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KOTOR 3 My opinion on the New Plot

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Darth Mayo
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KOTOR 3 My opinion on the New Plot

Post by Darth Mayo »

I have been reading on this subject all night... and now I find it right to put my say into this subject! :D

First: Will Revan/Bastilla/Carth return?
Personally I think that they will... but not exactly as a playable character. They would be like Master Vrook or Vendar from KOTOR 1 & 2, they would give guidance, but as you move further throughout the story you learn more of their prior experiences after defeating Lord Malak (like what happened to Bastilla etc.) I mean perhaps if the circumstance permitts they will fight with you ocassionally or something like that. They would be the twist upon the story line to the True Sith. And Since, Carth and Bastilla never went with Revan to the unknown Regions- it would have to be a Reunion for them in the game. But we have already played as those three- i think we need to add a twist with another character- hard for me to say that cause I loved playin with those three (Carth was my favorite for some reason :p )

Which leads to the question of what happens to the exile?
As the spoiler said- he either becomes a Sith Lord or Goes to find Revan. I like the idea of having two discs a fair idea but you could use one (difficult but it might work) That way you can continue on the light or dark side and continue the path of the exile - but part of me thinks the exile will be a npc (non playable character) I think he would be more like Revan and the others (there to aid your quest- all depending on which side you choose of course) :cool:

What will be the focus of the game- Revan or the True Sith:
I think both (but the True Sith more :p ) Revan would act as the key to the story. He has gone to face the Sith ( he may of died and left a trail but i assume he's alive) and knows what the Republic and possibly the Dark Jedi have to face. Which is why he cant be a main character cause 1) He'd have to be uber strong inorder to survive the "True Sith" 2) as i've said we've played him before- lets get another story to piece the story together! :D

I think that KOTOR 3 should also bring in a few of the older characters to play as.. possibly the Ithorian-> Bahr-Adur, Canderous, Hk-47, Zaalbar (no Mission- i personally didnt like her) Visas, Mira, Atton- then bring in some new characters to possibly aid the new main character as he fights off the True Sith with the help of Revan and the Exile (if permitted).

Those are a few of my ideas- long I know and thanks if you read it! ;)
I had more ideas but im tired and some of the ideas slipped my mind
post more on the idea of mine if you think its wrong or want to add more to it... :cool: Thanks!!
Comment- I'm open to critsizim of my opinion or add to what im trying to say! Thanks Again for reading this rediculously long opinion!!
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Darth Mayo
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Post by Darth Mayo »


this was a post i almost put on a thread but it was long so I decided to make it a thread- so the second question abou the exile returning: the thread i was on gave a spoiler about the exiles ending on eithr the dark or light side. So just to clear that up :D
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Darth Mayo
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Post by Darth Mayo »

I just read the forum rules more thouroughly and found that ive hijacked a thread... sorry
Alright close me down :)
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