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KotOR III Storyline and Remarks

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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Post by jack0 »

My opinion

I love both of the games, complete them evry way possible, dark light, boy girl, and i think tht on the third 1, we will av a choice of wht happened in the 2nd one. Cauese if ur bad the ebon hawk dies so... Ull be either revan or the exile, and they will be in the same party, it will take place at the outer rim and there will be new jedi masters and will be a bit like the 1st i think. I hope if ur the darkside u can av more power cause in the 1st one, i killed the leader of koriban and i thought i would be the new leader but they attaked me. i hope u becme some sort of leader and train people to be dark or good. i also want the creation choices better, like editing apperance better in detail, and stuff , and i hope u get a lightsaber without havin 2 w8 4 hours and 6 in both games until you can make 1.:speech: if any1 wants to talk 2 me about there loadsthen say ok :D i luv these games :D
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Post by jack0 »

My opinion

i think her storyline is good there are a couple of things i wanted 2 know about the games, how did malak get his jaw cut off??
why does kria hate the force??
and if ur dark at the end of 2, the ebon hawk dies so it will be hard 4 them to make 3 i think
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Post by obrad »

DarthSpiden wrote:...also bao-dur no matter if you are good or bad, is dead. he says it in the transmission on malachor V . somethin like if you are hearing this i am gone.
No, he doesn't. He says:"If you are hearing this, then the General was right." and then he explains how to activate Mass Shadow Generator. There is no telling of what happened to him. He may have been supposed to sacrifice himself at some point in the game, but it was cut, so it didn't happen. Also, Darth Traya says his future is uncertain. How much suprises can there be in the afterlife?
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Vincent Kane
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Post by Vincent Kane »

KoTOR 3 storyline idea

I thick that the story line continues from KoTOR 2. But when you create a character insteed of only chooseing between jedi gardian, jedi sentinal or jedi consalaur you also get three more options. Sith options. So if you become jedi you continue flying awat from malachor V and you start a new good story line. If you choose sith beginning you contiue from taking the throne of malachor sith acadamy then you do what kreia said and take a ship orbiting the planet and fly off in search of reven. But since i have not finished KoTOR 1 i dont know the story of reven. So thats how i think the beginning will go.
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Post by sleepless 1 »

Personally I like starting from scratch and building my character up. Yeah working with a vibrosword in the beginning kind of sucks, but its all part of developing the character. I’d like to see the game start out the way the previous KOTOR games did. Some planet that is mostly inconsequential. Your character starts out as a base class (smuggler/scoundrel, soldier, scout, tech, pilot maybe…etc) but you are a force adept who has crossed paths with revan and the exile at some point in time. The first party character you encounter you answer various questions that will set up the alignment of revan and the exile just like you did with atton in the beginning of KOTOR II. As you work your way through the first planet, maybe working against/with the exchange, you will have various alignment choices that will ultimately take you in one of two different directions. If you make light side alignment choices then you will go to coruscant or dantooine. If you make dark side alignment choices then you will go to korriban or yavin IV. Once you get to which ever planet you choose then the spirit of a jedi will appear to you as your teacher. I’m thinking one like master kavar or master vrook if your alignment is light side, maybe exar kun or marka ragnos if you choose the dark path. Just like the handmaiden and ajunta pall you can interact directly with which ever spirit to increase your ability with a lightsaber. If you choose the light side, I think it would be cool if you had to go through the trials before becoming a knight and then some sort of test to become a master. Whether you follow the light path or the dark path, I think you should get an apprentice as well. Once you have established yourself with which ever alignment you choose then you meet up with revan and the exile and go from there. Regardless of how bioware designs the game, I think there should be more side missions. I really like the idea of an end boss at each planet, or maybe some sort of major mission for each planet. Plus I think there should be more than one crystal cave.

As for the main character and party characters, I really like the idea of more options for customizing including species. Since it is a new game then the party characters should be new as well. I think revan and/or the exile should eventually become party members just not initially. If your alignment is light side, then the party members of KOTOR II should eventually become the members of the jedi council. Since the dark side doesn’t really have a council I don’t know what you could do with them, but I’m certain bioware will come up with something.

