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Help with aec letec(demon)

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Help with aec letec(demon)

Post by oiledbad-mofo »

This think is harder than the demon knight at the tower!!!!!!!!! HELP Any Stratigy,tactic would be appreciated!!!!

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Post by Magior »

IIRC, the demon takes over a cultist's corpse every time he's slain. My advice would be to use summoned fodder (wand of monster summoning) to keep the demon busy and while Aec'letec is making his way through them, slay all the cultists ASAP. Make more fodder as the previous ones get slain. When all the cultists are dead, hit the demon hard with all your firepower. Don't hold on any items to save for the future. IIRC this battle was with maxed out party was harder than the final battle with a bad lvl 6 party. Oh, and use at least Haste and drink potions of (strongest) giant strenght with your fighters before the battle. Use any other buffs you can think of if you still keep losing.
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Post by Xandax »

There are several tactics around the board.

But one little think that is good to remember is "potion of mirrored eyes" - these prevents your characters from being affected by the "death gaze"
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Post by Gruntboy »

Dispel magic helps those already afflicted with the gaze too.
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