The Best Build.
- Elias De vere
- Posts: 59
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Earth and defence work well in combination, but then i had about 7 epics and i'm not up to asia yet. After all fire always rocks. On normal mode so i'm only lvl 20 atm about to do Tomb of Ramses.
Skandaman, back from the dead, and now kicking butt again. Fear him for he's angry and fillled with sugar. Mmm sugar. 
- Seth Wilkinson
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Build's, Storm And Rouge,
to everyone who wants a high DPS Charachter, and easy kills,
this may be the soloution,
ive had many charachters, all of witch are over 40+ and have always wanted a high DPS,
Storm and Rouge May Be The Soloution,
ive had my Scourcer (Storm, Rouge) for 2 days, now, and hes allready level 41,
i get Unbelievebly high Damage Bonuses From Rouge, I.E.
"Calculated Strike", by level 8 i think it is, im getting +221% Damage, With 159 Piercing Damage, (thats pretty useful at a low level,) Every Fourth Hit, (Use As Left Click Atack)
"Blade Honing", +88% Piercing, and 31 pierce damage,
"Lethal Strike", (My Favourite) at the moment, for me im getting +575% Damage, and +450% Peirce Damage, EVERY HIT, and i can still upgrade,
(Use As Left Click Atack)
And From Storm,
"Ice Shard", If You upgrade this, and "Velocity, & Torrent" You Can get Rapid, and Medium'ish damage, wich slows enemy, can come in useful against titan,
"Lightning Bolt", 239-486 Lightning Damage, Not Bad Huh? (Also Upgrade "Chain Lightning") 217-324Lightning Damage
"Storm Surge" This Can Come In Very Usefull, 145Cold Damage, + 123-197 Lightning Damage, (Automaticly Activated)
With many more skills, and high damage Passive Add On's
I Highly Recomend The Combination Of ROUGE & STORM
I Hope This Proves UseFull,
to everyone who wants a high DPS Charachter, and easy kills,
this may be the soloution,
ive had many charachters, all of witch are over 40+ and have always wanted a high DPS,
Storm and Rouge May Be The Soloution,
ive had my Scourcer (Storm, Rouge) for 2 days, now, and hes allready level 41,
i get Unbelievebly high Damage Bonuses From Rouge, I.E.
"Calculated Strike", by level 8 i think it is, im getting +221% Damage, With 159 Piercing Damage, (thats pretty useful at a low level,) Every Fourth Hit, (Use As Left Click Atack)
"Blade Honing", +88% Piercing, and 31 pierce damage,
"Lethal Strike", (My Favourite) at the moment, for me im getting +575% Damage, and +450% Peirce Damage, EVERY HIT, and i can still upgrade,
(Use As Left Click Atack)
And From Storm,
"Ice Shard", If You upgrade this, and "Velocity, & Torrent" You Can get Rapid, and Medium'ish damage, wich slows enemy, can come in useful against titan,
"Lightning Bolt", 239-486 Lightning Damage, Not Bad Huh? (Also Upgrade "Chain Lightning") 217-324Lightning Damage
"Storm Surge" This Can Come In Very Usefull, 145Cold Damage, + 123-197 Lightning Damage, (Automaticly Activated)
With many more skills, and high damage Passive Add On's
I Highly Recomend The Combination Of ROUGE & STORM
I Hope This Proves UseFull,
- Soontir Fel
- Posts: 88
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Little help with Templar!
My favorite class in Titan Quest is defence, i loved the usage of the shields in this game. So as soon as i got my hands on the expansion, i started a templar. But i have been confused about the right gear, point to allocate in dream mastery and the artifacts. Can you give me some advise on these subjects?
Thanks for your help already.
My favorite class in Titan Quest is defence, i loved the usage of the shields in this game. So as soon as i got my hands on the expansion, i started a templar. But i have been confused about the right gear, point to allocate in dream mastery and the artifacts. Can you give me some advise on these subjects?
Thanks for your help already.
Tesla was robbed!
Don't know whether anyone has tried this build yet:
Dream/Spirit (but using Distortion skills as primary attacks)
Max Distortion Wave and skills that are connected.
