gSeries v2.1s for BG2:SoA is now in the [url=""]Files area of BWScript[/url].
Included in this build:
- Many, many small fixes and tweaks....
- New Turn Undead Routine - very effective combination of timers and ranges to maximise the clerics time with the sling while the Undead is backed against the wall. Sorry to everyone who got frustrated by the old Turn Undead routine, which was very inneffective.
- Set Traps! for thieves. Now on HotKey(L), the gThief and gMulti will lay a trap of each available kind of their feet.
- HotKey(E) now = Enable AI
- HotKey(D) now = Disable AI
- "B-e Prepared" and "S-ummon Stuff" Hotkeys completely reworked. Now they start a timer that lasts for 3 rounds. Press the Key once and your PC's will "buff" or "summon" for 3 rounds in an intelligent manner.
- Move To Combat Routine - (Thanks CE) - Constantijn's move to combat routine, works very well to ensure the PC's always fight together. Will be integrated with gMinion in gMinions next release.
- "Stand Ground" Combat routine for gMage, and gMulti. This ensures your mages never launch themselves into Melee combat. The PC running gMage and gMulti will now remain at the back (and use Missile Weapons if they can). If they don't have Missile Weapons or an appropriate spell, they'll do nothing. They certainly *won't* run forward anymore.
Next Up - TOB gMinion, better Spell Use for Planetars, Devas and Elemental Princes.
[ 09-12-2001: Message edited by: Sarkyn ]