What Do You Want in KotOR III?
- Soulforged
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- Darth Lightside
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yes but it's not enough... I'm somewhat of a collector. I like looking at my inventory and seeing lots of famous people's stuff!
Without the light there can be no dark. Without the dark there can be no light. Even the most devout Jedi Master needs the dark side. The most evil Sith still needs the light.
- Darth-Corran
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[QUOTE=Admo]Jango and Boba are Mandalorians aren't they? The very last of them was my impression. I think Kreia made some veiled reference to Boba's death at the hands of Luke, right at the end of the game, will play that battle again to find out
No no no Jango And boba arnt mandalorians jango is from kaminoand his armour was given to him (see book 1 of the bountey hunter wars for more details) and boba is a clone if u have read the boba part of ep2 on paper back.
If anyone else hasnt mentoined iti would like to get a lightsaberround the begining cause im on narshadaa and still dont have it!!!!

No no no Jango And boba arnt mandalorians jango is from kaminoand his armour was given to him (see book 1 of the bountey hunter wars for more details) and boba is a clone if u have read the boba part of ep2 on paper back.
If anyone else hasnt mentoined iti would like to get a lightsaberround the begining cause im on narshadaa and still dont have it!!!!
The Light Jedi May be Wiped Out ,But the Sith Lords shall Burn In Hell
- Soulforged
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Do the kath hounds (the one that you have to slip the kath guards to enter the room of the Hutt) quest as it is related on the walktrought and you will get it for sure, you can't get anything else. Anyway if you wait until you finish narshadaa you will be able to construct one or maybe earlier, do quests (specially on the Refugee Sector) the rewards will be the parts you need.
"And from the flames the Soulforged, the stainless, will rise"
- Darth Moudi
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[QUOTE=stormcloud]You know many narns ago they said the armor was mandalorian battle armor but never let on to the identities of boba or jango so maybe its something LucasFilm decided recently.
Anyways, would I would like in KOTOR 3 is more dark side stuff.
I kind of want it to be GTAish without being GTA, and by that I mean
you can own more stuff and own speeders, buildings, enterprises.
I want a hot story too.
And it wouldnt hurt to say, do sith missions (ie fight other sith lords for power), or have a pair of girl or boyfriend sith fighting over you.[/QUOTE]
Its called Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
do anything you want on that game.
Anyways, would I would like in KOTOR 3 is more dark side stuff.
I kind of want it to be GTAish without being GTA, and by that I mean
you can own more stuff and own speeders, buildings, enterprises.
I want a hot story too.
And it wouldnt hurt to say, do sith missions (ie fight other sith lords for power), or have a pair of girl or boyfriend sith fighting over you.[/QUOTE]
Its called Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
do anything you want on that game.
- Soulforged
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As said before by someone else: this is an RPG, this game have a hitory and a prestige to support. You don't want to put mindless and unreasonable killing and ploting as GTA. Although i'm with you in the fact that you can kill anything when you can and the people arround reacts as any normal being will react. But the ownership is just matter of the Dungeon Master, althought it's nonsense in an RPG to focus too much plot or energy in such things. For example in Neverwinter Nights you can be the owner of a tavern there.
"And from the flames the Soulforged, the stainless, will rise"
- Chimaera182
- Posts: 2723
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Okay. First thing I gotta say is that I don't think Revan or Bastilla can--or even should--come back. The choices you made in the first game would continue on throughout the series, which is why you have to argue with Atton at the beginning of KotOR II about who/what Revan was/did. After that, any mention of Revan later in the game is based on what you said. As such, putting Revan in KotOR III would be a tad more complicated and pretty much ruin the whole "choice" factor, a la Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight (if you chose the dark side, you take over the Empire, blah blah blah; in Mysteries of the Sith, you *always* came out of the previous game light). Sure, it's not that big a deal, but still. As for Bastilla, the holocron in Uthar's room said she went looking for him (if you chose Revan reclaiming mantle of Sith Lord; but notice she's wearing Jedi Knight robes in the recording, not Sith garments like the ones she wore later in the first game). She's also tied to however the first game ended, as are many of the characters from the first game. Carth I didn't notice in my first game when I chose Revan as Sith (for obvious reasons, of course); in my second go through (choosing Revan as one of the good guys), I saw he was now an Admiral. Canderous... well, it was obvious he was Mandalore, although I didn't catch on to it until after he spoke a few lines; Kreia merely confirmed it for me when she went to talk to him about protecting the exile (so what happened to him to make him turn away from what he'd learned serving with Revan and become leader of the Mandalorians, bent on taking on the Republic again? he seemed a bit more bitter, I thought, toward the Republic in this game than he did before). Juhani and Jolee are either dead if you chose the dark side... or are most likely dead shortly after the end of the Jedi Civil War. After all, Kreia manuevered things so she could kill the last few Jedi, so who exactly is left? Some scattered not-quite-Jedi like the exile, maybe. The ones the exile trains, sure. All that's left is Atris... depending on if you killed her or not.
