Athkathla II
@Craig: I'm going to assume that means your getting him out of the room. Besides, I'm sure Xan, and myself can handle a little red demon.
Walking towards the demon, Xandax noticed Faisal trying to cast a spell. "Foolish - he is to exhausted to fight" Xandax thought. "Get out of here Faisal, we'll handle the demon" Xandax yelled to Faisal, hoping he would do as told.
"No let him I'll make sure he is ok" Said Thryn, hurriedly standing up, his weapon drawn. He made his way to Faisal, in order to help the fatigued cleric to stand. Thryn draped the man's arm over his shoulder, and helped him make his way from the danger.
Virdel reacted instinctivly, shouting out no warnings, no battle cries, and no orders. His scimitars were in his hand, and the words of a Globe of Darkness was already forming in his mind. He saw Xandax raise his shield, and sword, and prepare to meet this foe. He also saw Magus and Aerie standing protectivly next to Rail's prone body, a mental and spiritual battle being waged between them, and Lazal's vile magic. Virdel crouched back a bit, tensing his legs, and shot a quick look to Xandax.
"Don't attack him yet." Virdel stated coldly. He had experiance in fighting demons, and also fighting blind. He couldn't afford to have Xandax stumble into his way. He saw Xandax take a step forward, then reluctantly stop before charging into the battle. Virdel gave a silient thanks. His mouth formed the words, and a Globe of complete nothingness raised around the group, and Demon.
Xandax had never actually felt the effects of this particular spell, and found it eerily empty. He didn't like not being able to see anything, and he felt a need to lash out, but restrained himself, using every fiber of his will. It was then he heard a high pitched yell that grated on his nerves. He also heard the clash of steel as Virdel's weapons rebounded of a chitenous exo-skeleton that covered the demon. He wanted to fight, but something inside him just kept saying the Drow had a plan.
As the Globe engulfed the room, Virdel sprang to his fight, and halfway across the room, his Scimitars brandished above his head, and ready to come down into the demons small body. His feet hit the ground, and his arms swung the two weapons in a downward arc, both connecting with the demon. His left scimitar was jarred strongly as he felt the magical blade hit the demons hard portection, but his right weapon, he felt nothing but the soft felsh being dug into. He heard a yell come from in front, and felt a something thud into his ribs, but shook it off in a manner he had learned to do so during battle. He locked his arm down, pinning the demon's tail in the process, and with his other arm, he swung violently down onto the creatures tail. He felt a lot of slack form, and he knew his sword had done what he wanted it too. He dropped the tail the dround, and leapt back a few feet. He muttered a few words, dispelling the Globe.
As the visibilty returned, he was shocked to see that from the tail of the creature, another, smaller, thing was forming, quickly gaining appendages. The other demon cackled. It was slightly wounded on it's shoulder. Virdel nodded to Xandax, and the two sparng into the battle, each taking on one of the creatures.
@Xandax: does that work for you?
Walking towards the demon, Xandax noticed Faisal trying to cast a spell. "Foolish - he is to exhausted to fight" Xandax thought. "Get out of here Faisal, we'll handle the demon" Xandax yelled to Faisal, hoping he would do as told.
"No let him I'll make sure he is ok" Said Thryn, hurriedly standing up, his weapon drawn. He made his way to Faisal, in order to help the fatigued cleric to stand. Thryn draped the man's arm over his shoulder, and helped him make his way from the danger.
Virdel reacted instinctivly, shouting out no warnings, no battle cries, and no orders. His scimitars were in his hand, and the words of a Globe of Darkness was already forming in his mind. He saw Xandax raise his shield, and sword, and prepare to meet this foe. He also saw Magus and Aerie standing protectivly next to Rail's prone body, a mental and spiritual battle being waged between them, and Lazal's vile magic. Virdel crouched back a bit, tensing his legs, and shot a quick look to Xandax.
"Don't attack him yet." Virdel stated coldly. He had experiance in fighting demons, and also fighting blind. He couldn't afford to have Xandax stumble into his way. He saw Xandax take a step forward, then reluctantly stop before charging into the battle. Virdel gave a silient thanks. His mouth formed the words, and a Globe of complete nothingness raised around the group, and Demon.