Max Distortion ripple (I think) and skill that is connected.
Max Sleep skill
Max Trance (aura) that gives you Energy regen and health regen.
Now with the Spirit side add points until you get to Outsider.
Max Outsider.
Then work your way through the DeathChill Aura tree.
Points to note and what I currently have:
Have Distortion ripple on left button and Distortion Wave on right button.
Distortion wave (and its associeted skills) are important to max early on.
You will find that pretty much this skill alone will be a very large factor in getting you through Normal difficulty and very very easily I might add.
Just either sleep them all then line them up like tenpins and wave them or just line them up and wave them. Typhon was slightly trickier but still not too difficult just stay on your feet run around and wave him when you get the chance. He will eventually fall over.
Now Epic is a little bit trickier but not much trickier (provided by this time you have some good elemental res and piercing res). Still this time you will have Distortion ripple in your arsenal so either sleep a group run into the middle - ripple the bunch (which will kill most things with one burst and freeze them until they fall over dead) if there are some that you can spot that don't look like they will die from that one ripple hit them with a wave (shoot them a few times with your normal attack if need be while they are stunned) - if still not dead then sleep them and ripple them again.
So far I am in Hades in Epic and dealling with everything quite easily.
Few Important tips:
Sleep will not work on unique or sub unique monsters so be wary that you will have to run in relatively near them and ripple them (which stuns them).
However Sleep has next to no recharge time so you can put as many normal monsters to sleep as you want almost.
Try and get recharge items and damage reduction items and energy regen items.
Recharge is key so you can wave relatively quickly and if you get enough recharge reduction you can sleep and ripple an entire group and your ripple may have recharged fully back up again before they come out of their sleep/stunned state so you can ripple them again.
Damage Reduction is important because you will be "in amongst it" so to speak, so be prepared to be hit by the occasional monster that does not get hit by either your ripple attack or sleep attack.
Energy regen so your Distortion attacks can be repeated indefinately with almost an ever supply of energy. Aim for about 35+ regen per second.
If you ripple a bunch of melee attackers look to the outside of the ripple field to hit the range attackers with a wave or 2 so you don't get peppered or if the range is in a bunch sleep them.
The Outsider is used as cannon fodder or a Meat Shield against Uniques however you still need to not be afraid and get in there mix it up also. Ripple does a surprising amount of damage with the Psionic electrical burn wearing down the life reasonably quickly on monsters.
Hope this rough scribble of tips is of use.
Have to admit I am having fun with it.
Also let me know if you have any further ideas that you have tried within the build.

Dream/Spirit (but using Distortion skills as primary attacks)
Max Distortion Wave and skills that are connected.
Max Distortion ripple (I think) and skill that is connected.
Max Sleep skill
Max Trance (aura) that gives you Energy regen and health regen.
Now with the Spirit side add points until you get to Outsider.
Max Outsider.
Then work your way through the DeathChill Aura tree.
Points to note and what I currently have:
Have Distortion ripple on left button and Distortion Wave on right button.
Distortion wave (and its associeted skills) are important to max early on.
You will find that pretty much this skill alone will be a very large factor in getting you through Normal difficulty and very very easily I might add.
Just either sleep them all then line them up like tenpins and wave them or just line them up and wave them. Typhon was slightly trickier but still not too difficult just stay on your feet run around and wave him when you get the chance. He will eventually fall over.
Now Epic is a little bit trickier but not much trickier (provided by this time you have some good elemental res and piercing res). Still this time you will have Distortion ripple in your arsenal so either sleep a group run into the middle - ripple the bunch (which will kill most things with one burst and freeze them until they fall over dead) if there are some that you can spot that don't look like they will die from that one ripple hit them with a wave (shoot them a few times with your normal attack if need be while they are stunned) - if still not dead then sleep them and ripple them again.
So far I am in Hades in Epic and dealling with everything quite easily.
Few Important tips:
Sleep will not work on unique or sub unique monsters so be wary that you will have to run in relatively near them and ripple them (which stuns them).
However Sleep has next to no recharge time so you can put as many normal monsters to sleep as you want almost.
Try and get recharge items and damage reduction items and energy regen items.
