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Where's the Money?!?! I need help!!

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack.
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smaug chow
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Where's the Money?!?! I need help!!

Post by smaug chow »

This may be spoilerish, but I really don't think so - read on with a bit of caution.

I am soloing BG1 with a thief and I'm looking to burgle the pants off the city of Baldur's Gate.

I thought I had read around here somewhere that there is a lower level to the estate of Entar Silvershield which contained a very hard to crack locked box with megabucks in it. I have used the search engine but have found no matches.

All I have found in the estate are a couple of chests to the left on the first level and a trio of locked containers upstairs in the room where Skie starts out. There are other containers around, but they hold either nothing or just books.

Am I missing something? Am I wrong to attribute this mysterious chest to the Silvershield estate? Does anyone know where this (admittedly poorly described) chest might be? Skippy the Halfling needs your help!!
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Alex Slavich
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Post by Alex Slavich »

I'm not sure, but I think the estate has a basment. Check there, if it exists...
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Mini Me
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Post by Mini Me »

I think the very-hard-to-break chest in the basement you have been told about is actually the one in the basement of the Duchal palace
Hope this helps :D
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smaug chow
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Post by smaug chow »

Holy Moly!

I can't get into several of those chests! The game has a bug that resets my lock pick abilities if I drink too many potions to increase it. The highest I've been abe to get is 245. Any further enhancement and it goes down to 29 or something similar and I have to start over. There are 2 or 3 chests on the third floor that I can't open after many tries - I tried the basement once but figured I'd have the same problem.

What the heck is goin' on!
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Post by Xyx »

You're trying to open them with a Thief, that's what's wrong. :D

Did you try to cast Knock on them?
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