Xandax had never actually felt the effects of this particular spell, and found it eerily empty. He didn't like not being able to see anything, and he felt a need to lash out, but restrained himself, using every fiber of his will. It was then he heard a high pitched yell that grated on his nerves. He also heard the clash of steel as Virdel's weapons rebounded of a chitenous exo-skeleton that covered the demon. He wanted to fight, but something inside him just kept saying the Drow had a plan.
As the Globe engulfed the room, Virdel sprang to his fight, and halfway across the room, his Scimitars brandished above his head, and ready to come down into the demons small body. His feet hit the ground, and his arms swung the two weapons in a downward arc, both connecting with the demon. His left scimitar was jarred strongly as he felt the magical blade hit the demons hard portection, but his right weapon, he felt nothing but the soft felsh being dug into. He heard a yell come from in front, and felt a something thud into his ribs, but shook it off in a manner he had learned to do so during battle. He locked his arm down, pinning the demon's tail in the process, and with his other arm, he swung violently down onto the creatures tail. He felt a lot of slack form, and he knew his sword had done what he wanted it too. He dropped the tail the dround, and leapt back a few feet. He muttered a few words, dispelling the Globe.
As the visibilty returned, he was shocked to see that from the tail of the creature, another, smaller, thing was forming, quickly gaining appendages. The other demon cackled. It was slightly wounded on it's shoulder. Virdel nodded to Xandax, and the two sparng into the battle, each taking on one of the creatures.
@Xandax: does that work for you?
Half dragging Fasial to Bernard so he may be helped "Make sure he is OK" said Thryn rushing back to the booth in stealth striking hard on the shoulder of the first demon, smashing the colur bone poison dug hard into the shoulder, screaming the demon spun round to strike Thryn, he ducked and started to dangerously distract the demon...
OCC i am ok at access, do it for my college admin. So what do you need help with?
And i will wait for magus to post before i do anything.
And i will wait for magus to post before i do anything.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
The dark energy Magus was wrestling suddenly focused, consolidating into physical form and creating a type of fiend even he had never encountered. Standing on two inward-jointed legs, it sported four long twig-like arms, each ending in a dagger-like claw. As if that wasn’t enough, protruding from its rear was a thickly muscled tail with a heavy knob on the end, a built-in bludgeoning tool. But their task was yet incomplete, and Magus trusted his companions to keep the thing at bay for the moment.
The disease had maimed both the body and mind of his friend. As Aerie’s healing magic spread through Rail’s body, fusing skin and cleansing tainted blood, Magus sent his mind into Rail’s, striving to restore lucidity to chaos and insanity. Incoherent images assaulted his senses, the product of a fevered mind.
-Pull yourself together Rail!- he implored, forcefully constraining the rapid-fire stream of thoughts. They began to subside, descending to a murmur then the silence of rest.
Suddenly Magus was seized by a mental jolt as the corrupting energies stormed his own mind. The sheer surprise and strength of the assault almost overwhelmed him. But he was no amateur in the psionic Arts, and he quickly contained it. Surrounding it, isolating it like an army does a smaller force, he systematically obliterated the foreign taint from the halls of his mind.
Eyes refocusing without, he saw Aerie’s magic mend the last of Rail’s wounds. Only sleep could purge the last vestiges of the disease now. They turned from him to confront the demon spawn, which now numbered two instead of one.
* * * * *
Void quickly decided his feline form precluded active participation in the battle. He dashed out of the way and waited to see if his aid would become necessary.
* * * * *
Thryn barely ducked as a pair of claws speared towards his chest, broken bones and poison barely slowing the frenzied demon. But he had forgotten the other two, one of which tore a thin line across his cheek before he could roll out of the way. The fiend pounced upon him immediately like a rabid animal, devoid of intelligence, its tail swinging around to crush his head like an overripe tomato.
* * * * *
Xandax fared better, his plate mail keeping the razor arms at bay while he tried to figure out how to kill the blasted thing. Nonetheless, his opponent’s speed and agility was astonishing. He kept his eye on the tail-club at all times, knowing a hit from that thing in the right spot would spell his end
* * * * *
Seeing Thryn go down under one of the demons, Magus flung a lightning bolt at it. It flew true and blasted it square in the back, sending the fiend sprawling. It leapt to its feet in an instant, the wound already healing, and sprang straight towards the offending mage. A swinging hammer of clerical force abruptly appeared in its path, smashing the monster across the room.