In regards to planets, more would certainly make the game interesting. Korriban and dantooine are really the only two that should be part of the game. Only because both planets hold a history and key elements to both light and dark side paths. If you go to wikipedia you can find a long list of star wars planets available for use, why not use them. Now tatooine is a planet worthy of debate and discussion. Since the planet is used in every movie (including a brief mention in the empire strikes back) and used in KOTOR I. I can’t help but think there is something more significant in regards to the force on tatooine. Buts that’s just my opinion.
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Post by playa8624 »

OK, well, remember in KOTOR II if you bring Mandalore (Canderous) with you on the planets and you encounter Mandilorians, then he will send them to Dxun and the Mandilorian army is growing. i am sooooooo sure thats whats going to happen. The True sith will eventually attack and the republic is broken so it cant do anything. But the Re-gathered Mandilorian Army will rise to defend the galaxy. If you think abut it, recruiting Mandilorians was not a side quest, so what other reason could there possibly be for the gathering of the clans? The Mandilorians will defend the Republic:The conqourors will become the saviors. All of the star wars games and movies have pretty much beem about redemption right? The Mandilorians redeem themselves by saving the Republic from the Attack! Why will they save the republic? Because Revan convinced Mandilore to do so, I think before Revan left he told Mandilore and Carth to gather forces. (Remember that in the official story Revan was good). Ynow on Tatooine when Canderous kills Jagi, he says that it doesnt feel as good as he thought it would. He decided to change, and seeing as he is the new Mandilore, the Mandilorians will as well! Im soooooo sure thats it, it just fits perfectly! Well, what do you guys think? Do you think Im right, if you see some flaws in this story please point them out so im not delusional. Oh, and yeah, this isnt the entire story obviusly but likely plays a key role.

Here, look at these conversation that were taken out of the game:; scurvacious and delicious
Ok, read them all and the "Handmaiden or Visas says goodbye to the exile" and the "Visas and Mandalore speak on the Ravager" ones in particular. They talk about how Revan told them that there was going to be another war, a bigger war. They talk about recruiting new people. I believe those people in you party will gather small armies in order to defend the republic.
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Post by 11Revan26 »

I was thinking you could be revans long lost brother or sister.
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Post by Adumbral »

Another possible storyline?

I have to agree, unfortunately, that although I would love for KOTORIII to feature Revan, it just won't happen...for a lot of reasons (too complicated, too expensive to write all the possibilities. I would really like to find out what did happen to Revan, and I would be very disappointed if the "closure" turns out to be Revan's death. And, I dislike the idea that Revan is definitively "LS male". Differing appearance, that I can overlook. But gender/alignment switch? Negates the character I've built up (and enjoyed) before. For people new to the story, maybe a quick prologue ID'ing Revan, the Exile, Bastila, Carth, and other important people?) I don't get the feeling that people felt so strongly about the Exile, though.

I like the aforementioned idea that you start out as a young Jedi. So, maybe as a young apprentice/Padawan, you resume your training now that the fighting is over. One of the few remaining Jedi, your Master, (someone from KotORII?), says to you that Revan, who is mentioned as a great strategist by Canderous in KotORI, is one of the few people who could bring stability out of the current chaos. Then you get the option to reply with Revan's alignment/gender (and incidentally determining whether Carth is alive/dead). Then you discuss finding Revan, mentioning the Exile hasn't succeeded, and are to go find him/her. At that point, to solve the Bastila question, you could talk about Bastila's bond with Revan, and point out that she might have some ideas where to start looking, or alternatively, mention that it's too bad Revan killed her as she might have had some ideas.

So, assuming they are not dead, you get a side-"quest" where you speak with Bastila, who mentions that the bond doesn't quite work like a GPS system, that she knows Revan is alive, but not much else. (I can just hear her saying, particularly if you declared Revan to be male, "If it was so easy, don't you think I would have found him already?!" Since you will be looking for Revan, though, a physical description might be helpful... "dark hair, medium complexion...", or, if you wanted to get fancy, Bastila (or Carth, if Revan is female), might have a picture...if you won the swoop race on Tatooine, someone did ask for an autoprint. Or, put Revan back in the robes that s/he wore in the vision on Dantooine. And if Carth and/or Bastila are alive, they offer to keep in touch with you and pass along any information that they might have, although their other obligations do not allow them to join you.