Recharge is key so you can wave relatively quickly and if you get enough recharge reduction you can sleep and ripple an entire group and your ripple may have recharged fully back up again before they come out of their sleep/stunned state so you can ripple them again.
Damage Reduction is important because you will be "in amongst it" so to speak, so be prepared to be hit by the occasional monster that does not get hit by either your ripple attack or sleep attack.
Energy regen so your Distortion attacks can be repeated indefinately with almost an ever supply of energy. Aim for about 35+ regen per second.
If you ripple a bunch of melee attackers look to the outside of the ripple field to hit the range attackers with a wave or 2 so you don't get peppered or if the range is in a bunch sleep them.
The Outsider is used as cannon fodder or a Meat Shield against Uniques however you still need to not be afraid and get in there mix it up also. Ripple does a surprising amount of damage with the Psionic electrical burn wearing down the life reasonably quickly on monsters.
Hope this rough scribble of tips is of use.
Have to admit I am having fun with it.
Also let me know if you have any further ideas that you have tried within the build.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
Yes, very small world. Which path are you going? Ternion path? Melee path? or want to try something a wee bit different like I have?
Just finding that the Deathchill aura addition is working out quite well. The enemy that surround me and get blasted by Distortion ripple end up having their life fade a lot quicker.
The only weigh up is whether sacrificing 3 energy regen a second (3 x skills in Deathchill aura tree each costing an additional 1 energy per second) is worth it considering energy regen is reasonably important to my build...
50th level currently and at the River Styx waypoint.
I have found that the Lich Queens need more than a single blast from Distortion Ripple, the big Lumps of Earth monsters that spit poison need at least 2 blasts of DR plus a wave or 2 and the big walking tree fellas (e.g. guardians of Medeas grove) need a couple of blasts of DR at least.
However with the stunning effect of the DR on all uniques with the exception of the super Uniques, (e.g. Typhon, Telkines etc.) makes it very handy for getting in blasting once with DR then waving quickly and then running away an easier task than first thought.
P.S. I just defeated the Tsakonian (I think) Queens last night and found that since DR is an area effect spell along with Wave I could basically hit all of them each time with one timed blast. Which makes it a lot less time consuming or potion intensive since you are able to well their health down similtaineously.
Just finding that the Deathchill aura addition is working out quite well. The enemy that surround me and get blasted by Distortion ripple end up having their life fade a lot quicker.
The only weigh up is whether sacrificing 3 energy regen a second (3 x skills in Deathchill aura tree each costing an additional 1 energy per second) is worth it considering energy regen is reasonably important to my build...
50th level currently and at the River Styx waypoint.
I have found that the Lich Queens need more than a single blast from Distortion Ripple, the big Lumps of Earth monsters that spit poison need at least 2 blasts of DR plus a wave or 2 and the big walking tree fellas (e.g. guardians of Medeas grove) need a couple of blasts of DR at least.
However with the stunning effect of the DR on all uniques with the exception of the super Uniques, (e.g. Typhon, Telkines etc.) makes it very handy for getting in blasting once with DR then waving quickly and then running away an easier task than first thought.
P.S. I just defeated the Tsakonian (I think) Queens last night and found that since DR is an area effect spell along with Wave I could basically hit all of them each time with one timed blast. Which makes it a lot less time consuming or potion intensive since you are able to well their health down similtaineously.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
- Siberys
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Actually, Spirit mastery is more of a support route for me. So, I don't put much in it.
Currently I'm concentrating on Distortion Wave and Distort Reality as my main attacks, Psionic Weapon, a good strength, and a good weaopn as a secondary attack, and finally Lich, Nightmare, and Trances/Aura's/continually active skills as my support.
I'm nearing the end of Egypt right now, so not much in terms of all my skill points, but I've got an effective enough build for now.
Currently I'm concentrating on Distortion Wave and Distort Reality as my main attacks, Psionic Weapon, a good strength, and a good weaopn as a secondary attack, and finally Lich, Nightmare, and Trances/Aura's/continually active skills as my support.
I'm nearing the end of Egypt right now, so not much in terms of all my skill points, but I've got an effective enough build for now.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
- Night_Wolf
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Hi Night Wolf, have a look at my post in the page just before this one in this thread (Dream Spirit build). I have posted a simple build that I have found successful so far.