The ending of KotOR II sucked donkey ****. Why? What happened to the bond between you and Kreia? You up and kill her, yet you feel nothing like when Sion cut off her hand (and everyone feared that if one of you died, so would the other). She went to Malachor V to kill herself and rip a wound or whatever in the Force, yet you kill her yourself and the Force is unaffected. Right... Of course, if she was going to do that "kill the Force" thing, why'd she have to bother with the Jedi or the Sith at all?
The Master/Padawan thing would be kinda cool. You could be the Jedi Master, and the way you train and treat your Padawan affects the way he/she views the galaxy. You could actually make your Padawan decide to join the Sith rather than stay a Jedi. Then you have to go and kill them.
Missions specific to whether you're a Sith Lord or Jedi would work. And I thought it was kinda crappy that you could commit all the dark side atrocities available in KotOR and then just choose to be a Jedi, and how in Jedi Academy, you could have maxed all your light side powers, but if you kill that guy, you're automatically dark. Make the Force bar actually *mean* something, like in Jedi Knight. But back to the missions... maybe something like Galactic Battlegrounds is in order. If you play the missions, when you're the Empire, if you win so many battles, you attack the Rebels on Hoth; if you lose so many battles (or if you're the Rebels and win so many battles against the Imps), you fight on Endor. So maybe a planet or two should be side-specific. Say you're on... Onderon or something, and you come to the critical moment where you're defined as Jedi or Sith. Once you become Sith, you leave Onderon, join up with the Sith Empire, and you attack some Republic world or Jedi enclave. If you choose Jedi, you could be sent to a different world to stop some Sith from doing some such thing. Or, if it goes with the Master/Padawan thing above, if your Padawan goes Sith, you hunt them down on some Sith world, but if they stay as Jedi, you both go somewhere else.
The damage with lightsabers is ridiculous. I don't think vibroswords should be able to stand up to them. And the damage they cause should be a lot worse; maybe lose a hand or arm like Kreia did, and you can choose to get a replacement or just fight one-handed (of course, if you wind up like the Black Knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail flick, you're kinda screwed and definitely need replacements). I'm not sure about new powers, though. They can add new Force powers in KotOR III until the cows come home, but frankly I use so few of them as it is (speed, healing, Force Storm, rarely Drain Field or whatever that was called), I feel like I'm wasting points later on.
The plot definitely needs work, though. And I agree with the Ebon Hawk being 86'd. I also agree that crashing occured too often in KotOR II; by the time I was going to my third planet, I pretty much expected it to happen everywhere I went, or to at least wind up in a cell. And of course I figured we'd crash on Malchor V... and so badly, too. And yet, not only did the ship get so badly damaged that it looked like it would need to be in the shop for a month before it could fly again, but it plummeted into some abyss. Yet it flies to your rescue at the end and is still space-worthy.
I hadn't expected Nihilus or Sion to be so easy. Nor Tayra, for that matter; it was harder fighting Sion than it was fighting her, and she's the last damn boss. At least Malak was harder than she was as a final boss (maybe not to some of you). The bosses need to be tougher, and maybe there should be more boss-like characters (KotOR had Calo, whoever that Darth was you fight before you get taken onboard Malak's ship, Saul Karath, and Malak himself, as far as I remember; KotOR II had Nihilus [which seemed to me to be kind of separate from the majority of the game anyway, so I thought of him as more of a time-filler than plot-filler and not a boss at all], Sion, Atris, and Tayra).
I agree that there could be more choices in Jedi species, but at least it was understandable in KotOR: the Sith are rather vehemently anti-alien, and they probably wouldn't like it much (although they wouldn't have much of a choice anyway) serving under one. But I don't rate it as that important.
More planets, bigger planets. I know when KotOR II was going to come out, I thought those would be good, although everywhere can't be Taris. One could go nuts trying to navigate through 5-6 Taris-sized places. In KotOR II, there weren't many places that were very large; it was like they decided the size of Kashyyyk was the maximum (I only rememeber there being 5 areas, 3 on the surface, 2 down below). On Telos, the area with the Ithorians and the medical bay was just idiotic; it was so small, why bother making them a separate area at all? But they could at least bring back the sidequests for the NPCs, it's nice to have a diversion from the main character, and I don't mean like the little remote running all over Malachor V or Mira fighting Hanharr. And what was up with those two, anyway? Hanharr was life-debted to her, and he hated her because she treated him well? That made no sense at all.
