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KotOR III Storyline and Remarks

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Post by Reaver32 »

[QUOTE=Leet]Alot Kool Ideas you guyz have!
I got another 1 , someon else has probly said it . but it shuld start with some kinda Video of Revan and Bastila together and another one of the exile and they end up meeting or somtin , youd choose in the begining Dark Or Light . so either u come bak as Revan , Sith Lord, Or Jedi Master or u play as the exile again Good or Bad, so som1 completley new who must face Revan the Exile and Bastila ( if ther Dark ) or help them, Somtin like that Either way

just wondering, why do you want to play as revan, and why choose dark or light from the start?
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Post by Leet »


Yeh i dont know, its not a really a good idea, its just if they do continue it with u as revan i relly hope they dont make u start at a low lvl, i just couldnt think of netin,, Either way if you start as Exile or Revan how r they gonna start it off? Theyl probly bring a new character again :confused:
Id liek to play as Revan only if u start out strong is some kinda war like the Mandalorian, but i dont wana start with a new character again , ,, w.e well wait and see how it unfolds
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Post by Reaver32 »

i do understand how you dont want to start a new character, but why not make a new character that really isnt the "strongest jedi/sith", but still helps/destroies under/with revan?
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Post by Leet »


Well, To me i think id enjoy a game more if i know the person and have played with him and liked it, but yeh if they make it that we start with a new person then it would still be a good game, Especialy if they made it that ur with Revan in the mandalorian wars thats id relly liek. But yeh if its not revan i wont be upset, i like Bastila more newaay:laugh: I wont mind if its the exile and u continue to find him, but a new character i think would either have to Meet up with Revan and the exile to answer the question so either it all works. i got a diff idea now
U start off as the Exile and during the game get Ls or Ds, it would start continuing the end of Kotor2 flying off in the ebon hawk and ther answer questions about Mira, bao-deur and about characters, ( this is the part im not sure they shuld do some kinda quests thru the planets to earn either LS or DS points ) so yheh then eventually ( som1 im not too sure yet ) Like Revan calls the Ebon hawk Saying to meet him on a planet , wich ends up being wer the True Sith are, now here is wer u find out if Revan is Ds or Ls , if u wer LS that means u try to bring revan bak to the LS or have no choice but to Kill him if u Wer DS u Help the true sith kill Revan or Help Revan kill the true sith and Become his apprentice ( remember ur the exiel thru all this )

I think thats pritty good, but i havent tought it all out yet, ud have to incorporate Bastila and ur crew not to mention Revans crew, so maybe thers a battle between the exile and his crew vs Revan and his crew. I like that idea, but ofcourse thers alot missing from it... Ne1 have ne comments to make it better or change it? -- thx :D
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Post by Reaver32 »

Instead of starting off as the exile (to tell the truth, i hated his character/ wounding the force sounds kinda retarded to me), still make a new jedi, only you dont choose a class, skills, feats, or attributes. you pick what your person looks like (race if thats an option), name, choose a homeplanet (i always wanted to know where Revan/Exile where born), and then you select a history for yourself by answering a couple of questions (mayeb 10 or so). the was you answer the questions sets you up to a pick a class that would best suit who you are. the classes arent preset, so you can modify to what you want (kinda like k1 in choosing a class/ dont need to be what you would best fit). then you get a set of attribute points to modify your class (once again, you start out with the recommended set, and can modify it). then you get recommended feats and skills (would be nice to be able to choose your skills) and modify again to your "likes and needs". now that you character is set, you start off on your homeworld and feel that something is "different" in the force. depending on your homeworld/history/class, you get a vision of a jedi enclave/temple where other jedi begin to flock to (Dantooine, Coruscant, Deneba, Korriban, Alderaan, Corellia...).

1st idea
since you want to see why your former comrades (you are a jedi) are returning to these places strong in the force, you try to find a ship that can take you off the planet you are on, and end up finding an old jedi freind that happens to have a ship that you can take.(start with lightsaber)

2nd idea
you havent been fully trained by the jedi (youngling in a temple during the jedi civil war and was sent away so you didnt get killed), but u are strong in the force. you want to find out whats going on so you look for a ship and end up getting "involved" with smugglers or the exchange. (need to make a lightsaber once you get to a temple/enclave).