Currently Siberys is working on something also at the moment in the Dream/Spirit build, he might be able to help you also.
Currently Siberys is working on something also at the moment in the Dream/Spirit build, he might be able to help you also.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
- Soontir Fel
- Posts: 88
- Joined: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:30 am
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Everyone here know this site but i think this can help you manage your skill points.
TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator
I'm playing with a conquerer and just started a diviner, using conquerer to find good items for diviner.
This is how my concuerer is -level 23
TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Conquerer
TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator
I'm playing with a conquerer and just started a diviner, using conquerer to find good items for diviner.
This is how my concuerer is -level 23
TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Conquerer
Tesla was robbed!
- Darkrhyno18
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:55 am
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I found that the Illusionist build had a lot of cross-over skills that I could take advantage of, and therefore I made this my first character. Being my 1st character I now have nearly 100 deaths, but it was a learning experience and fun.
(only listing relevant skills, not layovers to get to higher skills, also, I have +3 to nature skills which arent reflected here)
Heart of Oak 12/12
Plague: 8/8
Fatigue: 8/8
Susceptibility: 8/8
Sylvan Nymph: 15/16
Nature's Wrath: 12/12
Envenom weapon: 6/12 (so far)
Nightshade: 1/8 (my next 7 points will be going here)
Toxin Distillation: 12/12
Poison gas bomb: 6/12
Blade Honing: 6/6
My gear needs some enhancing for sure, but currently I have ~ +300% poison dmg give or take and an proc chance of an extra 112%.
Like I said, it is a fun build, and can be very effective, except for undead are very resistant (immune?) to poison, and that leaves the nymph doing most of the damage. Bosses arent overly hard so long as I am on my toes, but my life disintegrates if I am getting hit...which IMO is the biggest issue I have.
*update* I have recently gotten my hands on 2 items that have made a serious difference in my ability to kill/survive.
1: Amazonian Spear ( ) This allows me to take down the undead and poison immune creatures rather quickly (current DPS 758 (not nearly the highest, but couple that with plague and things DROP).
2: Eye of the Heavens ( ) This procs all of the time, which wipes out anything in front of me (at least in Epic)
Quick Strategy:
Plague plague plague. This completely devastates mobs, bosses, even thing immune to the actual poison damage. The worst case scenarion when this hits a mob is they get ~ -45% damage & elemental resistance which means the Nymph and my spear can take them down. Occasionally, if there are mobs or casters I lob a poison bomb to take them out, but the trejectory of the bomb is slow and innacurate, I may respec those points into nightshade soon.
Any comments/critiques?
I found that the Illusionist build had a lot of cross-over skills that I could take advantage of, and therefore I made this my first character. Being my 1st character I now have nearly 100 deaths, but it was a learning experience and fun.
(only listing relevant skills, not layovers to get to higher skills, also, I have +3 to nature skills which arent reflected here)
Heart of Oak 12/12
Plague: 8/8
Fatigue: 8/8
Susceptibility: 8/8
Sylvan Nymph: 15/16
Nature's Wrath: 12/12
Envenom weapon: 6/12 (so far)
Nightshade: 1/8 (my next 7 points will be going here)
Toxin Distillation: 12/12
Poison gas bomb: 6/12
Blade Honing: 6/6
My gear needs some enhancing for sure, but currently I have ~ +300% poison dmg give or take and an proc chance of an extra 112%.
Like I said, it is a fun build, and can be very effective, except for undead are very resistant (immune?) to poison, and that leaves the nymph doing most of the damage. Bosses arent overly hard so long as I am on my toes, but my life disintegrates if I am getting hit...which IMO is the biggest issue I have.
*update* I have recently gotten my hands on 2 items that have made a serious difference in my ability to kill/survive.
1: Amazonian Spear ( ) This allows me to take down the undead and poison immune creatures rather quickly (current DPS 758 (not nearly the highest, but couple that with plague and things DROP).
