I find the above response doesn't seem to quite tie in with a comment you made earlier in the thread:drazac wrote: Yes, I have my own interpretation of Bible...
This sounds to me as though you are definitely associated with a church and and/or specific sect of christianity that believes in and practices glossolalia - 'speaking in tongues', so what you are saying here is in line with the teaching of your church/faith, or at least the church/faith of your friends, rather than entirely your own ideas.drazac wrote:
I have two good friends who both have a gift of speaking in tongues... Both sing in a church band and several other plp in the band have the same gift.
They say, the feeling when they speak in tongues is magnificent and can't be described with words... they say that all the scars and pain they were holding in their harts was healed by Jesus... by his blood that was spilled on the cross.
They speak of a spiritual freedom, completely free from the world desires... they are happier, they smile more, they do not worry, they've become better students etc etc... they have changed for the better completely
I am not saying I believe you to be lying, but I think you may have been evading the question that was asked of you! Why?
Ummmm... you said we should not take the bible literally, yes? But you believe the story of Adam & Eve and the Tree of Knowledge? BTW, do you know which other special tree was to be found in the Garden?drazac wrote:as every other person who reads Bible, will interpret things differently ... we are not clones, we do have our own opinions and different consciousness, so someone might find something offensive, while others are perfectly cool with it (for example; one doesn't like seeing and using magic in games, it disturbs him/her, while others are fine with it)... The problem begins when we think we are not breaking 10 comm., like having sex before marriage, lusting in heart and mind, stealing... etc (It is like when God said to Adam and Eve, you have every fruit tree at your disposal except just ONE; thousands and millions of trees with fruits are given to us, but just one is of the limits, same thing replies to sin)
How very true. And other religions - including non-christian religions - have many miracles too. Of course, since they are not miracles of your god, they must be perpetrated by the Devil. Funny that.drazac wrote:I have never seen nor hear miracles that have happened, or are happening in other religions... but then again, someone with other religion can say the same thing for mine
Hmmm. do you know what the bible says about that? Let me tell you:drazac wrote:No, I am saying since he is not a Christian, he/she can't follow the commandments that are given to Christians ... but he/she is still bound to live the life of love (clean conscience and soul, good, kind, caring, giving, forgiving, ready to help everyone, doesn't judge, every life is precious to him/her etc etc etc etc) ... When i was in spiritual rehab, Franciscan minister spoke about Heaven. He said Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Christians everyone one of them are invited to Heaven. If a Muslim has their own beliefs and traditions and prayers, God respects them... but we all our bound to live the life of Love .. this is who we all are... we are created in Love by Love ... our heart wants it and it needs it and it wont settle down till it finds it in the God of Love. Since I am a Christian i am asked to try to obey God's will... I can't ask a Muslim to obey my rules, just as Muslim can't ask me to obey his
This is what I believe, but other Christians might interpret things differently .. we all may be right, but God respects our beliefs and He won't judge them, not ever
"The things which the nations sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, and not to God." (1st Corinthians 10:20)
"One Lord, one faith, one baptism." (Ephesians 4:5)
"This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3)
"There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus." (1st Timothy 2:5)
"Jesus said to him: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
I think the above are enough, though there are many more. The fact is, the bible - Jesus himself - says that ONLY followers of Christ are acceptable to God. Doesn't matter how good anyone else may be, they are unnacceptable to the bible god.
Indeed you have, but it just doesn't follow what the bible teaches.drazac wrote:Everyone who follows the path of unconditional love is following the path of Jesus, no matter what religion they are... I've said it several times (reading between lines)
No, I don't think you are trying to convert people; you are just expressing your beliefs, which this thread is encouraging everyone who reads it to do. Don't worry. You are doing fine.drazac wrote:Emm.. I never got the impression that I am trying to convert people .. If i was.. I am sorry ... If a person is on a path of true love, but different religion, there is no need to force him/her to any other religion .. that is my opinion... however others might say, If you are walking the path of true love, then come meet Jesus, cause there is no greater and purer Love then His!