-Clear your minds. Apparently these creatures draw strength from your emotions-
* * * * *
@Aegis: I’m letting you choose your own move, since Thryn’s intervention opened some possibilities for you.
The disease had maimed both the body and mind of his friend. As Aerie’s healing magic spread through Rail’s body, fusing skin and cleansing tainted blood, Magus sent his mind into Rail’s, striving to restore lucidity to chaos and insanity. Incoherent images assaulted his senses, the product of a fevered mind.
-Pull yourself together Rail!- he implored, forcefully constraining the rapid-fire stream of thoughts. They began to subside, descending to a murmur then the silence of rest.
Suddenly Magus was seized by a mental jolt as the corrupting energies stormed his own mind. The sheer surprise and strength of the assault almost overwhelmed him. But he was no amateur in the psionic Arts, and he quickly contained it. Surrounding it, isolating it like an army does a smaller force, he systematically obliterated the foreign taint from the halls of his mind.
Eyes refocusing without, he saw Aerie’s magic mend the last of Rail’s wounds. Only sleep could purge the last vestiges of the disease now. They turned from him to confront the demon spawn, which now numbered two instead of one.
* * * * *
Void quickly decided his feline form precluded active participation in the battle. He dashed out of the way and waited to see if his aid would become necessary.
* * * * *
Thryn barely ducked as a pair of claws speared towards his chest, broken bones and poison barely slowing the frenzied demon. But he had forgotten the other two, one of which tore a thin line across his cheek before he could roll out of the way. The fiend pounced upon him immediately like a rabid animal, devoid of intelligence, its tail swinging around to crush his head like an overripe tomato.
* * * * *
Xandax fared better, his plate mail keeping the razor arms at bay while he tried to figure out how to kill the blasted thing. Nonetheless, his opponent’s speed and agility was astonishing. He kept his eye on the tail-club at all times, knowing a hit from that thing in the right spot would spell his end
* * * * *
Seeing Thryn go down under one of the demons, Magus flung a lightning bolt at it. It flew true and blasted it square in the back, sending the fiend sprawling. It leapt to its feet in an instant, the wound already healing, and sprang straight towards the offending mage. A swinging hammer of clerical force abruptly appeared in its path, smashing the monster across the room.
-Clear your minds. Apparently these creatures draw strength from your emotions-
* * * * *
@Aegis: I’m letting you choose your own move, since Thryn’s intervention opened some possibilities for you.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
Accessing the situation, Xandax kept parrying the demons onslaught against him.
Parrying razor sharp claws and the bludgeon tail thing it also used.
-Clear your minds. Apparently these creatures draw strength from your emotions-
Xandax heard this in his mind. Xandax mind was already free of emotion, he was in his enrage.
Feeling the demons attack on his body, he also felt it in his mind – but it didn’t matter.
After doing this, almost dance, of parrying Xandax found an opening. When the demon lunged out whit its left claws, it usually used is tail-club thing afterwards in the same direction. Xandax bided his time, and true enough.
The creature lunged out whit its lefts claws, the low one, the high one – Xandax parried the low one with his shield – feeling the strength of this demon, but himself still standing firm, then parrying the onslaught from the high one, Xandax parried this with his sword, cutting a long gash in the process, this didn’t effect the demon much, then, as Xandax had predicted, the demon swung is tail-club. Still under the effect of his enrage – Xandax made a roll over the demon tail now facing the demons unprotected back – summoning all his strength Xandax slashed out towards the placed where the demons tail was fixed to its back, “Ferox” was glowing brightly, and was warm – the blade almost burning – and Xandax had no difficulty in forcing it all the way through the tail area, completely cutting the tail, and a piece of its back, of the demon. The demon screamed, the sound moving into the very bones of Xandax, but he shook the effect of him.
[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
Parrying razor sharp claws and the bludgeon tail thing it also used.
-Clear your minds. Apparently these creatures draw strength from your emotions-
Xandax heard this in his mind. Xandax mind was already free of emotion, he was in his enrage.
Feeling the demons attack on his body, he also felt it in his mind – but it didn’t matter.
After doing this, almost dance, of parrying Xandax found an opening. When the demon lunged out whit its left claws, it usually used is tail-club thing afterwards in the same direction. Xandax bided his time, and true enough.