Now, you start going to Outer Rim worlds (Malachor may/may not be destroyed, so it is out), where you start asking if anyone has seen Revan. After all, if Revan doesn't have the Ebon Hawk, s/he must be travelling on someone's ship. So start asking around- anyone given passage to someone carrying a lightsaber recently? You can pick up party members who will join you, and you may have to do things (quests) for other people in exchange for information. There is the DS way- take what you want- and the LS way to solve these problems. And since it is a time of chaos, and you are on the Outer Rim, there should be plenty of Exchange members and other types to fight. Not to mention there must be a few force-sensitives with dark-side leanings still out there.

Anyway, at the end, you find Revan, and now try to convince Revan to return, to rebuild either a Jedi or a Sith order depending on alignment, and possibly also to take you as his/her apprentice. (I am assuming that people who like to play DS will play both Revan and the newcomer as DS, and vice that too much of an assumption?) If Revan was LS, then s/he probably feels some guilt about corrupting then killing his/her best friend, and doesn't want to put Carth/Bastila in the same kind of danger. If DS, well, the (second) last apprentice s/he took didn't work out so well, did he? So maybe Revan would prefer to play a lone hand, esp. as s/he is so powerful now. At any rate, if Revan is LS, Bastila/Carth helps you convince Revan. (In KotORI, Carth talks about Revan's strength and courage. So maybe they would say something about Revan's running away from everyone is cowardly, and not like the Revan they know/love). Whether Revan is LS or DS, though, you convince him/her that with the Republic in such disarray, s/he is needed to rebuild (Sith or Jedi Order).

One possibility is the need to rebuild in order to face the challenge of the True Sith threat (which Revan has found out more about, and is not immediate, but will need to be dealt with). Perhaps as part of his/her "atonement" if LS, or if DS, just as a practical matter- the Sith do have a tendency to kill each other off when they don't have a strong leader to keep them in check, and even the uber-powerful Revan will need help against the True Sith. The other possibility is that Revan himself/herself, by turning so many Jedi to the dark side, brought about/was the True Sith threat; now the Order must be rebuilt, fixing the weaknesses that allowed Malak, Revan, Atris, and so many others to start down the DS path...

That seems to bring Revan's story full circle, from destruction to rebuilding. Of course, it doesn't make for a very exciting ending- guess I'd better stick to my day job!
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Post by UAEscot »

exile no longer being the death of the force?

In kotor 2, if you were ls, u were going down the line to understanding why u are the death of the force, and trying to get it healed, since reven is the life of the foce, in theory she/he is the only one who can bring him/here back to normal, i think of kotor 3 followed this idea, it is the one of the few ways u can get most of the characters back from the prevous 2, u can have the exile waking up again, yet he is back to normal, u only see reven once, who then goes back to finding the true sith, the story will then be the exile trying to follow reven, what do u lot think?
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Post by Darth Mayo »


I was going to say my opinion but adumbral and playa8264 and sleepless 1 --- all had the same ideas i had just put into one. I know this is a pointless comment (probably deleted later but!) I suggest that people read there ideas of the plot- put them together and its like the KOTOR universe falls together lol! Great job to you three (more probably said the same thing but there are 20 somethin pages! Im not going to read everyones say!) :D
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Post by Revans mask »

mr.woo wrote:i think it would be cool for kotor III to pick up right after u left off when u see the ebon hawk fly away.

at beging of game you should somehow load old character and go from there.

If ls player u must help rebulid republic and usher galaxy into new era of peace...also should build a new jedi acadamy and be able to bring back anyone u meet on ur journey and see if they r force sensitive and if they r train them. some would be regular party members while others would just stay there or join u in the final fight which would be against a revamped mandalorina assualt for both ls and ds players
If ds player must go about forming an amry to take over the galaxy sorta like the empire.. after you defeat the mandalorians also could build a sith accademy. could make alliances with bounty hunters and smugglers and such
idont know thats just me but i think it would be cool
Aint going to happen pal. Kotor 3 picks up 15 years later.

