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magic liscense

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magic liscense

Post by kazaam »

i just started playin bg2 and i transfered my character from tosc who happens to me an invoker. how do i get the liscence for practicing magic in the city limits? i went to the government district and to building six but i couldnt find where to get it and nothing is showing up in my journal about it.
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Post by Saigo »

did you ask any of the guys standing around the door? One of them "sells" liscenses, and one of them has a quest for you. Check everybody out.
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Post by Hazim ibn Gorion »

If you strike up a conversation with the fellow standing to the left of Tolgerias in the council building, he will eventually suggest you buy the license--5000gp. Worth it, in my opinion.
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Post by kazaam »

hmmm i swear i talked to em all but ill try it again, thanks for your help. another question though the game seems so flowing and non linear compared to bg1 and tosc, and i realize alot of the quests center around npc's. do the npc's disapear when you let them go or do they stick around? should you build the party to your liking or move through all the npc's to get all the quests?
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Post by Minerva »

Originally posted by kazaam:
hmmm i swear i talked to em all but ill try it again, thanks for your help. another question though the game seems so flowing and non linear compared to bg1 and tosc, and i realize alot of the quests center around npc's. do the npc's disapear when you let them go or do they stick around? should you build the party to your liking or move through all the npc's to get all the quests?
For both question, it depends. All NPCs will tell you where they will wait if you dump them. Most of them will go to the Copper Coronet. Or, you can tell them to wait where you leave them. However, if you decide to dump them in the Asylum, they will stay there, thus never see them again (Except Imoen. She knows the way back to the CC).

Some of NPCs may leave as a part of their own quest. In that case, they may never come back. That really depends on the storyline and what you do.

Whether you should do all the quests or not is really up to you. It is a great fun to do them, in my opinion, but I did omit a few quests because I wanted to see the main story going. You can always exchange NPCs if you try all quests, of course.

But, hey, you can play 2nd or 3rd time with different NPCs later on. Image
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Post by Maximus »

Keep asking as I just brought one :-)
Wonder how much magic you can cast without it been revoked

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Post by Thomas »

An infinite amount of magic.

I never pay the lisence myself and fight the cowled wizards until they send "the greatest of their guild". Great source for spells, money and experience not to mention that a druid wipes the floor with a tightly grouped formation of mages with a single insect plauge spell. Image

I'm just glad I don't run into druids in the game. Darnation, can they level opposition quickly if played right or what!?
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Post by Kieran_Frost »

Personally I never bothered with the whole 5000 gp for the right to use magic. It's not hard to avoid casting spells in the street, plus what's the point. Go to the nearest building, cast your spells and return to the fight.

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Post by Sir Percy »


"I'm just glad I don't run into druids in the game. Darnation, can they level opposition quickly if played right or what!?"

Part of the Jaheira romance plot involves a bunch of nasties jumping you while you camp out in an outdoors area.

I was caught a bit flat-footed as I complacently assumed they were just low-level rogues, but then some nasty druid spells started coming at me (although they weren't very high-level).

Also, although I haven't done it yet, I assume there are quite a few Druids to take out in the Druid Grove quest.....looking forward to that one!!!

I think there was a druid in the Harper base, as well.

You're right, though, Druids are pretty nasty.
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

Why are you ppl worried about druids? Just wander around... eep druids, reload go near them, then (me=sorcerer) and nalia casts web simultaneously with jaheira's entangle, they all get caught to smth, plus i cast another web with my sorcerer. then i fire 9+ fireballs in the area without them even having a chance to see me, after that i go near the web/entangle area and use magic missiles to finish them iff there's anyone left, (sometimes using a greater malison helps keeping them on their places.) as easy as eating a pie Image Image
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Post by Garcia »

I have to go with thomas on this one it's much more fun to kill them, 5 times or so. they have nasty spells but if you don't want to conflict them just use wand of cloudkill and in a matter of seconds they are all dead.
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Post by Brink »

Try casting Insect Plague on them Image Image Image Image.The Druids will always cast some other spells(ie.Strength,Dispel Magic,etc.) before casting any spells at your character Image

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Post by Rail »

Or, just sneak up on them, and they're gone in one backstab.

My monk just walks up to them and pounds away. They're not as tough as they should be.
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Post by Brink »

I've never had any problems with Druids anyway Image Image Image

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Post by Maximus »

Such law abiding folks :-)

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Post by Sir Percy »

Originally posted by Garcia:
I have to go with thomas on this one it's much more fun to kill them, 5 times or so. they have nasty spells but if you don't want to conflict them just use wand of cloudkill and in a matter of seconds they are all dead.

Where's the fun in that?
Don't you want to be elbow-deep in their blood after a good fight?
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Post by Garcia »

Originally posted by Sir Percy:
Originally posted by Garcia:
I have to go with thomas on this one it's much more fun to kill them, 5 times or so. they have nasty spells but if you don't want to conflict them just use wand of cloudkill and in a matter of seconds they are all dead.

Where's the fun in that?
Don't you want to be elbow-deep in their blood after a good fight?

it was just a tip at low lvl. if you didn't want to run up to them and pound them with a short sword -1 or whatever you have at that stage in the game then it is not you that's getting elbow-deeb in their blood more the other way arround. besides no reason to do it the hard way if there is an easy way, we can always discuss what is cheap or cheating and never come to a conclution.
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