The creature lunged out whit its lefts claws, the low one, the high one – Xandax parried the low one with his shield – feeling the strength of this demon, but himself still standing firm, then parrying the onslaught from the high one, Xandax parried this with his sword, cutting a long gash in the process, this didn’t effect the demon much, then, as Xandax had predicted, the demon swung is tail-club. Still under the effect of his enrage – Xandax made a roll over the demon tail now facing the demons unprotected back – summoning all his strength Xandax slashed out towards the placed where the demons tail was fixed to its back, “Ferox” was glowing brightly, and was warm – the blade almost burning – and Xandax had no difficulty in forcing it all the way through the tail area, completely cutting the tail, and a piece of its back, of the demon. The demon screamed, the sound moving into the very bones of Xandax, but he shook the effect of him.
[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
Insert signature here.
Feeling a hand on his shirt, Faisal new that he was being taken out of the fight. Quickly trying to finish his chant spell Faisal hurried through it, but darkness took him just as the last syllable was uttered.
Thryn dragged an unconscious Faisal to Bernard and said, "Make sure he is OK".
"This kid is more of a burden than before," thought Bernard, "What are they involved in now? But it can't be good."
Bernard got one of the other lads to carry Faisal to the temple above the coronet, so that he could be cared for and rested.
Arriving there, Faisal was taken to his room and Ribald called at once. The old cleric checked Faisal for any injuries and curses, and found nothing. Relieved, Ribald noticed it was only exsaution, which might have been due spell casting.
Faisal was left in the room to rest, as Ribald was sure he would hear all about in the morning.
Thryn dragged an unconscious Faisal to Bernard and said, "Make sure he is OK".
"This kid is more of a burden than before," thought Bernard, "What are they involved in now? But it can't be good."
Bernard got one of the other lads to carry Faisal to the temple above the coronet, so that he could be cared for and rested.
Arriving there, Faisal was taken to his room and Ribald called at once. The old cleric checked Faisal for any injuries and curses, and found nothing. Relieved, Ribald noticed it was only exsaution, which might have been due spell casting.
Faisal was left in the room to rest, as Ribald was sure he would hear all about in the morning.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
Virdel heard Magus's psionic message loud and clear, even as the battle echoed around him. His mind swirling with a mass of battle techniques, and ploys that had been usfull during his breif stay in the Underdark. These demon creatures acted very much like Illithids, in terms of feeding of the mind, and it's emotions. He stood back a moment, assessing the situation, and calming himself. Around him, he heard the explosion of a magical bolt of energy from the Magus, and the ringing of chitenous claws and plate mail. He waited.
He heard Xanda'xs calls for him to re-join the battle, and he heard Thryn shout something towards him. Magus continued with his attack, more than likely aware of the Drow's plan. Virdel calmed himself completly, and placed his left Scimitar back into it's sheathe. He than calmly alked back into the battle, almost in a stroll. As one Demon lunged to attack him, the original, Virdel merely parried the attack with the hilt of his blade, and with his free hand, he grabbed the monsters tail, and held the heavy creature suspended in the air, safely away from his own body. Still not letting any emotions take over his mind, he flipped his scimitar in his hand, so that the blade was facing the creatures skull, and forcfully jammed it through the thick carapace skin, and through the brain tissue. The creatre writhed for a moment before going limp. Without Virdel's emotions to empower it, it was unable to fight back properly.
Xandax, wathing Virdel as he did that, realized what he had to do in order to kill the creature. Though he was still enraged, he managed to control it enough to make another, more calm, attack on the enemy...
He heard Xanda'xs calls for him to re-join the battle, and he heard Thryn shout something towards him. Magus continued with his attack, more than likely aware of the Drow's plan. Virdel calmed himself completly, and placed his left Scimitar back into it's sheathe. He than calmly alked back into the battle, almost in a stroll. As one Demon lunged to attack him, the original, Virdel merely parried the attack with the hilt of his blade, and with his free hand, he grabbed the monsters tail, and held the heavy creature suspended in the air, safely away from his own body. Still not letting any emotions take over his mind, he flipped his scimitar in his hand, so that the blade was facing the creatures skull, and forcfully jammed it through the thick carapace skin, and through the brain tissue. The creatre writhed for a moment before going limp. Without Virdel's emotions to empower it, it was unable to fight back properly.
Xandax, wathing Virdel as he did that, realized what he had to do in order to kill the creature. Though he was still enraged, he managed to control it enough to make another, more calm, attack on the enemy...