2: Eye of the Heavens ( ) This procs all of the time, which wipes out anything in front of me (at least in Epic)
Quick Strategy:
Plague plague plague. This completely devastates mobs, bosses, even thing immune to the actual poison damage. The worst case scenarion when this hits a mob is they get ~ -45% damage & elemental resistance which means the Nymph and my spear can take them down. Occasionally, if there are mobs or casters I lob a poison bomb to take them out, but the trejectory of the bomb is slow and innacurate, I may respec those points into nightshade soon.
Any comments/critiques?
Nice build. I like the specialist ones they turn out to be more of a challenge and more rewarding when you come out at the other end (beat Legendary) so to speak.
I can see your dilema with the poison damage to undead. One of my other characters spirit/warfare - centred around leeching life and damage and found it a struggle against undead and constructs due to their high resistance to draining attacks - however if I were you just persist and maybe look at a secondary damage type through the rogue tree or a weapon switch that does a lot of damage in another area.
I still think it is cool going the extreme poison idea, like I said before it makes the game more of a challenge, gives your character a wee bit more uniqueness to him (rather than going a build that is tried and true) and is more rewarding when you overcome a Telkine or Big boss of some type.
Good luck.
I can see your dilema with the poison damage to undead. One of my other characters spirit/warfare - centred around leeching life and damage and found it a struggle against undead and constructs due to their high resistance to draining attacks - however if I were you just persist and maybe look at a secondary damage type through the rogue tree or a weapon switch that does a lot of damage in another area.
I still think it is cool going the extreme poison idea, like I said before it makes the game more of a challenge, gives your character a wee bit more uniqueness to him (rather than going a build that is tried and true) and is more rewarding when you overcome a Telkine or Big boss of some type.
Good luck.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
I think the build with the most potential is probably the Conquerer. With all the amazing Defender buffs, passive abilities, colossus form, and a battle standard, you're very VERY difficult to kill. Also, fully buffed up your damage output is nothing to sneeze at. Not the best in the game, but considering the survivability of this combination, your DPS almost seems far too high. Crowds cry in the face of batter, pulverize, shield charge, and war wind. Bosses cry at the combination of battle standard and colossus form. You have basically the best left-click attack in the game, and an emergency summon if you REALLY need it.
What with Ternion not being what it used to be, I think the winner goes to the meleeists. Conquerer is the one I have the most experience with, but I'm sure the "best build" will probably be defense + something else =D Defense is just too good.
What with Ternion not being what it used to be, I think the winner goes to the meleeists. Conquerer is the one I have the most experience with, but I'm sure the "best build" will probably be defense + something else =D Defense is just too good.
I'm currently playing my Summones (Earth/nature) and at the time I felt it was the only combo. I'm only level 29 in normal mode and somewhere in China at the time, so I have little gear and not that many skill points yet.
Still though, it's a wonderful combination, I've put little pionts in nature so far, but the idea is that I have 3 nice pets (one day 4 with the nymph) who do nice damage with the damage buffs, but mostly they pull the bosses and the crowds. My earth elemental can take quite the hit, and every so often I give him a major heal to keep him going, while I continuously pound the boss with a maxed out flame surge (maxed out barrage too, so no cooldown).
Unless I somehow manage to aggro the boss, I basically kill them by pressing the same button lots of times.
However, my gear is crap, and I'm starting to realize I may need to be a bit more stingy with my points, perhaps get rid of volcanic orb or something and invest more in the core dweller line and the heal and wolf line.
Still though, it's a wonderful combination, I've put little pionts in nature so far, but the idea is that I have 3 nice pets (one day 4 with the nymph) who do nice damage with the damage buffs, but mostly they pull the bosses and the crowds. My earth elemental can take quite the hit, and every so often I give him a major heal to keep him going, while I continuously pound the boss with a maxed out flame surge (maxed out barrage too, so no cooldown).
Unless I somehow manage to aggro the boss, I basically kill them by pressing the same button lots of times.
However, my gear is crap, and I'm starting to realize I may need to be a bit more stingy with my points, perhaps get rid of volcanic orb or something and invest more in the core dweller line and the heal and wolf line.
Feel the force flow!
Let the force guide you!
Let the force guide you!
