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technical help, please!!! (game has no video)

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technical help, please!!! (game has no video)

Post by ranger1 »

I'm running a Dell Dimension 8400
-think it's XP Home or Pro
-P4, 3.2 (3.4?) GHz
-1.5 Gb ram
-GeForce 6600 video card
-Audigy 2ZS sound card

Installed DS2 and I see sound and video when I start up the game until it gets to what I assume is the first menu screen, where I only hear sound but have a black screen. I have to force-quit the application to get out of it. If I try to 'Esc' out of what I call the 'promo' screens prior to the menu screen, the game can crash. What's going on & how can I fix this? I have no problem running Doom3 on vitually the bleeding-edge settings! I wouldn't think I would have any issues with this one.

Do I need to update drivers for video card (which I went to Nvidia's site for), update DirectX, or load the patch for this game? Any suggestions would be a great help!!!

What makes this really annoying is that the 'family' computer (Dell Dimension 2400!!) w/768Mb Ram and an ATI 9250 video card w/'native' soundcard can run this game w/no problems! Oh, and my setup is not connected to the internet, so I have to use a flesh memory device to port any patches, etc. to my machine.
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Post by darkpark »

I've got an Nvidia card and I'm using version 78.01 of their drivers without any problems in Dungeon Seige 2. So give them a try!
-darkpark Brap on!
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Post by tlill »

Do you have a firewall?

When it starts up, the game seemed to try and connect to the internet (for me). I immediately denied it - I only let things connect when I want them to. But the game seemed to hang, sound still played. Eventually the menu came up, but this would happen each time I started up. I changed my firewall settings to allow the process to connect and the menu would appear straight away.

Hope this helps.
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Post by ranger1 »

((possible spoiler for "???" quest))

thanks for getting back to me.... appears that loading those new drivers worked out great! just finished mercenary mode - man, is this a time sink! :) even got through the "???" quest. the payoff was quite strange, for that one... although, there is this magically shut door at the end (after the pillow fight) that i can't figure how to open. maybe i missed a thread where this was discussed?
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