@Aegis: Sorry for confusing you
I always put Magus’s psionic messages in -bold-, and Void’s psionic messages in -italics-. Void was the one who warned that the demons feeded off emotion. Magus was too busy fighting to take a time out and analyze his opponents
@Xandax: It seems we have a disagreement on the nature of the enrage ability. You think a beserker becomes totally calm and emotionless while enraged, while Aegis apparently thinks the enrage state’s power comes from channeling raw emotion and anger. I tend to believe the same as Aegis, myself. Any rebuttal, Xandax? I just thought this was something that needed to be cleared up
For now I’ll just assume your character’s as calm as you say
* * * * *
-Clear your minds. Apparently these creatures draw strength from your emotions-
That would explain much, Magus thought, silently thanking his familiar. He caught Virdel’s glance, and set about pinning the original fiend down, the one that had just recovered from a face-to-face encounter with the wall, with a few low-level spells in quick succession. Virdel then walked over emotionlessly and cleanly dispached the demon.
* * * * *
Xandax attacked cautiously at first, chopping off the monster’s tail. The tail laid still and dead. Then seeing Virdel’s success, he went in for the kill, suddenly finding his speed magically increased by the blonde elf maiden. Spotting an opening in another one of the fiend’s frenzied assaults, he charged into it and sliced off the creature’s head in one neat cut. It fell with a plop to the floor, the light gone from its eyes. Its body jerked only once before it too toppled.
* * * * *
At the last creature’s collapse all traces of their bodies disappeared in a swirl of dissipating magic.
“No wonder I’d never seen one of their kind. Those monsters were magically conjured,” Magus stated matter-of-factly before turning around. Rail slept peacefully, color beginning to return to his body somewhat, though it’d undoubtedly be a while before he woke.
“What happened to Faisal?” asked Magus, addressing Thryn.
“Bernard’s taking care of him. He’s going to be knocked out for a while,” Thryn responded curtly.
“Then we might as well meet again tomorrow, when everyone will be present.”
-We don’t quite have that much time- Void whispered darkly.
-At midnight the guild war begins-
It was already 22:30.
* * * * *
[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
@Xandax: It seems we have a disagreement on the nature of the enrage ability. You think a beserker becomes totally calm and emotionless while enraged, while Aegis apparently thinks the enrage state’s power comes from channeling raw emotion and anger. I tend to believe the same as Aegis, myself. Any rebuttal, Xandax? I just thought this was something that needed to be cleared up
For now I’ll just assume your character’s as calm as you say
* * * * *
-Clear your minds. Apparently these creatures draw strength from your emotions-
That would explain much, Magus thought, silently thanking his familiar. He caught Virdel’s glance, and set about pinning the original fiend down, the one that had just recovered from a face-to-face encounter with the wall, with a few low-level spells in quick succession. Virdel then walked over emotionlessly and cleanly dispached the demon.
* * * * *
Xandax attacked cautiously at first, chopping off the monster’s tail. The tail laid still and dead. Then seeing Virdel’s success, he went in for the kill, suddenly finding his speed magically increased by the blonde elf maiden. Spotting an opening in another one of the fiend’s frenzied assaults, he charged into it and sliced off the creature’s head in one neat cut. It fell with a plop to the floor, the light gone from its eyes. Its body jerked only once before it too toppled.
* * * * *
At the last creature’s collapse all traces of their bodies disappeared in a swirl of dissipating magic.
“No wonder I’d never seen one of their kind. Those monsters were magically conjured,” Magus stated matter-of-factly before turning around. Rail slept peacefully, color beginning to return to his body somewhat, though it’d undoubtedly be a while before he woke.
“What happened to Faisal?” asked Magus, addressing Thryn.
“Bernard’s taking care of him. He’s going to be knocked out for a while,” Thryn responded curtly.
“Then we might as well meet again tomorrow, when everyone will be present.”
-We don’t quite have that much time- Void whispered darkly.
-At midnight the guild war begins-
It was already 22:30.