"But back to the missions... maybe something like Galactic Battlegrounds is in order." I meant Battlefront, not Battlegrounds. And the Force bar does mean something in KotOR II; I kinda just forgot. I was too busy thinking about Jedi Academy and KotOR I.
Okay. First thing I gotta say is that I don't think Revan or Bastilla can--or even should--come back. The choices you made in the first game would continue on throughout the series, which is why you have to argue with Atton at the beginning of KotOR II about who/what Revan was/did. After that, any mention of Revan later in the game is based on what you said. As such, putting Revan in KotOR III would be a tad more complicated and pretty much ruin the whole "choice" factor, a la Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight (if you chose the dark side, you take over the Empire, blah blah blah; in Mysteries of the Sith, you *always* came out of the previous game light). Sure, it's not that big a deal, but still. As for Bastilla, the holocron in Uthar's room said she went looking for him (if you chose Revan reclaiming mantle of Sith Lord; but notice she's wearing Jedi Knight robes in the recording, not Sith garments like the ones she wore later in the first game). She's also tied to however the first game ended, as are many of the characters from the first game. Carth I didn't notice in my first game when I chose Revan as Sith (for obvious reasons, of course); in my second go through (choosing Revan as one of the good guys), I saw he was now an Admiral. Canderous... well, it was obvious he was Mandalore, although I didn't catch on to it until after he spoke a few lines; Kreia merely confirmed it for me when she went to talk to him about protecting the exile (so what happened to him to make him turn away from what he'd learned serving with Revan and become leader of the Mandalorians, bent on taking on the Republic again? he seemed a bit more bitter, I thought, toward the Republic in this game than he did before). Juhani and Jolee are either dead if you chose the dark side... or are most likely dead shortly after the end of the Jedi Civil War. After all, Kreia manuevered things so she could kill the last few Jedi, so who exactly is left? Some scattered not-quite-Jedi like the exile, maybe. The ones the exile trains, sure. All that's left is Atris... depending on if you killed her or not.
The ending of KotOR II sucked donkey ****. Why? What happened to the bond between you and Kreia? You up and kill her, yet you feel nothing like when Sion cut off her hand (and everyone feared that if one of you died, so would the other). She went to Malachor V to kill herself and rip a wound or whatever in the Force, yet you kill her yourself and the Force is unaffected. Right... Of course, if she was going to do that "kill the Force" thing, why'd she have to bother with the Jedi or the Sith at all?
The Master/Padawan thing would be kinda cool. You could be the Jedi Master, and the way you train and treat your Padawan affects the way he/she views the galaxy. You could actually make your Padawan decide to join the Sith rather than stay a Jedi. Then you have to go and kill them.
Missions specific to whether you're a Sith Lord or Jedi would work. And I thought it was kinda crappy that you could commit all the dark side atrocities available in KotOR and then just choose to be a Jedi, and how in Jedi Academy, you could have maxed all your light side powers, but if you kill that guy, you're automatically dark. Make the Force bar actually *mean* something, like in Jedi Knight. But back to the missions... maybe something like Galactic Battlegrounds is in order. If you play the missions, when you're the Empire, if you win so many battles, you attack the Rebels on Hoth; if you lose so many battles (or if you're the Rebels and win so many battles against the Imps), you fight on Endor. So maybe a planet or two should be side-specific. Say you're on... Onderon or something, and you come to the critical moment where you're defined as Jedi or Sith. Once you become Sith, you leave Onderon, join up with the Sith Empire, and you attack some Republic world or Jedi enclave. If you choose Jedi, you could be sent to a different world to stop some Sith from doing some such thing. Or, if it goes with the Master/Padawan thing above, if your Padawan goes Sith, you hunt them down on some Sith world, but if they stay as Jedi, you both go somewhere else.
The damage with lightsabers is ridiculous. I don't think vibroswords should be able to stand up to them. And the damage they cause should be a lot worse; maybe lose a hand or arm like Kreia did, and you can choose to get a replacement or just fight one-handed (of course, if you wind up like the Black Knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail flick, you're kinda screwed and definitely need replacements). I'm not sure about new powers, though. They can add new Force powers in KotOR III until the cows come home, but frankly I use so few of them as it is (speed, healing, Force Storm, rarely Drain Field or whatever that was called), I feel like I'm wasting points later on.
