I have finished BG1 + ToSC a few times, and SoA at least a couple of times, but I never went very far in ToB (never left the first city, actually), so I want to pick a cool character, and a cool party, and just finish the d@mn game!
However, I don't know what to choose. I was first going through it all with the "canonical" party (PC, Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc and Dynaheir in BG1; Minsc, Jaheira, Imoen, Aerie and eventually Mr. ToB in BG2), but the prospect of managing that whole party is daunting! And kinda makes my own character choice mute, since all the basis are covered with the NPCs.
So I've been toying with the idea of a (much) smaller party, one that optimizes each individual companion, makes the PC class choice that much more important, and that can make sense roleplaying-wise.
For BG1 it will be, mostly, just the PC and Imoen. After the shock of watching the murder of Gorion, and the subsequent assassination attempts, I don't think our hero would be very trustworthy and let new people accompany him.
One exception can be made for Viconia. Since she is in danger when we meet her, the PC can empathize with her situation (and the fact that she as nowhere to go), and let her join. Other NPCs could join briefly, like Minsc for rescuing Dynaheir, but for the most part it would be: PC, Imoen and Viconia.
In BG2, if we ignore the companions the game automatically gives, and follow our choices in BG1 (wouldn't it be cool to have a mod that changes who we can release from the cages in Irenicus dungeon according to who was accompanying us when we killed Sarevok?), we have Imoen for a little while and soon enough we can help Viconia again (which works rather nicely for a romance option as well).
So that means that, for a big part of SoA, we have the PC and Viconia, eventually joined by Imoen.
On that note, and not forgetting the NPC that will join in ToB (lets just say it's a Fighter), what class is best suited, and more fun to play with, for this party?
First, what we have:
We have a thief for BG1(Imoen), but not for most of BG2. And when we do, it will be more mage than thief.
We have a mage at the same time we have a thief in BG2.
We have a cleric (Viconia) almost all of the time, except in the beginning of BG1.
We will, eventually, have a very strong fighter.
Now, what we don't have:
A Fighter in both games, with the exception of ToB.
A Mage until we have Imoen (I could just rush past chapter 2 and 3 and get Imoen ASAP)
A Thief, until Imoen.
Finally, my requirements!
I prefer humans, they're just more identifiable. But that also means no multi-classing, which I don't mind because it makes things more challenging and interesting.
I don't really like playing mages. I know they can be uber powerful but it just doesn't fit my play style.
Other than that, I'm open to any ideas or suggestions! I have dabbled with most of the classes already, but I only went very far with a couple of them. I have finished BG1 and 2 with a Bard (Blade) already, and it was enjoyable, but I was looking for something a little different.
Sorry for the extremely long post, but I just can't stop thinking about this game!