Followings are not particularly urgent (yet maybe important) questions, but I've been wondering if I should ask you.
1. How did you come up with the name "GameBanshee"?
2. Who else did you start/discussed about this website, and what was the original plan? I mean, a web for information pages only, or you had forum in your mind, that kind of things.
3. Did you have any worries how much this site would spread/grow?
4. What did you think/feel when some members began spamming up forums? Have you ever consider telling them to stop it?
5. How long do you spend each day to monitor the forums?
6. Have you ever regretted for creating the SYM and allowed it to grow?
I would be appreciated if you will answer those in your spare time.
Thank you very much.
PS. I may come back later to add more questions...
<To other members>
If you have any questions to Buck, feel free to add to this thread.
*run and hide, far away from the forum*