The plot definitely needs work, though. And I agree with the Ebon Hawk being 86'd. I also agree that crashing occured too often in KotOR II; by the time I was going to my third planet, I pretty much expected it to happen everywhere I went, or to at least wind up in a cell. And of course I figured we'd crash on Malchor V... and so badly, too. And yet, not only did the ship get so badly damaged that it looked like it would need to be in the shop for a month before it could fly again, but it plummeted into some abyss. Yet it flies to your rescue at the end and is still space-worthy.
I hadn't expected Nihilus or Sion to be so easy. Nor Tayra, for that matter; it was harder fighting Sion than it was fighting her, and she's the last damn boss. At least Malak was harder than she was as a final boss (maybe not to some of you). The bosses need to be tougher, and maybe there should be more boss-like characters (KotOR had Calo, whoever that Darth was you fight before you get taken onboard Malak's ship, Saul Karath, and Malak himself, as far as I remember; KotOR II had Nihilus [which seemed to me to be kind of separate from the majority of the game anyway, so I thought of him as more of a time-filler than plot-filler and not a boss at all], Sion, Atris, and Tayra).
I agree that there could be more choices in Jedi species, but at least it was understandable in KotOR: the Sith are rather vehemently anti-alien, and they probably wouldn't like it much (although they wouldn't have much of a choice anyway) serving under one. But I don't rate it as that important.
More planets, bigger planets. I know when KotOR II was going to come out, I thought those would be good, although everywhere can't be Taris. One could go nuts trying to navigate through 5-6 Taris-sized places. In KotOR II, there weren't many places that were very large; it was like they decided the size of Kashyyyk was the maximum (I only rememeber there being 5 areas, 3 on the surface, 2 down below). On Telos, the area with the Ithorians and the medical bay was just idiotic; it was so small, why bother making them a separate area at all? But they could at least bring back the sidequests for the NPCs, it's nice to have a diversion from the main character, and I don't mean like the little remote running all over Malachor V or Mira fighting Hanharr. And what was up with those two, anyway? Hanharr was life-debted to her, and he hated her because she treated him well? That made no sense at all.
"But back to the missions... maybe something like Galactic Battlegrounds is in order." I meant Battlefront, not Battlegrounds. And the Force bar does mean something in KotOR II; I kinda just forgot. I was too busy thinking about Jedi Academy and KotOR I.
General: "Those aren't ideas; those are special effects."
Michael Bay: "I don't understand the difference."
Michael Bay: "I don't understand the difference."
I would like for the game to take place in an entirely new region of space, where Revan apparantly went to look for the "true Sith". Let's just say you played both Revan and the Exile as light side characters. The list of people from the first game who could be involved isn't too long...Revan obviously went to seek out the "true Sith". The Exile followed him in the Ebon Hawk, and I'm assuming T3-M4 was in the ship as well. I think T3 knew exactly where Revan went, and was hiding information about that from you for the entire game, then at the end showed you so you could go after him. So the only returning party members would be, I would hope, Revan, the Exile, and T3. I guess it's possible that HK-47 was still on the Ebon Hawk as well, and he would be a nice addition since he's a great character.
It would be cool to have maybe Carth, Bastila, or one of your trained Jedi characters come after you and find you at some point in the game.
If you went dark side, then I think the options are really narrowed down since you kill pretty much everyone. I guess Bastila could then be involved, since she apparantly went looking for Revan.
I would also like for the NPC interaction to be a bit more involved, and less one-sided, maybe with some more romance options that have some more depth to them; like in BG2. It would also be nice, as other people have alluded to, if you could come to a disagreement with a party member and become so oppositly aligned in comparison to them that you end up kicking them out, or they just leave, or even better, you fight.
And finally, some more little touches that just pop up as you play. There were a few of these in KOTOR1, but KOTOR2 was almost devoid of them...I'm talking about things like the little animals who get loose on your ship, the girl who hides in the storage room, things like that.
It would be cool to have maybe Carth, Bastila, or one of your trained Jedi characters come after you and find you at some point in the game.
If you went dark side, then I think the options are really narrowed down since you kill pretty much everyone. I guess Bastila could then be involved, since she apparantly went looking for Revan.
I would also like for the NPC interaction to be a bit more involved, and less one-sided, maybe with some more romance options that have some more depth to them; like in BG2. It would also be nice, as other people have alluded to, if you could come to a disagreement with a party member and become so oppositly aligned in comparison to them that you end up kicking them out, or they just leave, or even better, you fight.
And finally, some more little touches that just pop up as you play. There were a few of these in KOTOR1, but KOTOR2 was almost devoid of them...I'm talking about things like the little animals who get loose on your ship, the girl who hides in the storage room, things like that.
