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I've been thinking...

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I've been thinking...

Post by Rad »

For a little while, I've been thinking. Games like ME1, ME2, DA:O, Fallout 3, etc all have side quests/missions. These side missions all have one thing in common; they are short.

Instead of making 25 - 30 short side quests, why not make 5 to 10 long ones, using ME2's Overlord DLC as an example? a few side missions of that size would be far more satisfying that the quick "go to a location an kill everything there" type game designers tend to make. A few, longer missions couldn't be harder than the large number of smaller ones.

Maybe someone needs to remind the game industry that quantity does not equal quality...
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Post by GawainBS »

You mean like BGII, PS:T & FO2? ;)
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Post by Rad »

GawainBS wrote:You mean like BGII, PS:T & FO2? ;)
Can't argue with that...:laugh:
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Post by GawainBS »

I think the problem is two-fold:
  1. The current standard of games entails pretty graphics, which are work-intensive, and voice-overs, which are also work-intensive. Working hours = money. So, despite ever-increasing budgets, developers are forced to spend more resources on less actual content.
  2. Games are focussing more and more on casual/younger/non-gamers, so they have to keep the time/effort investment required, to a minimum.
The end-result is that you get flashy, pretty, nice-sounding, short bits of game that almost everybody can enjoy.

On a sidenote: for me, personally, (full) voice-over is a step backwards.
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Post by Rad »

While I understand what you're saying in principle, I have to question the first point. Fewer, but longer, side missions can't require any more time to develop than a large number of short ones.

However, I completely concede point #2. This whole "causal" gamer thing is ruining gaming in general, and cRPG's specifically. Though I can understand the desire to appeal to a wider audience, there has to be a better way than "dumbing it down".
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Post by GawainBS »

I don't necessarily agree about your interpretation of point 1: making a long sidequest probably entails more work, since several short ones allow more "copy-pasting".
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Post by Rad »

Well, since I don't know much, if anything, about the inside working of the games industry (maybe you know more), I will stand by my opinion, at the same time respect yours ;)
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