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The posh of Beregost

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack.
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Ned Flanders
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The posh of Beregost

Post by Ned Flanders »

There is an isolated house on the NE quadrant of beregost. It is quite the palatial estate with blush wine and lots of snobs. Anyway, the house is huge and the nobles in it refer to you as most nobles in the game and they have little to say. Does that house or those folk have any relevance in the game in at all?
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Post by Tybaltus »

If you look at the walkthrough on this site it will tell you the significance. It says that there is pretty good loot on the higher levels with three chests-gems,gold,and potions. As far as the real significance-I think it is just some scenery. Just like many houses you find within the game there is no plot significance Its a city therefor you have to have your tipical snobs.
“Caw, Caw!” The call of the wild calls you. Are you listening? Do you dare challenge their power? Do you dare invade? Nature will always triumph in the end.

[color=sky blue]I know that I die gracefully in vain. I know inside detiorates in pain.[/color]-Razed in Black
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