- Soulforged
- Posts: 74
- Joined: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:21 am
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The ending of KotOR II sucked donkey ****. Why? What happened to the bond between you and Kreia? You up and kill her, yet you feel nothing like when Sion cut off her hand (and everyone feared that if one of you died, so would the other). She went to Malachor V to kill herself and rip a wound or whatever in the Force, yet you kill her yourself and the Force is unaffected. Right... Of course, if she was going to do that "kill the Force" thing, why'd she have to bother with the Jedi or the Sith at all?
This is an effect provoqued by the rushing. Altought you can find some clues in the game. First of all the whole thing "wound in the force" its not so clear. If you are another wound in the force and she kills you or she commits suicide, then the Force will not die it will be healed instead. I think that the ending and the central topic of the wound were originally better developed. Just hope that they realize a patch that clears the things a little. And second that's because she can kill you (besides she loves you) and that's because you don't feel nothing when fighting her...well actually i've have two theorys about this: 1. As Kreia said in battle your minds are prepared to ignore the bond and shield from its "desadvantages". 2. Or Kreia lost the bond for betrayal or she give up the bond because she formed the bond voluntary not like your other companions.
I agree with you in the fighting and in the lightsabers (not that much in the ploting) in fact i wrote it extensively in another thread. But i will add something here: some rules that balance very well the games of D&D 3.5 are not included here. The two principal things that i can see at this moment are the number of attacks per round, you have to use some feat to do so in this game, but in games like Neverwinter the attacks per round increased by level as it should, why a character taking his/her first steps have the same "quickness" in the attacks as the character of level 20 or more. The other thing is the defense system and the level up. I agree in level up with out a cap, but the hitpoints earned have to decrease to balance things a little, the defense have to increase per level, besides the desterity bonus, you have to earn some bonus to the defense just for being more powerful that the guy under your level. Also, turning back to the existing rules, the oportunity attacks of course, that thing only makes your life very difficult in the games of D&D when facing large groups of enemys.
The chop-body-parts thing will be great, but it have to be balanced. And this final thing is very difficult to do. I want to fight and win the battles but i don't want to be a light Jedi with all my extremetys maded of steel.
This is an effect provoqued by the rushing. Altought you can find some clues in the game. First of all the whole thing "wound in the force" its not so clear. If you are another wound in the force and she kills you or she commits suicide, then the Force will not die it will be healed instead. I think that the ending and the central topic of the wound were originally better developed. Just hope that they realize a patch that clears the things a little. And second that's because she can kill you (besides she loves you) and that's because you don't feel nothing when fighting her...well actually i've have two theorys about this: 1. As Kreia said in battle your minds are prepared to ignore the bond and shield from its "desadvantages". 2. Or Kreia lost the bond for betrayal or she give up the bond because she formed the bond voluntary not like your other companions.
I agree with you in the fighting and in the lightsabers (not that much in the ploting) in fact i wrote it extensively in another thread. But i will add something here: some rules that balance very well the games of D&D 3.5 are not included here. The two principal things that i can see at this moment are the number of attacks per round, you have to use some feat to do so in this game, but in games like Neverwinter the attacks per round increased by level as it should, why a character taking his/her first steps have the same "quickness" in the attacks as the character of level 20 or more. The other thing is the defense system and the level up. I agree in level up with out a cap, but the hitpoints earned have to decrease to balance things a little, the defense have to increase per level, besides the desterity bonus, you have to earn some bonus to the defense just for being more powerful that the guy under your level. Also, turning back to the existing rules, the oportunity attacks of course, that thing only makes your life very difficult in the games of D&D when facing large groups of enemys.
The chop-body-parts thing will be great, but it have to be balanced. And this final thing is very difficult to do. I want to fight and win the battles but i don't want to be a light Jedi with all my extremetys maded of steel.
"And from the flames the Soulforged, the stainless, will rise"
There is no way that Revan should return, and the Exile and Bastila are pretty close to call. The problem with the first games characters is that the requirements for their involvement are becoming far far too complicated, and combined with the second games characters it gets just one big mess. Revan and company's dependance on your choices in the first game and then the Exile's choices in the second just give a ridiculous set of options. The only a character that I really want to see return is Jolee Bindo. Cracking character, with a lot of depth and understanding, probably the best character in both of these games, and I think they could find a way to worm him in regardless of the first games endings.
So basically they have 3 options if you want to include Revan and other former PC's/central characters. Drop any previous plot branches and say "Revan was light/Bastila died/Exile was Dark/etc etc", and base it entirely on forced options. OR come up with a hugely complicated system that depends on all of your choices so far, OR more or less ignore the choices you made - as in KotOR II, while they gave a few interesting plot lines, they had no influence on the story, just a cut-scene here and there.
