I've been searching through the many many posts regarding Viconia but have yet to find a solution.
I've got the usual issue... she leaves saying "pfeh i'm done with you, see you in battle" speech and I'm not certain why. I have the Happy mod on set to never angry. I have set her to True Neutral and dropped my rep to 16 just in case and she still leaves. I've set her Lovetalk variable (was on 73) to 71 and 74... no difference. She doesn't say anything except... bye.
Is there a way to check what is causing her to just leave. I can't seem to work this out.
The seriously overdone Viconia question
Well as it seems response levels are low I've put it to 53 and she seems to be progressing the romance again from some time earlier. I guess she just wasn't happy with an answer but I'd love to know what variable determines this so I can alter it if necessary. Yeah, it might be cheating but give me another cleric who is even half as good as her and I might consider losing her.