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best combat mage??

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best combat mage??

Post by koener »

i wanted to make a party of 1 combat mage (main), bow ranger, dual wielder and a ice mage but what combat mage class can be the best???? i read that the best power is corupsive explotion but that much monsers have resistans against that in higher difficulties and that fire is strong but not that good vs big groups and that ligtning isnt that good in damage?

tnx already

and sorry about that most questions i just want to make a good save.
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Post by jilazee »

Why have one?

I have 2 combat mages. Fire and Lightning. Both also specalise in Death as a secondary.

Both fire and Lighting are great for groups of mobs with Arcing and the Fireball spell + ignight is pretty cool. Soul lance etc are ok for large gropus of mobs same with the lightning spells.

I have

52 Sartan - Tank loads of HP/AC and casts combat mage debuffs
52 Jilazee (Main) DWing monster. 1300dps.

52 Dru - Nature Mage - Main healer.
51 Fin - Fire/death mage - 1400dps. (Single target most DPS spell)
52 Lothar - Lightning/death mage - 1200dps. (Single target most DPS spell)

On merc Diff I'd go with Fire as primary. then during vet once Fire is more or less maxed start going for Death
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Post by Mr.Waesel »

Lightning deals more damage than the other spells reliably (plasma balls may deal more if all hit but that rarely happens.)

I've played it with a fire mage but in retrospect I should've chosen lightning.
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Post by Athrias »

Lightning would be the best source of consistant DPS using lightning blast. Fire tends to be sub-par in my experience unless you are controlling the character and can select his terrain for using plasma globes. Death would be the gambler's choice; it's very random (because of the huge damage range), and thus very streaky. You'll sometimes decimate enemies that might have otherwise posed a problem and you might have trouble with otherwise easy monsters if you get unlucky.

Overall I'd say that lightning is best. In the end your party will do so much damage that the benefit of maybe dealing a ton from death or plasma globes is negligible at best. Lightning blast is my vote for best combat mage spell.
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