So basically they have 3 options if you want to include Revan and other former PC's/central characters. Drop any previous plot branches and say "Revan was light/Bastila died/Exile was Dark/etc etc", and base it entirely on forced options. OR come up with a hugely complicated system that depends on all of your choices so far, OR more or less ignore the choices you made - as in KotOR II, while they gave a few interesting plot lines, they had no influence on the story, just a cut-scene here and there.
Trouts are best tickled in muddy waters
Thought Id weigh in with my two pennies worth to mention that Boba Fett is one particular isuse that has caused the Lucas arts License no end of problems. The armour Fett carries is mandalorian Battle armour, though Im not sure how he came to possess it, as I cant remember. Fett's real name is Jester Mereel and he held a role in his home planet as a "protector" or arbitrator. After an incident he was exiled and came into the profession of Bounty Hunter. He wasnt killed in the Sarlaac, but actually escaped and worked for a time with Dengar, another Bounty Hunter who was on board the executor in Empire strikes back. There is no reported mention of Fett's death, the closet being an incident with Han Solo, when both had their blasters pointed at one another. This story ended on a cliffhanger, with Boba Fett suggesting they should both fire and see what happens. Solo would have been in his early fifties at the time.
The decision in the new films to create Jango Fett and the youn Boba doesnt sit well with most Science fiction writers, many of who preferred him as a bounty Hunter without identity. It also has the potential to conflict with written material already availbale on him.
The decision in the new films to create Jango Fett and the youn Boba doesnt sit well with most Science fiction writers, many of who preferred him as a bounty Hunter without identity. It also has the potential to conflict with written material already availbale on him.
- Chimaera182
- Posts: 2723
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Actually, another reason they shouldn't bring back Revan, Bastilla, or the Exile would be their powers. They'll be in possession of some rather nasty, high-level powers very early in the game, and that kind of ruins the fairness factor. So that'd wind up meaning tougher baddies right from the start, or just more of them; or both. Of course, we could always start the game with Revan waking up and having lost his/her memory again...
On the other hand, if that stupid unfinished business with Kreia "killing" the Force were to come up, Revan or the exile could just suddenly "lose" his/her powers, and the entire third game would be trying to find a way to get them back.
Then again, the whole Master/Padawan thing I mentioned earlier might not work so well, either, unless you're the Padawan. After all, if you have some strong Master with you, the beginning of the game may be a breeze. Of course, there could always be reasons why they run off: some tougher part of the planet needed their attention, and they leave you alone. Whatever.
Actually, another reason they shouldn't bring back Revan, Bastilla, or the Exile would be their powers. They'll be in possession of some rather nasty, high-level powers very early in the game, and that kind of ruins the fairness factor. So that'd wind up meaning tougher baddies right from the start, or just more of them; or both. Of course, we could always start the game with Revan waking up and having lost his/her memory again...
Then again, the whole Master/Padawan thing I mentioned earlier might not work so well, either, unless you're the Padawan. After all, if you have some strong Master with you, the beginning of the game may be a breeze. Of course, there could always be reasons why they run off: some tougher part of the planet needed their attention, and they leave you alone. Whatever.
General: "Those aren't ideas; those are special effects."
Michael Bay: "I don't understand the difference."
Michael Bay: "I don't understand the difference."
- koningswulf
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1 More Freedoom where you can travel and a lot more intresting sidequests
2 More and bigger cities on each planets they are way to small now the cities
3 More and better detailed intra action between hero and followers
4 Possible romances between hero and followers
always fun with flirts
5 A much better ending with at least a good film sequence and a lot harder big boss. It must be possible to make them as good as your character
6 Possibility to save old games when starting a new one.
my old saves was deleted when I started all over with a new game
7 A online update that actually works! My just tell me error all the time I use it
8 more racial influnces in game between various races
9 Possibility to always destroy/kill everyone and anything if you would like to
10 Have distinct tradesmen that only buy/sell from either light or dark and neautral that sell to all.
ex a jedi may buy healing herbs from a good temple while the sith cant and a jedi cant buy from the excgange while the sith can
11 the ability to make your own armor and weapons from scratch not only upgrade them as it is now
12 A bigger party of 4 instead of 3. Just 2 followers is a bit boring and makes the possibility for followers sidekick less easier to do.
