Hey guys, I just started playing TQIT with some of my friends, and we're really enjoying it.
We all started with different masterys, to see how they were. I started in the Earth Mastery, and found quickly that Volcanic orb was a good aoe-spell to use from very early levels. First I thought, wow, this spell is pretty good, is it supposed to be this easy? (playing normal difficulty) After watching my friends level up and trying out their masterys, i kept putting points in volcanic orb, and finally eruption, -> which was even more damaging than volcanic orbs. Also putting all attributes in intelligence, and only using items with +intelligence. (got about 500 int@lvl25)
Now we're at level25 all of us, at the end of Act II. My "issue" is that it's still too easy to kill mobs, specially alot of them at the same time with my build, while my friends spend alot more time on killing mobs. Is it supposed to be like this? Is pyromancers really getting away with this build, running through the hole game like a walk in the park? I was hoping my friends would find masterys that was just as devastating in their own way, but so far they all suck when it comes to damage output.
Anyone get a meaning about this?
Pyromancer - overpowered?
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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Oh man, Pyromancers are rather weak, just as any single class would be.
This is gonna sound weird, but you can tell a class is weak if you start out almost completely immortal and unbeatable. Once you get to Act 5 normal, and then onto Epic and Legendary Difficulties, that changes almost immediately.
BTW, you do know you have two masteries right? You get one at 2nd level, which I assume was your Earth Mastery, and another at 8th level.
This is gonna sound weird, but you can tell a class is weak if you start out almost completely immortal and unbeatable. Once you get to Act 5 normal, and then onto Epic and Legendary Difficulties, that changes almost immediately.
BTW, you do know you have two masteries right? You get one at 2nd level, which I assume was your Earth Mastery, and another at 8th level.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
Yeah, I figured this insane nonstop-slaughter must stop sooner or later, I'll stick with it till Act 5 and see how it goes in Epic i think.
Yeah I know I have 2 masteries, but I read on some other threads here about people playing with only Earth Mastery, wanted to try it out. I guess my first problem will be only 32 mastery points, and alot less health, but where I am now that's not an issue at all, they die before touching me.
But if it comes down to having to pick the second mastery, do you have any good ideas for the second mastery, to go well with my caster build?
Yeah I know I have 2 masteries, but I read on some other threads here about people playing with only Earth Mastery, wanted to try it out. I guess my first problem will be only 32 mastery points, and alot less health, but where I am now that's not an issue at all, they die before touching me.
But if it comes down to having to pick the second mastery, do you have any good ideas for the second mastery, to go well with my caster build?
- Siberys
- Posts: 6207
- Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:16 pm
- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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If you're going full caster, Storm or Spirit would compliment you. If you want to continue shooting from afar without having to worry too much about enemies, go for nature and get the summons.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
Eventually your VO damage will not be enough to slaughter so easily. Eruption will always be good but it eats mana and sometimes the mobs miss it. You will need another mastery probably to beat legendary.
Storm - wisp boosts elemental damage and squall lowers resists
Spirit - Lich King is best pet in game. ternion + Earth Enchantment make you a staff master.
Nature - Pets galore. Some help to elemental damage from plague synergies.
Heart of Oak boost.
Dream - Overpowered mastery. Boost to mana and damage resist with Trance of Convalescence. An overpowered core dweller with the nightmare buffing him. Psionic burn helps fire damage. Super strong AOE petrification spell to petrifiy them then open eruption at their feat.
Any build look for elemental damage, fire damage, resists, and - recharge. If you get - recharge 100 and some mana reduced cost now you can open eruptions on the whole board.
Storm - wisp boosts elemental damage and squall lowers resists
Spirit - Lich King is best pet in game. ternion + Earth Enchantment make you a staff master.
Nature - Pets galore. Some help to elemental damage from plague synergies.
Heart of Oak boost.
Dream - Overpowered mastery. Boost to mana and damage resist with Trance of Convalescence. An overpowered core dweller with the nightmare buffing him. Psionic burn helps fire damage. Super strong AOE petrification spell to petrifiy them then open eruption at their feat.
Any build look for elemental damage, fire damage, resists, and - recharge. If you get - recharge 100 and some mana reduced cost now you can open eruptions on the whole board.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.