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If there is a Jade Empire 2 what do you whant there to be in it?

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If there is a Jade Empire 2 what do you whant there to be in it?


If there is a Jade Empire 2 what do you guys whant there to be in it?
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Post by The Spartan »

The Same Fighting style:mischief: and youre charactar can talk.
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Post by Mandalorianx »

iwant to be able to use armors or at leest other cloths and robes. get boring of the old cloths.

and ofc the old fighting styls and many new styls to.

the last thing(for now :) ) more freedom to travel to other places(more the 2 citys)
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Post by triline beta »

The ability to go back to places after you have finished them. I think that would be really nice.
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Post by Obi-Wan-Evan »

I would like to take two compainions with you when you go out.
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Post by Tricky »

A Mandarin or Cantonese language setting.
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Post by Mandalorianx »

maybe more types of styles to the weapons. like a defence, a attack style and a area style.and it would be funn to se some visual changing, when using another weapon styles.

in defence style you could be hard to hitt(or dont take a loot of dmg on you),and you could not do so mutch dmg to your enemey.

in attack well, more dmg, faster hitts, faste movements.

area style is more for groups of enemey attacking you.

some othere ideas more dagger, bow, scyther, sticks, short sword, and more.

and a last idea, if you have a hood or some bind of othere thing that can shadow you face, it would be alittle cool to se that people are asking who you are and more.. :D
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Post by Cyro »

Honestly; I'd rather there not be a sequal. I think it's the kind of game that should be left alone.
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Post by f&noob »

Motion capture with some guys that actually know what they are doing, not some lame-arse moves that they had in the first game.

The ability to jump to different points in the map, rather than running all over town like a doofus.

Team play, co-op, the usual ****e

As you level your character up, more funky moves should be available

All in all, it would be hard to get a sequal much better, but really easy to stuff it up completely
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Post by Drunkside »

Make it longer!!!!!!!

And i think those moves look good, im a budoka so i actually know something about martial arts,(Well some support styles look little... stupid, but overall they are fine) And if someone wants to know what im training, its Wado Ryu Karate.
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Post by Darth Spawn »

these are what i think it needs
  • TO BE LONGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • more styles more magic more transformation more wepons
  • more that one follower allowed in your team
  • customisable character eg at start create own cloths combo
  • be able to create a unique personal wepon
  • lvl up followers plus about 2 more of them
  • and finally more gore i want to tear people apart
i hope you like my thoughts and yes they are the best thank you for agreeing :) :)
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Post by swordsman5 »

[QUOTE=Drunkside;]Make it longer!!!!!!!

And i think those moves look good, im a budoka so i actually know something about martial arts,(Well some support styles look little... stupid, but overall they are fine) And if someone wants to know what im training, its Wado Ryu Karate.[/QUOTE]

I teach Iai and Kenjutsu, (grade- Godan) and have practiced many arts since 1969 (Tang Soo Do, Wado, Shotokan, Judo, Kendo, Jodo and my main loves Iai/Kenjutsu) although the empty handed techniques are good in this game, the blade work that I have seen so far (only had the game a couple of days) is fairly basic and could be far more complex. However, the main thing that I would like to see if a follow-up was released, would be an editor so that either the existing game could be modified (as in the case of Morrowind and Oblivion) or separate maps/quests could be created as happens with Titan Quest.
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Post by Revans mask »

I would like to see what has the spirit monk been doing in between1 and 2.
Did he or she leave the temple afther rebuilding, did the monk ever defeat evil
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Post by Revans mask »

If JE2 happens, im thinking that the Monk should travel to another region or some forign land to fight evil.

Boston or China perhaps
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Post by jklinders »

Find a way to increase the difficulty in such a way other than just giving the enemies more hit points. You have to hit them so many times on Jade Master that it is more like punching concrete than people.
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Post by Loki[D.d.G] »

jklinders wrote:Find a way to increase the difficulty in such a way other than just giving the enemies more hit points. You have to hit them so many times on Jade Master that it is more like punching concrete than people.
That is a symptom suffered by most games, I think. Because they all lack truly intelligent AI, all you do by increasing the difficulty level is to provide your opponents with more health and increase the damage they deal to you.
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Post by GrungeNoDead »

At first, I want to sorry for my english. I'm still learning.

The same company like Jade Empire. I love the characters, I spent so much time on the talk with the others. And for me, ending was unsatisfactory. I want to know what's happened after the ending. Our Spirit Monk should be on the sequel and fight on other places. Story was amazing, I hope that this time will be too. I love this game, but I want more! :)
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Post by Loki[D.d.G] »

GrungeNoDead wrote:The same company like Jade Empire. I love the characters, I spent so much time on the talk with the others. And for me, ending was unsatisfactory. I want to know what's happened after the ending. Our Spirit Monk should be on the sequel and fight on other places. Story was amazing, I hope that this time will be too. I love this game, but I want more! :)
Hello and welcome to GB :)

First, I'd like to point out that I too enjoyed the game lots. It was decent and solid throughout, without many glaring faults or special moments for that matter. As much as I'd like to see a sequel out too, I highly doubt that will be the case.

BioWare is currently working on so many other big projects that they wont be devoting their time and manpower to Jade Empire 2 anytime soon. And seeing as the game itself wasn't a smash hit in the sales department, that nails the coffin shut. Best possible solution is another company like Obsidian steps in and makes a JE 2. Unlikely though.
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Post by T0kR4M »

Hi everyone,

it's been a long time since someone has been writing on this topic, but as I begin my second playthrough (my first one was last fall), and since has been lots of talking about JE2 recently, I tought of something:

- customization a là DAO / ME (with lots of tatoos and beards, all in chinese style)
- Main Character talks (like ME)
- Cloth customization (changing robes would suffice for me)
- Class Specialization (like Mage with magic and transformation powers / Warrior with martial arts and weapon styles)

Magic needs strong improvement... it sucks.
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