Well thats all I could think of for now
2 More and bigger cities on each planets they are way to small now the cities
3 More and better detailed intra action between hero and followers
4 Possible romances between hero and followers
always fun with flirts
5 A much better ending with at least a good film sequence and a lot harder big boss. It must be possible to make them as good as your character
6 Possibility to save old games when starting a new one.
my old saves was deleted when I started all over with a new game
7 A online update that actually works! My just tell me error all the time I use it
8 more racial influnces in game between various races
9 Possibility to always destroy/kill everyone and anything if you would like to
10 Have distinct tradesmen that only buy/sell from either light or dark and neautral that sell to all.
ex a jedi may buy healing herbs from a good temple while the sith cant and a jedi cant buy from the excgange while the sith can
11 the ability to make your own armor and weapons from scratch not only upgrade them as it is now
12 A bigger party of 4 instead of 3. Just 2 followers is a bit boring and makes the possibility for followers sidekick less easier to do.
Well thats all I could think of for now
- BlackPhantom
- Posts: 7
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- Darth Lightside
- Posts: 32
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another thing that would be neat is a character from previous games that was never in your party, being part of your party. It would add a franchise feel to the third game.
Without the light there can be no dark. Without the dark there can be no light. Even the most devout Jedi Master needs the dark side. The most evil Sith still needs the light.
- YoDuhisbest
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Customize your character
I think that it would be cool to be able to customise your character more, like the details in the face, race, wrinkles, young or old, hair color, length of hair, eyes, color of skin. also if you have a hooded robe you should be able to use the hood, and it would change your 3d character apearance as well as the picture.
more lightsaber configuration and customization would be cool but I dont know how else they could make it more customizable.
more unique objects related to your character, robes and crystals...I really liked the personal crystal idea maybe more with that could be done.
I think that it would be cool to be able to customise your character more, like the details in the face, race, wrinkles, young or old, hair color, length of hair, eyes, color of skin. also if you have a hooded robe you should be able to use the hood, and it would change your 3d character apearance as well as the picture.
more lightsaber configuration and customization would be cool but I dont know how else they could make it more customizable.
more unique objects related to your character, robes and crystals...I really liked the personal crystal idea maybe more with that could be done.
- tornado_of_soul
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- Chimaera182
- Posts: 2723
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Time-sensitive missions, too. That whole business on the Leviathan (I think that was Malak's ship) was kinda goofy. If you had been more pressed for time, you would be forced to run as fast as you can, and either possibly have missed Malak altogether (although obviously it *had* to happen according to the story), or meet him sooner. It's kind of ridiculous for you to stand around for an hour and have nothing happen, like Malak's going to take his time returning to the ship. The same could probably be applied on the Ravager; if you don't get to the bridge fast enough to fight Nihilius, he'll wipe out Telos (of course if he does, since there's really only one confirmed Force-sensitive on the plant, who may or may not be dead depending on how you handled it, he'll be weaker and easier to beat [obviously if you let that happen, you'd gain tons of Dark Side points for it]). Or if you don't return to Onderon right away, the situation is that much more perilous (depending on which side you are, the Royalists and Sith have nearly wiped out whatshisname's troops, or the Royalists are that much closer to defeat). It's not like the civil war should wait for you to get there to progress.
Time-sensitive missions, too. That whole business on the Leviathan (I think that was Malak's ship) was kinda goofy. If you had been more pressed for time, you would be forced to run as fast as you can, and either possibly have missed Malak altogether (although obviously it *had* to happen according to the story), or meet him sooner. It's kind of ridiculous for you to stand around for an hour and have nothing happen, like Malak's going to take his time returning to the ship. The same could probably be applied on the Ravager; if you don't get to the bridge fast enough to fight Nihilius, he'll wipe out Telos (of course if he does, since there's really only one confirmed Force-sensitive on the plant, who may or may not be dead depending on how you handled it, he'll be weaker and easier to beat [obviously if you let that happen, you'd gain tons of Dark Side points for it]). Or if you don't return to Onderon right away, the situation is that much more perilous (depending on which side you are, the Royalists and Sith have nearly wiped out whatshisname's troops, or the Royalists are that much closer to defeat). It's not like the civil war should wait for you to get there to progress.
General: "Those aren't ideas; those are special effects."
Michael Bay: "I don't understand the difference."
Michael Bay: "I don't understand the difference."
- Marcus Wallace
- Posts: 4
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PLEASE gimme back Bastila!!!
I watched the scene in Kotor II wit Carth for a dozen times just to see her again. (No I'm not a freak who has fallen in love with an pc game character but her attitude makes me think of someone)
Another mistake in Kotor II are the spec. armors.
Fact: Exar Kun was a (dark) jedi
Fact: Jedi's use Force Powers
Fact: Most of the armor in Kotor II restricted force powers.
