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Dragonage 2 {Sequal}

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Revans mask
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Dragonage 2 {Sequal}

Post by Revans mask »

After playing Dragonage Organs one I realized that the character cast gave us a hint that a possible Dragon age two game might come in development and might be released some where around late 2010 or early 2011. If my hunch is right we might be seeing a possible main character come back of the Grey Wardens in a different Dragonage state if not in Fereldon. {There are other Grey Wardens in other states} some of the other characters said in game one.

If you played the male character and agreed to mate with Morigan and your character got her pregnant, game two will be a spin off of Dragonage origins no matter what decision you made depending on your game play in the first game.

What do you want to see in Dragonage Orgins two? ;)
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Post by fable »

Moving to general RPG discussion, since it's not about DA:O.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
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