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Console style RPG in the works

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Console style RPG in the works

Post by Coggles »

I've been working on a PC based, old console style RPG with a little inspiration from Dragon Warrior, Lufia, early Final Fantasys, and all those kind of games. It's built using Visual C++ and DirectX (no outside wrappers). I've got the game engine finished up and have built a small 'test' world and simple storyline to get the classes and fights balanced out, work out any remaining bugs, and add more features in the process.

You can download it and give it a try here: RPG in the works

Any ways, I thought I'd post here and hopefully get a couple people to play through it and tell me what you think! The basic design entails a 4-member party with 5 classes to choose from. In the current world you can reach about Lv 10, explore some overworld, visit some towns, and defeat a boss at the end of a dungeon. I've incorporated a few Everquest themes as well, such as buffs/debuffs and scrolling battle text.

Any feedback, bug reports, suggestions, or comments are appreciated! I'm just doing this in my spare time and would like to get some outside feedback.

You can email me at any time.
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Post by Rad »

Going by the screen shots it looks very reminiscent of Ultima III/IV...with more color. Good luck with this!
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Post by Coggles »

I think I've played just about every console or PC RPG from about 1990 on up, but I have to admit I never played the Ultima series, other than a brief rental on the NES. I never liked the isometric view.
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