Fact: Exar Kun's Armor was force restricted
How did exar kun use his force powers? I don't supose he'd trow away his armor every time he uses his Force Storm
So don't use this feature in Kotor III
*Customized saber hilts (like Dooku's)
*Use a saber and a blaster at one time
*make your party stealth
* and many many more
take Kotor I as example
I watched the scene in Kotor II wit Carth for a dozen times just to see her again. (No I'm not a freak who has fallen in love with an pc game character but her attitude makes me think of someone)
Another mistake in Kotor II are the spec. armors.
Fact: Exar Kun was a (dark) jedi
Fact: Jedi's use Force Powers
Fact: Most of the armor in Kotor II restricted force powers.
Fact: Exar Kun's Armor was force restricted
How did exar kun use his force powers? I don't supose he'd trow away his armor every time he uses his Force Storm
So don't use this feature in Kotor III
*Customized saber hilts (like Dooku's)
*Use a saber and a blaster at one time
*make your party stealth
* and many many more
take Kotor I as example
- Soulforged
- Posts: 74
- Joined: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:21 am
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I think if that the sequel is a "sequel" properly said, then all the important characters that you know will have to appear. Characters like Bastila or Carth, will want to meet Revan again.
But as for the other posts here. This is my point of view (i don't mean any offense):
-First of all if you want freedom, all the races, more worlds, expansive and real gigantic scenarios, and all the other things little related with pure PC RPG, then look after a MMORPG more likely: Star Wars Galaxies. And if you are like me a poor devil (with 10 cents in the pockets) then wait, because eventually if you work hard enough and buy it and pay the fee, then you will be playing a far more better game (again that's how i see it). Ahh... and please don't tell me that you people are ok with the ****y GTAish game like thing.
-For all the other ideas i think that all of them are good indeed, and the more implemented in the final product far better.
-The most important thing to look is the combat system (just talking about the rules) and the leveling system, althought i like the no level cap thing, a revision is necessary to equilibrate the classes, and at the same time make them more different ( i mean more feats specifics of classes and more feats in general to). Introduce the concepts of opportunity attacks and increasing attacks per round per level and per attacking level (obviouly like the rules of the mighty Dungeon and Dragons said wisely).
-This final thing i have to say is an idea of mine and that i think that wasn't implemented as far as i can say. The thing is: if you have no level cap, then why do you have to have a cap in the feats leveling?. I was thinking on a progressive and more slow leveling of the feats and also of the levels, wich will make everything more equilibrated with luck.
-One more thing: the last post talked about armor and restrictions. The armors that you see there can be based on the writed story so it won't change. Exar Kun, Revan and others Jedi (and dark jedi specially) that leave the order don't have the same respect for the robes as other Jedi, and they are far more likely to use their ability on combat that the use of the Force. If you look to the armor that Revan uses on the scenes of Kotor I then you will notice that it's more oriented to fighting being a fiber combined armor.
But as for the other posts here. This is my point of view (i don't mean any offense):
-First of all if you want freedom, all the races, more worlds, expansive and real gigantic scenarios, and all the other things little related with pure PC RPG, then look after a MMORPG more likely: Star Wars Galaxies. And if you are like me a poor devil (with 10 cents in the pockets) then wait, because eventually if you work hard enough and buy it and pay the fee, then you will be playing a far more better game (again that's how i see it). Ahh... and please don't tell me that you people are ok with the ****y GTAish game like thing.
-For all the other ideas i think that all of them are good indeed, and the more implemented in the final product far better.
-The most important thing to look is the combat system (just talking about the rules) and the leveling system, althought i like the no level cap thing, a revision is necessary to equilibrate the classes, and at the same time make them more different ( i mean more feats specifics of classes and more feats in general to). Introduce the concepts of opportunity attacks and increasing attacks per round per level and per attacking level (obviouly like the rules of the mighty Dungeon and Dragons said wisely).
-This final thing i have to say is an idea of mine and that i think that wasn't implemented as far as i can say. The thing is: if you have no level cap, then why do you have to have a cap in the feats leveling?. I was thinking on a progressive and more slow leveling of the feats and also of the levels, wich will make everything more equilibrated with luck.
-One more thing: the last post talked about armor and restrictions. The armors that you see there can be based on the writed story so it won't change. Exar Kun, Revan and others Jedi (and dark jedi specially) that leave the order don't have the same respect for the robes as other Jedi, and they are far more likely to use their ability on combat that the use of the Force. If you look to the armor that Revan uses on the scenes of Kotor I then you will notice that it's more oriented to fighting being a fiber combined armor.
"And from the flames the Soulforged, the stainless, will rise"