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News comments

Post by Xandax »

So - is Disqus going to be the new way to comment on news?
So I can't use the account I've had for 11 years on this very site to comment on news any more?
I have to use my Twitter or Facebook? :confused: :confused:
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Post by childofbhaal »

I dont have facebook or twitter
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Post by BuckGB »

You don't necessarily have to use a Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, or OpenID account (though you can if you want to). If you register an account directly at with the same email address that you used for the account here, their system should assign all of your previous comments to you (and any you've made at other sites that use Disqus). I imported tens of thousands of news comments, so they should all be in their database.

And for what it's worth, Disqus has quickly become the most popular comment system on the Internet today. It's used by nearly one million websites now, including many gaming sites, and that makes it a powerful tool that I wanted to take advantage of in order to expand our social presence in the future. It also makes upgrading much easier - since it isn't tied to a specific version of our content management system like our previous comments system was, we don't have to deal with incompatibility issues when we need to upgrade.

I'm still ironing out a lot of issues with the new layout, too, so please bear with me if something isn't working as intended over the next couple of days.
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Post by Xandax »

I understand the reasoning, and I hope it works out for you.
But for me - it's unlikely that I'll make that shift.
I already use a number of those tools for professional sites and blogs (for example) and don't really have intention of mixing that account with gaming sites, and I don't really want to run double accounts of the tools either.
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Post by Jaesun »

I really really dislike having to login here, and then have to log in again to post any news comments.
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Post by Tricky »

You can use a bogus account and email, which will never be checked. Worked for me. Actually makes me fail to see the point having it in the first place.
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Post by Viperswhip »

So, this is an old post resurrected but damn if Disqus isn't just getting worse. Buck, have you noticed a dropoff in participation with regards to comments in the news section since the switch? You've had some time to try it out. I don't like it as it doesn't seem to remember who I am from comment to comment anymore, but whatever. I am still an active commenter, however, I don't feel like it's as vibrant as it was before the switch, but that may just be nostalgia.
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Post by BuckGB »

We've been using Disqus for nearly a year now and comments have hovered somewhere between 20-40 posts a day, with a few spikes here and there when there's a major news story. We've used quite a few different comment systems over the years (vBComments, yvComments, JComments, and a few others) and I don't think any of them resulted in an average of more than 30/day. And trust me when I tell you that everything prior to Disqus required far more administrative work to maintain and upgrade.

With that said, I'm curious why you think it's getting worse. I have no difficulty staying logged in for weeks at a time to both the main site and Disqus, and have never experienced any issues with it forgetting who I was. There was a major upgrade to the system today that added a handful of new features and a community tab with interesting lists, so it's possible that there could be some issues they're still ironing out with the upgrade that could have given you some trouble today.

Is anyone else having similar problems?
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Post by Nyro »

I am wondering why it is even necessary. If the forums got slight update with some games and conversation categories there is no reason why the sight could be 10x more active. When i joined what drew me here was the amazing amount of variety in subject. Definitly has potential to ruin any official forums population easily.
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