nothing special. My all-time favorite weapon is the Rune-mace you acquire off Big Bad Mog's body. I chose to be a sorcerer because I wanted a different quest, lol. I'm more interested in taking on cool and different quests than combining the best classes...I suppose I'd better think about that next time
I do like the drain life skill, the ability seemed like kinda a waste of a new ability, being as it doesn't drain much. SO, does getting my intellect up help anything besides getting stuff cheaper? I was never really sure what intellect did. Or honor, I don't know how that makes a difference in your fighting..hmm. I am about to embark on the 'Lord' quest, once I get my stats where they need be. I cant wait to see your pics, them darn putters! Yea, I bet the local comps suck...Haha, and I'm sure your room is cozy enough for ya!
~Bandit11 :laugh:
~Bandit11 :laugh:
Yeah, Intellect only affects how many advance points are used to increase skills. The difference between 40 Intellect points (say, 60-100) is five digits (10k+) of advance points for a single skill point (advancing heavy weapons from 7-8, for example). Not to mention all the advance points saved in lower levels and, of course, other skills. This is why I've been climbing out of the start area to farm moonbeasts - to train my characters' Intellect to about 100 before spending too many advance points on skills early in the game. I'm easily saving millions of advance points that way (I also only buy the skills necessary to start class quests, so I make the most of class learning bonuses later in the game).
Honor works in conjunction with Bargain (adjusts shop prices; buy and sell). It does absolutely nothing else.
Honor works in conjunction with Bargain (adjusts shop prices; buy and sell). It does absolutely nothing else.
so if I up my intellect, this will help me up skills faster, rather then waiting until I get the TONS of adv points to advance otherwise? sweet! I'm tired of killing enemy after enemy trying to advance while taking forever. This helped alot, thank you! I should try the 'moonbeast farming' as well, but I don't use cheats, if that helps at would take me a long time to kill a bunch of them probably. But i'm sure it's worth it! Thanks again!
i was talking about the nether spell of drain life because you seem to like to use nether magic and with a high nether lvl drainlife can save your butt!! especially when your outnumbered and taking heavy damage. yes the local comps are junk as i think a few of them have pentium 3 processors or the amd k-7, slow as corn syrup out of a freezer. when i get a chance i will post some pics of my battlemage/warwitch and my paladin/hatamoto. both are over lvl 30 and i have just completed the vatrug quest with my warwitch and have yet to do it with my hatamoto. i love the warwitch/battle mage class combo as my arcain magic is at lvl 32 and only needs 2mill to lvl up and my wizard/paladin needs 20+mill to get from 28 to 29. also using a blast, fire, or ice nova in a large group with at least 7 drain life will make you invinceable. i have critical hit at lvl 10 and so far doesnt seem to work all that good as my best critical was a 1hk0 on a naga and a thrall renegade maybe if i get it to around 15 it will work better.
i was talking about the nether spell of drain life because you seem to like to use nether magic and with a high nether lvl drainlife can save your butt!! especially when your outnumbered and taking heavy damage. yes the local comps are junk as i think a few of them have pentium 3 processors or the amd k-7, slow as corn syrup out of a freezer. when i get a chance i will post some pics of my battlemage/warwitch and my paladin/hatamoto. both are over lvl 30 and i have just completed the vatrug quest with my warwitch and have yet to do it with my hatamoto. i love the warwitch/battle mage class combo as my arcain magic is at lvl 32 and only needs 2mill to lvl up and my wizard/paladin needs 20+mill to get from 28 to 29. also using a blast, fire, or ice nova in a large group with at least 7 drain life will make you invinceable. i have critical hit at lvl 10 and so far doesnt seem to work all that good as my best critical was a 1hk0 on a naga and a thrall renegade maybe if i get it to around 15 it will work better.