* * * * *
[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
Well sort of.Originally posted by Magus:
@Xandax: It seems we have a disagreement on the nature of the enrage ability. You think a beserker becomes totally calm and emotionless while enraged, while Aegis apparently thinks the enrage state’s power comes from channeling raw emotion and anger. I tend to believe the same as Aegis, myself. Any rebuttal, Xandax? I just thought this was something that needed to be cleared up![]()
For now I’ll just assume your character’s as calm as you say![]()
The enrage is taken from channeling emtions, but since enrage can be a consioucs choice a warrior makes, it is not beskering, and it makes the enraged warrior al but immune to mind-affecting spells, I'd say that when you enrage you take all your emotions and pocket them in a little corner of your mind whereas you feel no fear, anger, pain and other emotions that might leed to ones downfall.
This is how I see it.
The using of pure anger is, to me, more a barbarians rage (and minsc
Well whereas all is, I hope to be able to post today.
Insert signature here.
@Xandax: Ok, that sounds logical enough. I suppose a beserker could benefit either way; through the use of emotion or the shunning of it.
As I see it, a beserker that exploits emotion would become stronger and quicker, in addition to the mind attack resistance. At the same time he would would also lose the ability to think rationally or coherently.
A beserker that bottles his emotion up, however, would benefit from unnaturally clear-thinking and immunity to most mind-affecting spells, but would forfeit the strength and dexterity bonuses. A bonus to weapon skill would also be conceivable, due to the fighter becoming "one with his blade."
Obviously there would be a huge difference between the two styles. What do you think?
[ 09-15-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 09-15-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 09-15-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
As I see it, a beserker that exploits emotion would become stronger and quicker, in addition to the mind attack resistance. At the same time he would would also lose the ability to think rationally or coherently.
A beserker that bottles his emotion up, however, would benefit from unnaturally clear-thinking and immunity to most mind-affecting spells, but would forfeit the strength and dexterity bonuses. A bonus to weapon skill would also be conceivable, due to the fighter becoming "one with his blade."
Obviously there would be a huge difference between the two styles. What do you think?
[ 09-15-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 09-15-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 09-15-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
@Magus & Rail: I think this is a convo. for another thread!
-We don’t quite have that much time- Void whispered darkly.
-At midnight the guild war begins-
Virdel turned to look at the feline Hakeashar, his face contorted in disbelief. He gave his scimitar a quick wipe, removing the foul smelling blood left from the creature, and resheathing it. He walked to Magus and Void. "It must've been stepped up after my initial excursion into the Black Helm. We don't have a lot of time to deal with this. How should we procede?" Virdel may've been a bit of a rogue, but he did know how to think rationally, much to the surprise of the Arch-Mage. This sudden rationality, and clear headedness caused a bit of a grin to form on Magus' lips, but faded soon after. "We can't possibly choose sides in this blood bath, but we can't stand idly by. My only thoughts is that we must eliminate the leaders of the Black Helm, and inform Aran Linvale of whats going to happen." He turned to Void, "I'm sure this little rag doll can do the trick easily." He smirked, and Void hissed vehemently in the Drow's direction. "I can probably get my Ranger firends to help with this, as they got wind of a Guild War brewing a few weeks back."
Magus pondered using the help of the Rangers. Virdel obviously had reliable contacts, other wise he would have never suggested it. He glanced breifly to each person in the room, sizing up what they could do, and the limit's of their bodies. Rail was in no shape to fight, not for another hour or so. Xandax and Virdel were the only two who fight in a sustained battle for any given length of time. Thryn could be of use, possibly as a scout for the two, more sturdy fighters. He found the only one missing at the moment was Faisal. He would need his rest, and would not be able to aid in this fight without the help of a more experianced cleric by his side. "Virdel, go to your Ranger cantacts. Be quick about it. We shall need their help. Take Xandax with you, and appraise them of the situation. Ve back in half an hour, max. Bring any help you can. I'll remain here, with Thryn, and look after Rail." Magus spoke with an ease gained thorugh years of patience and study. In a matter of moments, he had thought of some things that could possible change the course of this nights upcoming events.
Virdel nodded, and looked to Xandax, who did the same. The two walked to the door, and brushed it aside, and stepped into the main room, and headed for the exit...
@All: Does that work for everyone?
-We don’t quite have that much time- Void whispered darkly.
