HELLFIRE expansion
HELLFIRE expansion
i ahve been trying to get this expansion for D1 but i cant seem to find it anywhere... not even blizzard's website has it.... anyone know where i can get it
well you can find it [url="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00001LCDM/qid=1077186617/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-5089963-9549452?v=glance&s=videogames"]here[/url] I've actually seen the expension in several stores lately..Åhléns for one....
"Those who control the past control the future, those who control the present control the past" And I rule the PRESENT!!
I put the 'laughter' back in 'slaughter'
I put the 'laughter' back in 'slaughter'