Just putting some other ideas out there
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Post by obrad »

[QUOTE=Reaver32] dont choose a class, skills, feats, or attributes. you pick what your person looks like (race if thats an option), name, choose a homeplanet (i always wanted to know where Revan/Exile where born), and then you select a history for yourself by answering a couple of questions (mayeb 10 or so). the was you answer the questions sets you up to a pick a class that would best suit who you are. the classes arent preset, so you can modify to what you want (kinda like k1 in choosing a class/ dont need to be what you would best fit). then you get a set of attribute points to modify your class (once again, you start out with the recommended set, and can modify it). then you get recommended feats and skills (would be nice to be able to choose your skills) and modify again to your "likes and needs". ...[/QUOTE]

I think that way it would take hours to set up your character and still it would be allmost same as in the first two games. You do have a button that has a word "recomended" on it in those and it works just fine.
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Post by Leet »


So many ppl have all these different ideas, most of them relly good. But watch Bioware make like somtin completley different we have to hope they make the right choices and dont end up makin some relly bad game with a bad story line, but i found kotor 1 relly fun so i trust em in makin kotor 3 just as fun
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Post by Reaver32 »

i know this is a little off topic, but would you guys like to pick who joins your party. It could set you up with same race romances or if you are a mandilorian then you dont like echanni. just another idea since the story could revolve around finding/joining up with the jedi/sith you meet (this goes along with my posts about returning to a jedi/sith temple/enclave).
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Post by obrad »

You would need one really big bunch of background stories. Besides that, it sounds good.
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Post by Reaver32 »

who her wants revan to be ds, and how many want revan to be ls? who actually wants to have the exile to have a part in the game? I myself see revan as ls, and want the exile dead or dieing(wounding the force is actually impossible since it flows through every living thing. now manipulating it and feeding on it can cause some whiplash, but you can not really hurt it).

New idea- you start off under revan along with a few other jedi/sith and train to become a follower.

Other idea- start out as a padawan that is going to become a jedi knight(also can be sith, you choose), but before you gain the title, your master is slain and you are to blame.

Last idea- you were a member of the jedi council on Coruscant, but when the jedi civil war broke out, you were forced to fight or flee. kind of like how atton asks what color your saber is, you say if you fought or ran away(start with some flashbacks(early in the game) showing you fighting against jedi/sith or following some of the other members of the council to an "escape shuttle" which you go to a city or small planet of your choice) the game starts you out on a trade ship that you have paid to transport you to your destination.
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Post by Darth Chef »

My Ideas

The opening text Crawl says that the Exile And T3 have located Revan in the outer rim and are returning to known space for help, end text crawl. The game begins and you find the galaxy broken and you realize that the galaxy needs to be united as one and there needs to be a strong leader. There are two ways to do this, LS or DS, and this will decide who you play as, Revan or Exile. (LS= Exile) You ask or the help of the republic, known space Sith, Mandalorians, And the Jedi (Light and Dark). Some will rush to your aid, some will join hesitantly, others you'll have to earn their trust before they help. After that the galaxy will be united and you and Revan will lead the fight. OR. (DS=Revan) You kill the leaders of each army/group and seize control.You combine your new forces to form one Army. Few will question you and accept the changes because Revan is a natural leader. Those who do question you will become a rebellion which you must crush in order to divert full attention to the True Sith Empire. Now you and the Exile will lead the fight. At this point Revan and the the Exile are required party members till the end of the game.

You will have help though, and it comes early in the game. Your crew will be Bastila, Carth, Mission, Mandelore, T3, HK, Atton, Visas, Handmaiden, and a few new faces. Now you head to the Star Forge (Dormant not dearoyed) to make a new fleet. With your crew, a Fleet, and an Army all in place, you head out to begin the war.

The game is long so you'll reach a high level (like level 50) but it will be necessary because the true sith lord you will fight makes Darth Nihilus look like gizka. Revan and the Exile fight in a few battles to find clues of the sith lords location. When you find his lcation Revan and the Exile leave alone to fight him. After the True Sith Lords defeat, his empire crumbles and you return to known space.

But will Revan and The Exile give up their power or rule the galaxy, Or wolud Revan and the Exile turn on each other and start a civil war. That would Make a Great KOTOR 4...

