I wanted to start this thread a long time ago, but the lack of time... Well, nevermind. Let's get to the point.
We all know that some games are dark, other are bloody and violent, several can be named disturbing.. But what about truly EVIL games. Let me explain what i mean with "evil". Not the storyline, graphics or gore. No. Evil for the player. Evil in a technical way. Let me give a few examples to clear things up (because maybe i just cannot explain it well anough)
- Alundra game, with its "puzzles" that sometimes were limited to running into a wall in a specific place. Wall which was looking exactly the same as all other walls in the game, and there were no clues about doing so. Or attacking a random flower will open a gate. Again, the flower was looking like zilion other flowers. Also depth perception made Alundra an EVIL game. You could never be sure how "far" the objects are.
- Daggerfall, also called Buggerfall with its countless bugs. And i do mean countless!
- Suikoden which in theory allowed the player to make some choices in the game (like declining someones offer to join, or doing X instead of Y) until you actually TRIED to make a choice, which resulted in a never ending loop of "Are you sure?"
- There was a game that upon deinstallation partialy formated your hard drive. I cannot remember the title.
- I also remember playing an arcade game which informed the player (on last level) that.. "We did not expect you to come this far, so we didn't prepare additional levels. Time to lose" and it loaded a truly impossible level. (trust me on that one) unfortunately, i can't remember the name here either
- There is also [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQZuidKexBQ&feature=related"]Mushihimesama[/url] which even tho possible, will make your eyes bleed long before it ends.
I hope it's clear now
So.. What evil games do You know?