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Post by Numbers »

Ya 15 years, but also Traya revealed where Reven when with out saying how to get there, where it is, or when he left, when KoTOR II ends the republic is still extremely unstable, it could easily be knocked off balance and plunge the entire galaxy in to darkness, there are few if any Jedi Master's left, so whats this new enemy? Traya practically spells it out!!!!!!!!!! Its the True Sith, The Sith That Are More Then Just an Idea!! so how the Galaxy Do you Fight THEM!????? With a lot of very powerful Jedi who have all chosen to leave everything they know to fight for the survival of there Galaxy!!!!!! But to stand any chance of winning they would have to come all at once, wouldn't they? So all there ships on there way out of the galaxy are intercepted, and they are put into stasis and await the time when they shall Fight!!!!! the story begins!!!!!!!! I have thought this though quite thoroughly, who dose, and who does not want to hear it? could some one start a poll please??
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Post by hatterson »

Darth Valthri wrote:Influence
If we're going to have influence brought through to the third game, at least give us an influence meter for the party members, similar to the Light/Dark Meter on the Character page. This way we know how much more influence we need before we can train the characters to be Jedi. An idea I got relating to influence came to me the other day in KotOR 1 (killing Dia with Carth in the party). If a character is regularly light side, then you kill someone simply for credits, they get pissed at you for doing it, but they still help. However, my idea is that if you have a low influence with another person (let's say the influence meter is a 0%-100% idea, and the 0% would be an entirely DS equivalent) such as 0-25, then that person of your party will actually attack you in objection. If you win the fight against them, you don't kill them, but you've taught them a lesson, I guess you could say. For losing the fight, they don't kill you, but try to teach you a lesson. If you tell them to stuff it, then they proceed to try and kill you (if you lose the 2nd time, you die, if you win, it's the same as if you won the first time). This way it makes more sense if they object to your actions, as opposed to helping you do what they object to. However, if they would regularly have an objection to you killing someone for credits, but you get a high influence with them (75-100%) then they change their ways and they'll agree with your methods. Anywhere between 25 and 50 they object, but won't do anything (to you or the person you're about to kill), and between 50 and 75 they kind of agree with you but aren't sure enough of what to do and also don't do anything.
I like the idea of an influence meter, however I don't think it should simply be lightside vs. darkside.

I think influence should include a lot of things like:
- Overall time in party (you're more influential to people the more time you spend with them)
- Your actions lining up with their ideals (this goes beyond light vs. dark. For example Kreia would scold if you were cruel for the sake of being cruel and would scold if you helped out someone for no reason because it made them weaker)
- Your overall power (you're much more likely to be able to influence people and get them to agree with you if you're uber powerful as opposed to a level 1 chump)
- Your consistency. If you change your mind a lot or go back and forth from light to dark people are less likely to be influenced by you because you flip flop a lot.
- NOT changed by who happens to be in your party. For little things this doesn't matter, but for huge things it seems improbable that I can do someone and the other guys on the crew don't hear about it. For example, I leave Bastilla out of my party and go purge the entirety of a planet, obviously she's going to hear about it so it doesn't make sense for her to only get mad if she's actually with me while I do it.

I also love the idea of having a dynamic party. If I piss someone off enough they will either challenge me or they'll just up and leave, it doesn't make sense for them to stick around and keep heckling me.
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Post by hatterson »

DarthSpiden wrote:heaiiyasha it is against the rules to double post! and I think your story isnt so great because 1) bastilla and mira can not return because on darkside path, you killed them! 2) revan is in unknown regions and cannot be jedi master if he was bad!

EDIT: also bao-dur no matter if you are good or bad, is dead. he says it in the transmission on malachor V . somethin like if you are hearing this i am gone.

It doesn't matter what happened in *your* game though. It only matters what happens in the accepted canon as that's what the next game will be based off of.

