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No More Multiplayer?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Xo Martel
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No More Multiplayer?

Post by Xo Martel »

what happen to internet multiplayer?
do people still play or bg2 became more to single player?
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Post by Weasel »

This is what happens most of the time..
Originally posted by Sly:
We started off BGI... a group of 6 of us got together every other week at a friends house...set up the PCs and started the campaign. 2 of the people already had played it through before we even started...they finished it within a few weeks. We had this planned well before the game came out .. the first great multiplayer D&D computer game. We had made a time commitment well in advance..knowing that it would be a group effort. My wife and I were pretty solid on that there shouldn't be any cheating. It started off well enough...but one of the people played an extremely strong fighter...and devoured anything in her path. Not so bad so far...but with her prior knowledge of the game came impatience. She flew through conversations...not allowing us to follow the plot. In addition to that..she knew after what battles and where specific magic items were. For instance the boots of speed. Not only was she one of the fastest characters in the game...but now extremely fast. It came to the point that when the rest of the party would arrive in a location..there was virtually nothing left to fight...only the ground littered in corpses. As this was not entertaining to me...playing a fighter/thief...I struck out on my own. Unfortunately I was not nearly as powerful to take care of the minions I found and not fast enough to get away. Needless to say...there were alot of reloads. Pitted with this dilema(and the fighter unwilling to give up the speed)...we all agreed that we will duplicate the boots of speed. Thought that everything would be well and good, but myself and another player were pure elves...and therefore unable to wear the boots. So, now we had 4 people running around on speed, and us 2 lagging behind for the rest of the game. The fighter did not finish the game with us as it was boring to her as time went on. To his benefit..the other player who finished the game before did not give up much info on what was to come...and we all got to vote on the responses and were able to catch up a bit on the plot.

This Saturday we are going to start BG2, so I'm doing a bit of research on how to make the best character I can within the rules. It is too easy to pick up the editor..but I hope I have enough will power to resist temptation. It was hard to convince this new group to try and do it stratight from the get go. I had 1 person wanting to import everthing, 2 people totally opposed to any modification...and 2 of us were thinking about a limit of 1 to 3 items per player to import. I hope that we can all agree to try and do it without cheats. It's not like we haven't spent countless hours trying to roll up that great character...I know I have. It's easier to plop it in an editor and put all 18s in there...but I know that I have rolled a 18/00 with a few other 18s...the Lawful good way.

I hope this weekend is gonna be a great start to a great game.
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
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Xo Martel
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Post by Xo Martel »

hehe. so basicly bg2 sux in multiplayer because of the import/export capability.
i wished there is server like in diablo2 so only play online.
that would be more fun. i think...
Xo Martel
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Post by Weasel »

@Xo Martel That has a litte to do with it...I believe if you found 5 others who could 'agree' it would work...
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
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