@Rail: Yeah. Your explanation is certainly fine. It's not how I would have played the hakeashar, but that doesn't mean I'm right. I didn't mean to sound nit-picky. He's a complicated character. Don't sweat about it.
Fallout and Trip-Wire step out of an identical mirror into the dimly lit room. The walls on the side are lined with endless rows of shelves, filled with spell components, from the mundane to the exotic. The space inbetween is filled with magical devices, some familiar, but many totally foreign. It is Magus's laboratory. Magus stands nearby, watching as the visitors enter. He wears a long blue-violet robe that brushes the ground, with sleeves that come down to his hands. His hands are slim and delicate. His cowl is back, revealing the long, clean-shaven, semi-angular face of a young half-elf. His blonde hair reaches to his shoulders, but his eyes are the most striking aspect of him. They are a glossy shade of blue-green, and they shine with intelligence and wisdom...and something else. An aura of calm power radiates from him. As Magus carefully scrutinizes the new visitors, Aerie quietly slips to his side. After a moment, Magus seems satisfied, and breaks eye contact to give Aerie a hug.
Magus (to Aerie): Thank you for bringing them here, my love.
Aerie blushes with pleasure: I-It was nothing.
Magus smiles, then releases Aerie and soberly faces Fallout and Trip-Wire. As he is about to speak, he stops, and turns to the right. Where there was empty space before, stands Aegis.
Magus: Welcome, Aegis. (turns to the other two) You too, Fallout and Trip-Wire. It's good to see you all again, though I wish it was under happier circumstances. You all remember the last time I called you guys up. A necromancer named Ubik was undermining the rule of the Cowled Wizards, and we were called upon to set things right. I know you didn't agree with me last time, Trip-Wire, but this time is much different. Ubik is back, and this time he's not just trying to make a commotion. I've got it from reliable sources that he's after an ancient necromantic artifact of incredible power. Not only that, but he's gathering another band of powerful friends around him. I've tried to identify the artifact, but the histories I've read so far are remarkably vague. I can only confirm that it enables its user to accumulate monstrous legions of undead. Possession of such an artifact could cause the entire Sword's Coast to erupt in war; honorable nations will invade to protect the peace, and dishonorable ones will covet the artifact for themselves. Not to mention the damage that Ubik himself could cause... Simply put, we must either halt Ubik's plans before they become widely known, or recover the artifact ourselves. Once it is in our possession, we could dispose of it where it can't cause any more harm. Any-
Magus stops and looks to the left. A moment later, Rail appears, accompanied by the hakeashar. Magus smiles: I see you finally decided to join us, Rail. I'm glad you recognized the growing evil within you, and saw the error of your ways. I hope Void didn't rough you up too badly (turns with a smile to the hakeashar)
Void's eyes flash in amusement (telepathically to all):
Your friends are...entertaining. Especially...that one (indicates Aegis)
Humans are such interesting creatures...
Magus (to all): Void's my familiar. He gets a real kick out of manipulating, but he means well. Rest assured he had no intentions of harming any of you. He decided you all must be tested before I met you again, and his stubborness is unmatched by any mere mortal (Void's eyes flash with laughter, and Magus chuckles softly).
Magus quickly sobers: Can you fill Rail in on what I said, Void?
Void's eyes flash an affirmative, and soon Rail is caught up with the others.
Magus: Any objections? Questions? Are all present agreed that Ubik must be stopped?
Edit @Aegis: Cool flashback. From your description, sounds like the mage could be a Red Wizard of Thay. Other than that, the flashback suggests high magic potential. Perhaps if you could overcome your aversion to magic, you could harness it...(dual class option- mage or sorcerer)
Level 18 young Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik
[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-27-2001).]
[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-27-2001).]