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Do SOA-Only NPCs work in TOB?

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Do SOA-Only NPCs work in TOB?

Post by chanukya »

Ok, I know that looks really obvious, but hear me out.. There are quite a few very interesting NPCs (Amber, Fade, etc) who are listed as SOA-only. What exactly does this mean - If I have them in my party at the end of SOA, will they automatically be removed in TOB? Or do they show up, but just not have any interjections? If they do show up, can they be summoned by the fate spirit?

I'd really like to play with one or two of them, but will be running a very low-XP game (1/4 XP for all non-combat related actions. No more 3500xp for opening a lock!) and don't want to waste XP on a party member that will not be with the PC for the grand finale..
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Post by fable »

It means they'll work in ToB, but they won't have any dialog entries to ToB events or party interactions. You can still play them, however, and they will progress as you wish.
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Post by Jordoo »

I would say It depends on the NPC. If ToB is required to make that NPC work for SoA then they will be playable in ToB and usually still have their basic sound set. But not interjections, lovetalks or forced talks. Amber works like that I know from experiance and she's one of the btter NPC mods IMO. I know that Keto works in ToB but is completely silent and I would guess that thats how NPC mods that don't require ToB to work and are listed SoA only work in ToB.

Not sure with Fade, because I didn't continue with her after SoA.
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Post by chanukya »

Jordoo wrote:I would say It depends on the NPC. If ToB is required to make that NPC work for SoA then they will be playable in ToB and usually still have their basic sound set.
Does that mean they'll speak during combat, when idle, or when clicked on? I could live with that, even if there's no interjections/love talk. Can they be summoned by the fate spirit?

Also, if anyone has played Fade through TOB, please do let us know if the soundset works. I've been on the website, but it appears the TOB content is still being worked on and is not ready for release yet. :(
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Post by prune1 »

SoA only refers to the fact that there is no content in the form of dialogues for that character in ToB, as already mentioned. It would be extremely strange for a character to be written to literally require an SoA game only - ToB allows more possibilities with coding, so people will use that even if they only have SoA content planned/written, typically.

You will still get sound bites as you select the individual, and also for telling them to move somewhere, battlecries, etc. Worry not.

It would just be strange if they were talkative - in the dialogue sense, not selection/movement sounds sense - during SoA and then abruptly have their minds purged come ToB.

If this does not bother you, go ahead.
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