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"Where is the Guru?"

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"Where is the Guru?"

Post by Sain »

When ever I try to play Gothic III, I get the message above, and I have to shut-down the computer. Honestly, I'm not sure whatever it means, but I need advice on my next course of actions. :confused:
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Post by DesR85 »

It means that you run out of memory. That's when the 'Where is the Guru' menu will pop up. Happened to me a few times but I was lucky enough to close it without restarting the computer. Even with 1GB of memory, it still popped up quite a few times. What can one expect from a poorly optimised game?

As for how to resolve this issue, I doubt it is possible. I searched everywhere but can't find any sure solutions. The only advice I can give you is to close down any tasks running in the background and reduce the level of detail in the game. It doesn't resolve the memory issue but at least it will reduce the chances of your game crashing.

P.S. Sorry for the late reply.
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Post by Lemmus »

A Google search turned up some ideas for dealing with this error. It is sometimes referred to as a bug, but is generally considered to be an error code. The official reply from Aspyr's technical support reads :

This is Aspyr technical reply after all this game time with NO problem, it's your graphics card.

Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately, your machine does not meet the requirements for the game. The game requires one of the following video cards (also listed on the back of the box):

ATI Radeon 9800
ATI Radeon X300
ATI Radeon X550
ATI Radeon X600
ATI Radeon X700
ATI Radeon X850
ATI Radeon X1300
ATI Radeon X1600
ATI Radeon X1800
ATI Radeon X1900
nVidia Geforce PCX 5900
nVidia Geforce FX 5950
nVidia Geforce 6200
nVidia Geforce 6500
nVidia Geforce 6600
nVidia Geforce 6800
nVidia Geforce 7300
nVidia Geforce 7800
nVidia Geforce 7900

We are unable to provide support for machines that do not meet the minimum requirements for the game.

I then found this item from a user :

What fixed my problem "where's the guru" error - my direct3D acceleration somehow got disabled.

run dxdiag through start run
tab display
check the DirectX feature buttons and make sure all are enabled:
DirectDraw Acceleration
Direct3D Acceleration
AGP Acceleration

The standard answer to this question on other fora is to patch the game.

#1 : Gothic 3 OFFICAL patch 1.2
#2 : Gothic 3 UNoffical patch aka Official Community patch 1.6 (2008-02-07)

Some people find that reducing graphical overhead (turn off ground cover, etc.) helps, some find it irrelevant.
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Post by StephenWan »

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Post by StefanDante »

Just install Community Patch 1.73 and when starting the game close everything else ;) :D

ps the game is awesome
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