I'm posting this technical question here, as the Gamebanshee crowd seems very knowledgeable.
My beef is this: I have Oblivion - GOTY edition. It was very cheap but hopefully that doesn't mean that it won't work properly
I am running OBL on a new machine with Windows 7. Its specs far exceed the minimum requirements. I generally run a number of mods, including Oscuro's Overhaul, although I've been very careful with the Mod Manager and load order, because I believed that to be the problem. Varying the mods doesn't seem to actively change anything though. The game itself runs very well with only random crashes now and then, as seems to be the Oblivion way. Reinstalling with different mods and starting with a different character doesn't do anything either.
Does anyone here have experience of this issue, and if so, have you managed to fix it?