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seven graces - missing the Shrine of Daring

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seven graces - missing the Shrine of Daring

Post by Lunan »

I’m on the seven graces pilgrimage and I’ve been to them all. However, the Shrine of Daring does not appear in my Journal. After checking my Journal I notice it is not there while the others are there. I know I did it correctly because I was able to fly out of there to take the Stilt Strider to Gnisis.

I’m playing with a PC. Is there a way I can get credit for this missing element? I’ve searched and haven’t been able to find a potential solution. TIA
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Post by galraen »

Firstly you did us a purchased Levitation potion and not a self made one didn't you?

If so you could always try again, but if all else fails you could try typing
Journal TT_Stopmoon 100
into the console.

The journal entry for the seven graces completion is
TT_SevenGraces 100
Spoiler, highlight to read
Remember to always leave the Stop the Moon shrine until last, use an exclusive potion of levitation (Eris Telas in the High Fane sells one), and cash in the quest with Endryn Lethan (also in theHigh Fane). He'll then give you a quest to persuade a disease carrier to leave Vivec City, a quickly completed quest. He'll then give you the quest to take a vow of silence and make the pigrimage to Sanctus Shrine; the levitation granted byt the Stop the Moon shrine will last long enough to fly all the way there, and then some. Just remember to fly high enough to avoid Cliff Racers and it's easy.
End of Spoiler
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Post by Benk »

All of the shrines require you to donate something to them for you to get the journal entry. For example, the Khummu Fields one requires you donate a unit of muck. And the one inside the ghostgate requires you donate a soulgem.
Likewise, the shrine of daring requires you donate a potion of rising force of any quality.
Hope this helps, if you did actually donate the necessary item, and still no journal entry, then I think you are only left with the code specified above by Galraen.
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