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fast way to make money (works only during day)

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fast way to make money (works only during day)

Post by nuhvy »

as soon as ur guile is high enough to use the steal expression then u will be able to make money as fast as u wish. this only works on the clothes shop in bowerstone south the blacksmith shop in oakvale and a few guile lvls later the blacksmith shop in bowerstone south.

in clothes shop in bowerstone south u will notice that he sets one object on display on the wall oposite of his counter now that would mean ud do it right in front of his face right? well not necisarily if u walk up to the item u will notice a little side room to the left with two windows. well u dont have to worry bout the windows no one can see u thru them but u can check to see if someone is coming in thru them. go into the little side room and if u have to go to the corner furthest from the counter to take the shopkeepers attention off u then get just close enough and steal the item while ur camera view is on the window. u will have a headstart to stop if someone decides to come in and u can keep a eye on the shopkeeper at the same time. when u steal it go to the shopkeeper and sell it. but heres the thing if it is worth less then something u have in ur invetory then sell that item in ur invetory first. whatever item u sell first will be the item that he instantly puts back on display. when he puts the item back on display steal it again and go sell it again keep doin so until it starts getting close to night then steal it one last time and keep it.

in oakvale blacksmith the corner to the far back on the opposite side of the fire place from the shop keeper is what u need to pull it off if the shopkeeper still sees u when u get back there then move to the corner of the fire place closest to him in sneak mode then move back and he will no longer see u the item right in front of u is the one u need to steal.

the blacksmith in barrowstone south is much harder. when ur lvl of guile is high enough then go to the back of the display and make it where he cant see u then when no one can see u break the 3 barrels at the back of the display then stand where the barrels were and u can steal the 2 items at the back of the display this is more risky though because ppl pall thru alot but if u can pull it off u can work double the profit speed makin it the best shop to do this trick. its borin but its much more faster than rent and u almost never get caught if u do it right.
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Post by Xandax »

Seriously - if you expect people to read and reply to you - try to use some paragraphs and formatting.
I doubt anybody will read that long wall of text.

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Post by nuhvy »

srry im tryin ta help out i enjoy findin the glitches that makes things easy ill edit it
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Post by Loredweller »

Sorry, as soon as your guile is high enough to successfully steal, it's quite enough to trade either - to make money in much faster and well known way (i often have 5mil. just at 5 guile) with much of profit to the skill itself.
It obviously hasn't been intended so but , IMHO, it's a general knowledge that thievery in Fable, besides perhaps some accent in light of the role playing, is almost of no use in the game.

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