That's my Version of KOTOR3. So, what do ya think?
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Post by obrad »

Not bad, except I think you shouldn't have Visas, cause she might be dead after the fight against Nihilus and even if not, Kreia said that Exile will have to leave her behind and continue his life without her.
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Post by Darth Chef »

Ya, your right. Scrap Visas for a new face. A sith preferably.
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Post by Reaver32 »

ok, i dont see why people like being a sith, just have a couple jedi that you can either make evil or good.
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Post by DesR85 »

[QUOTE=Reaver32]ok, i dont see why people like being a sith, just have a couple jedi that you can either make evil or good.[/QUOTE]
Or what about using this method of choosing your party members like if you're good, good characters will join you. If you're evil, evil characters will join you. Its much easier to me. :)
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Post by seejai »

bao dur

i am almost sure he'll be in the next one (bao dur)
all i know is that we should get some of our old party members and we shouldnt start out as a galactic hero (or villan)
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Post by Mandalorianx »

i think it would be mor fun to get a new party..cuz we all know about the old party.
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Post by Khaoki »

I doubt that KotOR III would return to Republic space since both Revan and the Exile went to the Unknown Regions to combat, I assume, the "True Sith". So, the game will mostly take place there. We also won't use either Revan or the Exile... what's the point in playing as the same person twice.

In any case, I think the game will revolve on a joint-mission of the companions of both Revan and the Exile to finally find out the fate of their former leaders, and your character being a Padawan of either Brianna or Bastilla, who is of course a prodigy and will become exceptionally powerful during the course of the game. Due to the fact it would be from both groups, the characters I think would be joining the mission would be Carth, Brianna, Bastilla, Atton, HK-47, and Mandalore, they being the most loyal to either Revan and the Exile (or both..) and still being alive (I doubt Bao-Dur is still alive, so I didn't include him).

A new ship would also be in order seeing how the Ebon Hawk is somewhere in the Unknown Regions. So, seeing how Carth would have obvious connections and the fact he is an Admiral, you'd take a Republic warship, possibly the Sojourn since that was Carth's ship during KotOR II. Obviously you would also get the crew of the Sojourn, but they won't do anything besides keeping the ship flying and possibly getting massacred if you get boarded by the Sith, and because we may get an actual warship and not some freighter, the sporatic space battles we got during KotOR II may be more entertaining, but I don't know how they would work.

Anyway, I would assume the opening movie clip will be on either Dantooine or Telos, where the characters I listed before are preparing to leave for the Unknown Regions and are saying farewells to surviving friends and then going off. I wouldn't know what planets they would go to during the journey, seeing how they're unknown and all, however. What I can except they'd find there could possibly be an in-tact Mandalorian colony, for that is where Canderous/Mandalore says the Mandalorians came from anyway (Unknown Regions), the Ssi-Ruuk, some Dark Side planet we have yet to know about, and perhaps locating the Chiss Ascendency, where they would go planet to planet, in which when you gather all the evidence (or whatever..) from the planets it will unlock a new planet which would be the last planet that Revan, the Exile, and T3 would have gone to, where you learn of the fate of both. And provided your LS aligned, they'll join you (not as playable characters, they'll just follow you) and lead you to the planet they have found where the True Sith are, where you will fight and destroy them. Or if you're DS aligned, you'll kill Revan and the Exile (or just find them dead anyway) and go to the True Sith planet anyway in an attempt to take control of them and invade the Republic. Of course other characters would join during all of this, but I'm not going to bother guessing who they would be.
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Post by bigredpanda »

[QUOTE=Darth Chef]There are two ways to do this, LS or DS, and this will decide who you play as, Revan or Exile. (LS= Exile)

That's my Version of KOTOR3. So, what do ya think?[/QUOTE]

No, no, no. Why is everyone so insistent that the game has to "presume" what you played like before? Considering how KOTOR2 dealt with the possible endings of KOTOR, I would be mighty annoyed if the 3rd installment suddenly started just presuming things that I'd done (e.g. if Bastila/Hanharr/Mission etc. were alive or dead).
I would think it more likely that we'll have mostly new companions, who will be similar to the previous ones. Remember how Onderon was quite similar to Tatooine? Think of it in those terms.
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Post by obrad »

[QUOTE=bigredpanda]No, no, no. Why is everyone so insistent that the game has to "presume" what you played like before? Considering how KOTOR2 dealt with the possible endings of KOTOR, I would be mighty annoyed if the 3rd installment suddenly started just presuming things that I'd done (e.g. if Bastila/Hanharr/Mission etc. were alive or dead).
I would think it more likely that we'll have mostly new companions, who will be similar to the previous ones. Remember how Onderon was quite similar to Tatooine? Think of it in those terms.[/QUOTE]
I agree with you about presuming, but I have to tell you abot similarity: Tatooine and Onderon just look similar, but they have all diferent situations on them and different histories. So, do you want new companions that look similar to the previous ones, or similar characters?
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