-At midnight the guild war begins-
Virdel turned to look at the feline Hakeashar, his face contorted in disbelief. He gave his scimitar a quick wipe, removing the foul smelling blood left from the creature, and resheathing it. He walked to Magus and Void. "It must've been stepped up after my initial excursion into the Black Helm. We don't have a lot of time to deal with this. How should we procede?" Virdel may've been a bit of a rogue, but he did know how to think rationally, much to the surprise of the Arch-Mage. This sudden rationality, and clear headedness caused a bit of a grin to form on Magus' lips, but faded soon after. "We can't possibly choose sides in this blood bath, but we can't stand idly by. My only thoughts is that we must eliminate the leaders of the Black Helm, and inform Aran Linvale of whats going to happen." He turned to Void, "I'm sure this little rag doll can do the trick easily." He smirked, and Void hissed vehemently in the Drow's direction. "I can probably get my Ranger firends to help with this, as they got wind of a Guild War brewing a few weeks back."
Magus pondered using the help of the Rangers. Virdel obviously had reliable contacts, other wise he would have never suggested it. He glanced breifly to each person in the room, sizing up what they could do, and the limit's of their bodies. Rail was in no shape to fight, not for another hour or so. Xandax and Virdel were the only two who fight in a sustained battle for any given length of time. Thryn could be of use, possibly as a scout for the two, more sturdy fighters. He found the only one missing at the moment was Faisal. He would need his rest, and would not be able to aid in this fight without the help of a more experianced cleric by his side. "Virdel, go to your Ranger cantacts. Be quick about it. We shall need their help. Take Xandax with you, and appraise them of the situation. Ve back in half an hour, max. Bring any help you can. I'll remain here, with Thryn, and look after Rail." Magus spoke with an ease gained thorugh years of patience and study. In a matter of moments, he had thought of some things that could possible change the course of this nights upcoming events.
Virdel nodded, and looked to Xandax, who did the same. The two walked to the door, and brushed it aside, and stepped into the main room, and headed for the exit...
@All: Does that work for everyone?
OCC if you want you, i can wake up and do something feeling refreshed and all.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
+4 Constitution and Strength, + 2 AC
(+ the spell effects)
+2 bonus to hit and damage, -2 AC
(+ the spell effects)
The latter is how I seem my character, and IMO has RP'ed him.
EDIT: Didn't get time to write today either
, but I guess my character would just go with Aegis/Virdel to his treehugging buddies
[ 09-16-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
The barbarians bonus of:Originally posted by Magus:
As I see it, a beserker that exploits emotion would become stronger and quicker, in addition to the mind attack resistance. At the same time he would would also lose the ability to think rationally or coherently.
+4 Constitution and Strength, + 2 AC
(+ the spell effects)
The beserker bonus:[QB]
A beserker that bottles his emotion up, however, would benefit from unnaturally clear-thinking and immunity to most mind-affecting spells, but would forfeit the strength and dexterity bonuses. A bonus to weapon skill would also be conceivable, due to the fighter becoming "one with his blade."
+2 bonus to hit and damage, -2 AC
(+ the spell effects)
The latter is how I seem my character, and IMO has RP'ed him.
EDIT: Didn't get time to write today either
[ 09-16-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
Insert signature here.
@Xandax: I never thought about it that way before because the class description made beserking sound very much like a barbarian’s rage. But I concede your point. The numbers support your point of view more (numbers I never bothered to recheck, I might add
@all: Sorry it took so long to post. I tried last night and fell asleep
However, I did do some thinking about the story’s heading from here...
* * * * *
So it was finally happening...
As much as he tried to deceive himself, deep down Magus knew that the conflict was inevitable. ‘Three’s a crowd’ they say, and that went for enemies as well as friends.
As Virdel pushed the curtain aside, Magus recalled what he had said.
“My only thoughts is that we must eliminate the leaders of the Black Helm, and inform Aran Linvale of what’s going to happen.”
Magus knew it wasn’t that simple. For all they knew, the Shadow Thieves could have brought the attack on themselves. Rumor in the taverns had it that the Thieves had vowed to crush the insurgent Black Helm. Perhaps the Helm was like a cornered rat, striking back with that courage borne of fear. But more likely the Black Helm was merely a pawn, a lackey of the Cowled Wizards, the true power among the two.
As much as he hated to admit it, his hands were tied until he could find out what in the Nine Hells was really going on.
But, if nothing else, he owed Aran this favor. Mystra willing, the Shadow Thieves wouldn’t be caught off guard this night.
“Thryn, I have a task to ask of you. Go to the Shadow Thieves’ headquarters and warn Aran Linvale of the imminent attack.”
