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Sir Garrick - Yes or No?

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Sir Garrick - Yes or No?

Post by THE JAKER »

I just looked through all the topics on this board, and I found a couple of mentions of Sir Garrick - someone said that the designers who created him were playing a cruel joke, and Gruntboy said he's an OK bard if you want a bard.

Did anyone use him in the game? I've played through bg a couple times without really using him, but in my current game I thought, hey maybe I'll give him a try.

I have a cleric/thief, imoen dualled to conjurer at lvl 2, and Khalid and Jaheira. I'm pretty sure that just these 4 could get through the game, but I have extra slots that I could put someone in. I figure at least Garrick can identify stuff. Does his song ever get good enough to do anything?
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Post by Laurelei »

I used him. He's absolutely a support character, not someone you would want up in the front lines, but he is useful for identifying and pickpocketing, and makes an okay archer with light crossbow of speed or longbow of markmanship.
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Post by zeyk »

I always have a bard in my group. That said, Garrick is a mediocre bard because his prime stats, dex and int, are low. He becomes passable with the gauntlets of dexterity. I use him as a support caster and it is nice to have someone who can id stuff and pickpocket. If your PC is not a bard, I would add him to your group.
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Post by sigurd »

Wont Garrick turn traitor in chapter 4 though?

I use the othe bard myself, Eldoth and his girlfriend, more for RPG than anything. I got the strongest mage (edwin), cleric(viconia), and fighter(kagain) on the other 3 slots, so i figured i take them for fun. Although Skies thiefpoints really suck, 60 points on pickpocket, when Eldoth get more whenever he level up..
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Post by Xyx »

I had him around for some time, but he just couldn't do anything right. He sucks at thieving compared to Imoen, he's a lousy spellcaster (hardly gets any spell slots) and he can't fight. Haer'Dalis may be a cool crossbreed of Fighter/Mage/Thief, but Garrick is just no good, IMHO.
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Post by Astafas »

Bards in general are somewhat weak in BG1. Stats wise I would say Garrick is better than Eldoth (higher Dex - better AC and bonus with ranged weapons). Still, I prefer Eldoth because of his great personality (his poisoned arrows are rather good, too). If you can spare the slot I recommend a bard - just like in BG2 they make good teamplayers.

@sigurd: Why not simply change Skie's points with the GateKeeper?
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Post by Gruntboy »

Go easy on the love-lorn bard will ya? :D

Garrick is not a front line fighter. Having said that, give him chainmail +2, a 2 handed weapon and buff with potions and he can hold his own. Combat bonuses from his bard song are useful for your low level BG party (it doens't improve with level), he can identify all those pesky arrows and items and support your spell caster. He is the only good bard and you can get him early. He can also use several wands and scrolls (even in armour). A crossbow makes up for his poor THACO. You can use potions to help his pick pockets if needed, whilst concentrating more useful skills on your other thief.

If that's not a good support character, I don't know what is.

PS past few time I've played, I always take him. He's really useful.

[ 08-20-2001: Message edited by: Gruntboy ]
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Post by sigurd »

So, can anyonme conmfirm if Garrick leaves? i heard he will turn on you in cloakwood

Yeah, eldoth sucks, but he is interesting, and i wanted to try out some new evil characters, i played Edwin, sharteel, viconia, kagain and montaron last time, this time i wanted something new, so i took eldoth and skie instead of sharteel and montaron. Kagain viconia and Edwin i CANT do without, my 3 favourites..
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Post by Laurelei »

Originally posted by sigurd:
<STRONG>So, can anyonme conmfirm if Garrick leaves? i heard he will turn on you in cloakwood</STRONG>
Not sure where you heard that, but there is no "betrayal" per se in BG1. The only reason party members will leave is for extremely high/low reputation, and there are some combinations that may fight each other (Minsc&Dynaheir/Edwin, Xzar&Monty/Jaheira&Khalid).
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Post by Gruntboy »

I've been through BG twice with Garrick and he doesn't betray you.
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Post by Dwarven_Magi »

No. :mad:
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Post by Aegis »

My first time through the game, I picked up Garrick, but later dropped him for Kivan, Minsc, and Dynaheir. In addition I had Jaheira and Khalid. I found Garrick very useless, even as a support character, as Kivan was much bettar, as he hung back with Dynaheir and protected her.
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Post by WizWom »

Well, I've used Garrick for part of the adventure quite often - I would give him non-combat spells and magical chain, and have him archer in the battles. This allowwed my mages to use all offensive spells & my theif to not waste points in pickpocket, with only a small penalty to firepower from not having a fighter.

A jack of all trades is master of none - but can still be very useful. Baseball teams have utility infielders on their roster, right? :)
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Post by oggeboy »

i like to have him in my party a while at least... feels like it's my responsibility since i killed his mistress :D

also he sound really cool when he chickens out on you "brave brave sir garrick sir garrick ran away" :D
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