- Elias De vere
- Posts: 59
- Joined: Thu May 19, 2005 7:34 am
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My nature/dream dude is pretty hard at the moment. I on normal at natu la area. Passed through the game with ease so far, and bosses haven't been much of a problem. haven't yet faced the neaderthal boss though.
Overall though its fun, i mean 3-4 pets, and good ability to dish out damage, with ability to heal self. Bonus! Lvl 24 btw at the moment, and i don't usually go into caves for xp, i just breeze through any quests i get given.
Skandaman, back from the dead, and now kicking butt again. Fear him for he's angry and fillled with sugar. Mmm sugar. 
- Darkrhyno18
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:55 am
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I wanted to make a pet build, like I was the beastmaster or something, and I thought the way to get the most amount of pets, and getting the most amount out of them was to build a Ritualist:
(only listing relevant skills, also, I have +2 to all skills which isnt reflected here)
Psionic Touch: 6/12
-Psionic Burn: 8/8
Distort Reality: 3/12
-Temporal rift: 12/12
Summon Nightmare: 5/16 (for dreamsurge)
-Master Mind 8/8
Lucid Dream 8/8
-Premonition 4/8
Trance of Convalescence: 12/12
Heart of Oak: 12/12
Call of the Wild: 16/16 (18 in reality, which allows 3 wolves)
-Strength of the Pack: 12/12
Sylvan Nymph: 3/16
-Natures Wrath: 3/12
Refresh: 1/12
I have a couple of items that add additional bonuses to some of these skills (will post later) and a couple of items that add "-to recharge".
The Idea/Strategy:
I have 5 summons out at any given time which is a large portion of my damage dealt. "Mastermind" increases their damage by 40%, "Strength of the Pack" by another 68% for a total of +108% dmg (number is actually higher due to + to skills). Also their survivability is immense with "Trance of Convalescence" and "Mastermind" increasing their regen rate by 135% with an extra +12 health/sec. (I tried Trance of Wrath and found that they died too quickly, whereas now I only have to resummon on bosses). Now add in "Heart of Oak" and their health is nearly doubled!
So clearly pets are my main source of damage, but "Distort Reality" is the real life saver. I jump into the middle of a group of mobs and let that loose, stunning most mobs for 7 sec+ and doing severe electrical burn dmg. Whatever is left is mauled by the pets.
The Cons:
My only source of damage I can supplement with is my staff, while it does have some increased DPS due to "Psionic Touch" really isnt doing much dmg wise (something like 350dps). Also, if I get stunned or slowed (even with 92% stun resistance) and cant get off "Distort Reality" I go down pretty fast. Most bosses arent an issue, it is just a matter of time, Typhon on all difficulties (normal/Epic) I have done is a pain. He usually 1-shots the pets leaving me to widdle him down. The only other boss that was remotely hard was the Dragon Liche in Epic. He takes control of all of my pets which made me run away until that expires.
I think it is a great build and quite fun. I am currently lvl 56 and nearly done Act I in Legendary. The pets get such a boost that I havent seen much of a difference from Epic. Gear always helps, and I am hoping to get some of the "Carnus" set and others that add to skills and/or electrical burn. So far I have died 30 times, but in all honesty 20 of them were when I was wearing 4 sacrificial pieces to get +68% experience.
(only listing relevant skills, also, I have +2 to all skills which isnt reflected here)
Psionic Touch: 6/12
-Psionic Burn: 8/8
Distort Reality: 3/12
-Temporal rift: 12/12
Summon Nightmare: 5/16 (for dreamsurge)
-Master Mind 8/8
Lucid Dream 8/8
-Premonition 4/8
Trance of Convalescence: 12/12
Heart of Oak: 12/12
Call of the Wild: 16/16 (18 in reality, which allows 3 wolves)
-Strength of the Pack: 12/12
Sylvan Nymph: 3/16
-Natures Wrath: 3/12
Refresh: 1/12
I have a couple of items that add additional bonuses to some of these skills (will post later) and a couple of items that add "-to recharge".
