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Problem - NPCs won't follow me

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Problem - NPCs won't follow me

Post by Curry »

My NPCs suddenly stopped following the PC, they just stand still. I can still move them but they won't follow the protagonist automatically. It looks like I'm gonna have to finish the game soloing unless you guys know how to fix it :mad:
The problem is that the people with the most ridiculous ideas are always the people who are most certain of them.
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Post by MrRandomGuy »

If you are in SOLO mode, get out of it then your party members will follow you.

I can't tell you what button to press on the PC because I use the xbox.

If you're not in SOLO mode then you probably ran into a glitch. Just reload the game from a previous save and try again.

Or another reason could be that your party members got stuck. It happens when you walk through a small area very quickly.
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Post by Curry »

By the way, this problem can be solved by turning on vsync. :eek:
The problem is that the people with the most ridiculous ideas are always the people who are most certain of them.
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