Official Website: [url=''][/url]
Server is listed under Role Play, Direct Connect:
- Huge and highly detailed world; 2 full campaigns of over 400 areas.
- Difficulty options that allow you to increase or decrease reward and challenge level.
- Over 200 ROT modified spells and feats to provide a large range of viable character builds.
- Party difficulty scaling: more creatures spawn with more players in the area.
- Party XP Reward Bonus - Party up to get extra XP bonuses.
- Steady trickle of XP for roleplay interactions!
- Great community with many player guilds, which have custom cloaks, housing, and items.
- Custom Item Level Restriction System that allows for a good and reasonable structure of item use and sharing.
- Life after level 30 via the Epic Relevel system that allows you to increase abilitiy modifiers and increase your spell power.
- Level progression of up to level 40 thanks to NWNX4 client extender.
- Kaedrin PRC Pack 1.42.1 & in-house customized classes.
- Low to High magic progression for the lifetime of your character in the Realms of Trinity I & II Campaigns, Low to Mid magic in the Cormyrean Expanse.
- Custom item crafting and free appearance changing to suit your play style and wishes.