Gilliatt wrote:@ Fable, would you consider The Faery Tale games one of the best choices for a casual game or are there many other games you would recommend before that one?
Depends on what kind of casual games you like, I guess. For example,
this guy makes a "career-and-personal-life development game" called Kudos 2 that's pretty easy to take up and put down, as well as a country-running sim, Democracy 2, that works well, too. Then there's
The Butler Did It! which has some really annoying features, but also faithfully reproduces one of the great casual games of the 1980s, Murder on the Zinderneuf. (It was also one of the first games published by EA.)
Spicetrade is neat--a sort of 14th century merchant traveling strategy sim, only the merchant is Islamic, and the creator really knows historical cultures.
But if you want an RPG, you might consider the three Magic Candle games--have you tried these? They play a lot like Ultima 5, but have their own elements: different kinds of herbs that affect you in battle, great AI, parties made up of different people, etc. Worth looking at. You can find them up at
Also, since its casual would you compare it to an action RPG? (The reason I ask is because I have a few action RPGs [Dungeon Siege, Sacred, Darkstone, Nox, Fate, Titan Quest, Silverfall, Prince of Qin, and Revenant] I have not played yet and these are the games that form my "casual playing" list. So I was wondering if Faery Tale would only add more of the same or if it would provide a better experience than those I just mentioned.)
It's more like the Ultima series: no non-stop action, since you can pause things--unless you really want that. Have you checked out the
Four Crystals of Trazere? I never could beat the final boss, but it's a really fun game with plenty of spells you construct, and a party of four whose separate abilities you control in non-stop action. It also includes puzzles that make you actually think.