For the sole reason of it looking good, i allways use Darth Bandons armour whenever i play Kotor. Alltough other types give better protection, they all look fey. Every hardened fighter knows that looking good means everything when going to battle
My idea is to let the player go to a armour store at the beginning of the game. There he/she can pick from a great number of basic armour that have different looks.
This armour has the protection he needs early in the game, but has the advantage of a large number of upgrade options.
As the game progresses, and the player unlocks new worlds he/she gets accsess to new upgrade options, either by completing sidequests or buying them at stores
If the player tires of his outfit he/she can get a new one, and transfer the upgrades.
This way the player gets to customize the look of the caracter freely, and yet have the best armour protection.
This idea allso apply to vizors/masks, as there are a number of ugly ones, that i exclude for this reason.
So is it just me that wants to look good while waging war ?