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need advice on hardcore tesladin

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need advice on hardcore tesladin

Post by Pekka »

OK, guys, I am just trying to build a hardcore tesladin from scratch. I have a feeling I am gonna love this build. So far I am cruising thru 8-player Normal on autopilot and having tons of fun :=) Aiming for 20 HS, 20 RL (obviously) and 4 zeal, 20 sacrifice plus several points in Holy shield, vengeance and conviction for backup. Is this a viable solo build for Hell? Maybe I should go for full zeal and less sacrifice? Is AR going to be a bifg problem later on? I am also torn between a defiance and holy freeze merc, whats the best? (probably wont be able to afford Doom). Any suggestions welcome. :)
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Post by Nekasrof »

with my tesladin in hell on b-net, I have 2 problems.

1. Hitting things in multiplayer games.

2. In solo adventures, there are a ton of lightning immune monsters, and they will swarm me, and kill me.

His skills are:

20 LR

20 HS

20 Zeal

10 Sacrifice

10 Salvation

His holy shock deals 1-10K damage, but... I have trouble hitting in large games and lightning immune rapes me. I didn't put any points into holy shield or aura's not related to holy shock. He is currently using a defience merc, but I think about switching to holy freeze or blessed aim (yes, I miss that much).
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Post by Deadalready »

I'm (somewhat) in the process of building one, I'm going the route of sword and shield with vengence as the main attack. The idea behind this is using a shield it's possible to tank while dealing lightning area damage to everyone around me.

20 Holy Shock
20 Resist Lightning
20 Vengence
20 Salvation

Anything left into Holy Shield


Vengence is for fighting Lightning + Physical immune, while Salvation increases the overall elemental damage of both Vengence and Holy Shock. For a Merc I'd probably go with a nightmare Holy Freeze or maybe Might (if I don't do enough damage).
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Post by Pekka »

Well, I could be wrong, but I think you underestimate the value of conviction. Id think its definitely worth a few points, especially when using vengeance, it adds to elemental dmg AND reduces enemy defence. Great backup against those pesky light immunes! I guess Ill just leave sacrifice and vengeance at 1/4 and pump shield (a must, since I am hardcore), later - 1 point in vengeance and about 3 points in conviction. Hope this works out :rolleyes:
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