I have now filled 4 with water, and the quest log tells me to cross the bridge,
but i cant becouse there is a missing piece of the bridge..
Any one know whats wrong?
Problem with The Agallan Trial..
Ack, I think it is one of those bugs - let me clarify - although water flows in all 4 waterways, all four parts of bridge haven't been raised - if that is it, then it's a bug. Did you update to 2.2? If yes and it's still there, there is but one solution - revert to previous save game or a backup save game to fix it. If that doesn't work, well then there is no solution as far as I know, except to restart.
And He whispered to me in the darkness as we lay together, Tell Me where to touch you so that I can drive you insane; tell Me where to touch you to give you ultimate pleasure, tell Me where to touch you so that we will truly own each other. And I kissed Him softly and whispered back, Touch my mind.