The Idea/Strategy:
I have 5 summons out at any given time which is a large portion of my damage dealt. "Mastermind" increases their damage by 40%, "Strength of the Pack" by another 68% for a total of +108% dmg (number is actually higher due to + to skills). Also their survivability is immense with "Trance of Convalescence" and "Mastermind" increasing their regen rate by 135% with an extra +12 health/sec. (I tried Trance of Wrath and found that they died too quickly, whereas now I only have to resummon on bosses). Now add in "Heart of Oak" and their health is nearly doubled!
So clearly pets are my main source of damage, but "Distort Reality" is the real life saver. I jump into the middle of a group of mobs and let that loose, stunning most mobs for 7 sec+ and doing severe electrical burn dmg. Whatever is left is mauled by the pets.
The Cons:
My only source of damage I can supplement with is my staff, while it does have some increased DPS due to "Psionic Touch" really isnt doing much dmg wise (something like 350dps). Also, if I get stunned or slowed (even with 92% stun resistance) and cant get off "Distort Reality" I go down pretty fast. Most bosses arent an issue, it is just a matter of time, Typhon on all difficulties (normal/Epic) I have done is a pain. He usually 1-shots the pets leaving me to widdle him down. The only other boss that was remotely hard was the Dragon Liche in Epic. He takes control of all of my pets which made me run away until that expires.
I think it is a great build and quite fun. I am currently lvl 56 and nearly done Act I in Legendary. The pets get such a boost that I havent seen much of a difference from Epic. Gear always helps, and I am hoping to get some of the "Carnus" set and others that add to skills and/or electrical burn. So far I have died 30 times, but in all honesty 20 of them were when I was wearing 4 sacrificial pieces to get +68% experience.
My first character i made was a Warfare/rougue. They deal damage fast and if u are using the Envenom Weapon skill from Rogue Mastery it will go even faster. And then the Onslaught in warfare mastery. I played with this character through the whole game even IT. B ut now i have made a Harbinger which is really good too. But i can recommend Assassin(Warfare/Rougue) because it is really good.
My conqueror
I have conqueror -lvl 61 legendary IV.act.
I had big problems because conq need really good items.But I found some of them and now it´s OK.I killed legendary Typhoon for a few seconds without potions,and secret passage is OK,too.I´ve got some great items(iris,pendant of immortal rage,athena´s battle greaves,aionios or excellent green ring socketed with rune.I´ve got DPS 4000 armor 2500 primary resists max.,life 7000.
But I think i can be better - I´m still looking for ares war helm or conquerors bracers.I´ve got weak artefact and second ring,too.
But if I´ll find it I´m good killer.
btw:sorry for my weak English
I have conqueror -lvl 61 legendary IV.act.
I had big problems because conq need really good items.But I found some of them and now it´s OK.I killed legendary Typhoon for a few seconds without potions,and secret passage is OK,too.I´ve got some great items(iris,pendant of immortal rage,athena´s battle greaves,aionios or excellent green ring socketed with rune.I´ve got DPS 4000 armor 2500 primary resists max.,life 7000.
But I think i can be better - I´m still looking for ares war helm or conquerors bracers.I´ve got weak artefact and second ring,too.
But if I´ll find it I´m good killer.
btw:sorry for my weak English
Zalandas: compared to my slayer your conqueror is overpoewered ^_^
im now on lev 45 (started epic, now act 1 athenes)
armor: 508,
resistance: fire 41%, ice 42%, lighting 41%, pierce -12% (when fighting it goes to +4%)
hp: 5491
damage- here is the list
basic: 901
+art of hunt: 988
+onslaught: 1336
+call of hunt: 1621
to bad that game does not calculate damage from 2 hand wield :/
bout items: my pride and glory: griefmaker (first and only one purple item), and jomatophylakes plate. rest are yellow/green items from normal difficulty
im now on lev 45 (started epic, now act 1 athenes)
armor: 508,
resistance: fire 41%, ice 42%, lighting 41%, pierce -12% (when fighting it goes to +4%)
hp: 5491
damage- here is the list
basic: 901
+art of hunt: 988
+onslaught: 1336
+call of hunt: 1621
to bad that game does not calculate damage from 2 hand wield :/
bout items: my pride and glory: griefmaker (first and only one purple item), and jomatophylakes plate. rest are yellow/green items from normal difficulty