IE, KOTOR I you could play dark side but it doesn't change the fact that in Star Wars lore Revan turned back to the light at the end and went to the unknown regions to fight the "True Sith"

iirc, Revan is officially a light side male and the Exile is officially a light side female.
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Post by SupaCat »

hatterson wrote: iirc, Revan is officially a light side male and the Exile is officially a light side female.
Isn't that just the opinion of wookiepedia (or whatever it's called). I don't think that it's going to implanted that Revan is a man and the exile a woman. Else I would think they would have done that in kotor 2 (so no talk with anton about revan)
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Post by Numbers »

I think I was just completely ignored................... ok lets try this again:
Numbers wrote:Traya revealed where Reven when with out saying how to get there, where it is, or when he left, when KoTOR II ends the republic is still extremely unstable, it could easily be knocked off balance and plunge the entire galaxy in to darkness, there are few if any Jedi Master's left, so whats this new enemy? Traya practically spells it out!!!!!!!!!! Its the True Sith, The Sith That Are More Then Just an Idea!! so how the Galaxy Do you Fight THEM!????? With a lot of very powerful Jedi who have all chosen to leave everything they know to fight for the survival of there Galaxy!!!!!! But to stand any chance of winning they would have to come all at once, wouldn't they? So all there ships on there way out of the galaxy are intercepted, and they are put into stasis and await the time when they shall Fight!!!!! the story begins!!!!!!!! I have thought this though quite thoroughly, who dose, and who does not want to hear it? could some one start a poll please??
there I think that should catch peoples eyes...
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Post by Invisable Man »

Numbers wrote:I think I was just completely ignored................... ok lets try this again:
there I think that should catch peoples eyes...
well done youve just explained something thats been said 1000 times for over two years now, bravo you want a freakin medal, look the only reason we didnt respond is because we've all suggested it at some point and one more person saying the samething wont make a difference we know thats the highest bidder for wat will happen in kotor 3 but you need to be a bit more extensive like the protaginist back story and so forth.

and we know its most likely about the true sith but what do you do to stop them, do you find there leaders and assassinate them, or do you find jedi/sith master and learn about them, thats wat we mean by story line
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Post by Lex.mkr »

SupaCat wrote:Isn't that just the opinion of wookiepedia (or whatever it's called). I don't think that it's going to implanted that Revan is a man and the exile a woman. Else I would think they would have done that in kotor 2 (so no talk with anton about revan)
Not really. [url=""]Revan[/url] has been officially confirmed as male and the [url=""]Exile[/url], as female:
Revan's article wrote:While Revan's gender is specified by the player, the canonical Revan is confirmed by Leland Chee to be male. Also, The New Essential Chronology and the Chronicles of the Old Republic, published prior to the release of The Sith Lords, both refer to Revan as male.
Exile's article wrote:While players are free to choose a male or female Exile, the description of the Exile as a "heroine" in The New Essential Guide to Droids has established the Exile as female in the paragraphs quoted below:
(the "paragraphs quoted below" are on Exile's hyperlink I posted above)

@Numbers: There's no need for such things. When and if one feels like replying to your post, he'll do so.
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Post by Numbers »

Ok, then I don't suppose you would want me to clarify what the "True Sith", "The Sith", and "Species: Sith" are..... O wait, I think I just did!

@Invis man, and Lex: 1: you dont need to be pompous or chew me out, 2: thats just the kind of hyperactive crazy person I am that would enjoy doing that sort of thing just for fun, OK?????
"Duck-tape is like the Force, it has a Lightside and a Darkside, and it holds the Universe together!"- A Bumpersticker
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Post by bigredpanda »

Numbers wrote:Ok, then I don't suppose you would want me to clarify what the "True Sith", "The Sith", and "Species: Sith" are..... O wait, I think I just did!

@Invis man, and Lex: 1: you dont need to be pompous or chew me out, 2: thats just the kind of hyperactive crazy person I am that would enjoy doing that sort of thing just for fun, OK?????
Oh, please. You post something that essentially says "oh no nobody read my post, everybody must be too dumb to see it", then when its pointed out that we all did see it and chose not to respond, you act as though you've been done wrong. Did you really expect to not rub people up the wrong way by reposting something in a larger font? And for the record, I would prefer it if you had edited the text slightly to make it a bit more readable while you at it.

Back on topic, I'm thinking that the more they clarify the "canonical" story of KOTOR, the less likely we are to see a single player open-ended RPG as a third installment. It's not a scientific correlation, mind.
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