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Questions about skills

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Questions about skills

Post by healthrisk »

Sorry that I could not think of some great title but I have a few questions about the game. I plan on buying it tomorrow and was doing some reading on gamebanshee. If anyone could answer my questions I would greatly appreciate it:

1. Earth enchantment skill --> it says that it does +12% fire damage does this mean that you character will do weapon damage + (weapon damage * 12%)?

2. Summon Lich king --> A lot of skills say "3% Reduction to Enemy's Health" with of course different % does this mean that each attack that is done reduces enemies heal by 3% or does it act like an aura where all enemies u come in contact with have 3% less health...or am I completely wrong Lol =-)

Cheers in advance for any help
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Post by xidioos »

for the +12% fire dmg: first youll need a weapon, skil with actual +fire dmg and then that fire dmg will increase in 12% lets say that you have 50 fire dmg and you had to it 50% fire dmg then youll have 50+25=75 fire dmg.
theres all kinds of dmg types at game including pierce, fire, ice, electricity, poisen etc.. and most of the monsters youll fight will have immunity to some dmg types and weakness to others :)

for the -3% life: that means that when ever the lich king attacks an enemy itll get instand -3% life and thats it, itll stay only -3%.
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