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Having trouble getting MOD's installed

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, its Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles expansions, and any user-created or premium modules.
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Having trouble getting MOD's installed

Post by Azzoun »

Hey all!

Ok, I'm running a pretty nice PC with Vista on it. I've tried to get COBL and the MOD Manager but I can't install either one. Vista is telling me that it doesn't recognize the files and/or that the access is denied. I'm the admin on my PC so I shouldn't be having any issues.

Can ANYONE give me some answers on this. I've never MOD'ed a game before and I really want to get the MOD's working.

Here are my PC stats:

AMD Tricore 9600
512 GDDR4 Radion Card
360 GIG HD

Anything will hepl!

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Post by DesR85 »

Have you tried right clicking on the file and click 'run as administrator'? It should help when it comes to installers.
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Post by Azzoun »

lol...uh, nope! I'll try that and see what happens! Thanks for the tip, anything else?
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Master David
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Post by Master David »

Azzoun wrote:Ok, I'm running a pretty nice PC with Vista on it.
Same with me
Azzoun wrote:I've tried to get COBL and the MOD Manager but I can't install either one. Vista is telling me that it doesn't recognize the files and/or that the access is denied. I'm the admin on my PC so I shouldn't be having any issues.
Do you have any .zip/.rar/.7z uncompressor?
I experience that until now(Vista doesn't recognize MOD format): I don't have .7z uncompressor tool,
when I download a mod with that format (say, Akatosh Mount), Vista doesn't know it's format and suggest to look in the internet (address bar says Windows...can't remember-and my internet connection is too slow to download anything)
Ihave MOD Manager running with no problems right now.
Azzoun wrote:Can ANYONE give me some answers on this. I've never MOD'ed a game before and I really want to get the MOD's working.
I think you need to have a program that can uncompress the MOD you want, if you already had, then I apologize
There is nothing you can't do, at least if you have enough patience to keep trying.
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

You may also want to check [url=""]this thread[/url] in the Morrowind forum since it deals with patch/mod installation and Vista.
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