Status: Dark Lord of The True Sith
Age:2000 years old(yet still looks like a 25 year old)
Race:True Sith
Eyes:Red(Not Demonic red, just normal red)
Skin:white/slightly tan
Lightsaber:Single Saber, Golden Hilt, Dark Red Color Crystal
Attitude:Nonchallant, strategist, patient, cold calculator, emotionless, never smiles.
Force Abilities: Force Sight(thanks to sith eyes), Force Lightning, Grip, Force Influence(Sort of Mind trick that influences beings without them realizing, including force sensitives) Force Creation (similiar to the technique used by Plaugiues to create Anakin).
History: His early life is shrouded in mystery, as most True sith's history is, but what is known is that at a young age he was found to be very powerfull by the True sith order. The true sith order at the time was dominated by a strict code that only two true sith existed, one to possess power the other to crave it. Apprentices would be created, rather than found, using a ancient sith technique that was used to influence the Milichlorians in order to creat life. He was created by Darth Slayer(Not much is known about him) and was taken as an apprentice. During his apprenticeship he quickly (yet secretly) surpassed his master quite rapidly. Though it was required that a True sith take an apprentice only after they had defeated their master, Eternity wanted his master to believe himself superior for a bit longer, so he created an apprentice in Secret. Traveling to the Outer Rim he used the force to impregnate a married woman with a powerful True sith baby, however his master soon found out and he was forced to kill him sooner than expected. This led to a problem, the True Sith Council (Which consisted off the spirits off the most powerfull true Sith Lords) required that he create an apprentice, but he already had and the process of creating life can only be done once in a lifetime. So instead he took another apprentice from the planet Csilla and infused him with the powers off the true sith, to fool the council for a while until he could claim his real apprentice. Buying his time, he put in motion the plan that had been engineered by the True Sith for over 20000 years, the Revenge against the Jedi. The first phase of his plan was to goat the powerfull Mandalorian Clans to start a war against the Republic. Using a force Influence technique taught by his sith master, he tempted the Mandalorian leader with promises of power and honor. Overwhelmed with desire, the Mandalorian Leader set off for conquest. Things were going well for the True Sith Lord until he realized that his future apprentice had become a jedi and had rallied the order against the mandalorian. However instead off panicking, he improvised the situation and allowed the Jedi to win victory after victory. During the waning days off the Mandalorian War, Eternity went to comfront his creation on the Trayus Academy (A true Sith Former Academy). He revealed to him that it was he had had orchastrated the Mandalorian War and had done so so that after the war, the Republic would be to weak to defened itself against his true Sith forces. In reality the True Sith didn't have an army because only two were aloud to live at a time. Eternity had merely told him so that he could further his plans without him knowing. His true plan was to Leave 'Wounds' in the force on certain planets that were affected by the war and then when their were enough he would use a special sith technique to unite all these planest, thus creating a wound in the force large enough to consume the galaxy in darkness. However unfortunatly his future apprentice was captured by the jedi and brainwashed, luckily his future apprentices forces, the sith, still remained and could still creat enough wounds in the force to complete his plans. Now his Creation has entered into the Unknown Regions in hopes off finding Eternity and Destroying him, however Eternity plans on using this to his advantage. By the way for those who havent guessed it, his true apprentice is Revan
Woah this is some deep history right here. Write what you think the Main Villian in KOTOR III SHOULD BE