Magus pulled a small runestone from his robe and handed it to Thryn. Taking a quick look at it, he saw it was intricately inscribed with the likeness of a hooded mage. He held a scale in his hands, a plate with the likeness of a demon on one end and another shaped like an angel on the other end. It leaned conspiculously on the angelic plate. But most remarkable of all was the mage himself. His face was hidden completely in shadows, but two eyes shone from the darkness with an eerie ruby light, all the more striking in an otherwise colorless rendition. They seemed to stare right at Thryn as he observed, as if somehow judging him.
“Show the door guards this if they give you trouble. It is my sigil, and it is well known throughout the city.”
Thryn pocketed it and turned to leave.
“Hurry back, my friend. There’s much yet to be done, and you don’t want to be out alone when the chaos hits.” Thryn nodded, then passed through the curtains of the large booth.
“What are you going to do, now?” asked a sweet voice by his side, silent til now.
“What else? I’m going to find out why they’re doing this. The Cowled Wizards never got along with the Shadow Thieves, but they never dared move so rashly, so openly. I won’t be satisfied until I’ve had words with Corellan himself.”
“Love, be careful. They’re not playing games anymore. People are going to die tonight. One more casualty would mean nothing to them.”
Magus’s eyes flared suddenly with a consuming flame. “They wouldn’t DARE harm me. No, not unless they want to be dragged screaming into the depths of the Abyss alongside me.”
The anger felt good, burning brightly within him. But anger was the bane of reason, and he wouldn’t let himself fall prey to its insidious clutches, not now. He banished it, storing it away within the confines of his mind, leaving him cold and emotionless.
“Aerie, stay with Rail. Come Void, and let us find what the Wizards have to say for themselves.” With a wave of his hand, he permanently dismissed the lingering corruption enchantment that had been their deception for more than a day.
A second later and they were gone, leaving Aerie alone with Rail. He was beginning to stir, shifting as if in the midst of some unpleasant dream. His recovery was remarkable. She judged he would be awake in no more than half an hour.
* * * * *
@all: Sorry it took so long to post. I tried last night and fell asleep
* * * * *
So it was finally happening...
As much as he tried to deceive himself, deep down Magus knew that the conflict was inevitable. ‘Three’s a crowd’ they say, and that went for enemies as well as friends.
As Virdel pushed the curtain aside, Magus recalled what he had said.
“My only thoughts is that we must eliminate the leaders of the Black Helm, and inform Aran Linvale of what’s going to happen.”
Magus knew it wasn’t that simple. For all they knew, the Shadow Thieves could have brought the attack on themselves. Rumor in the taverns had it that the Thieves had vowed to crush the insurgent Black Helm. Perhaps the Helm was like a cornered rat, striking back with that courage borne of fear. But more likely the Black Helm was merely a pawn, a lackey of the Cowled Wizards, the true power among the two.
As much as he hated to admit it, his hands were tied until he could find out what in the Nine Hells was really going on.
But, if nothing else, he owed Aran this favor. Mystra willing, the Shadow Thieves wouldn’t be caught off guard this night.
“Thryn, I have a task to ask of you. Go to the Shadow Thieves’ headquarters and warn Aran Linvale of the imminent attack.”
Magus pulled a small runestone from his robe and handed it to Thryn. Taking a quick look at it, he saw it was intricately inscribed with the likeness of a hooded mage. He held a scale in his hands, a plate with the likeness of a demon on one end and another shaped like an angel on the other end. It leaned conspiculously on the angelic plate. But most remarkable of all was the mage himself. His face was hidden completely in shadows, but two eyes shone from the darkness with an eerie ruby light, all the more striking in an otherwise colorless rendition. They seemed to stare right at Thryn as he observed, as if somehow judging him.
“Show the door guards this if they give you trouble. It is my sigil, and it is well known throughout the city.”
Thryn pocketed it and turned to leave.
“Hurry back, my friend. There’s much yet to be done, and you don’t want to be out alone when the chaos hits.” Thryn nodded, then passed through the curtains of the large booth.
“What are you going to do, now?” asked a sweet voice by his side, silent til now.
“What else? I’m going to find out why they’re doing this. The Cowled Wizards never got along with the Shadow Thieves, but they never dared move so rashly, so openly. I won’t be satisfied until I’ve had words with Corellan himself.”
“Love, be careful. They’re not playing games anymore. People are going to die tonight. One more casualty would mean nothing to them.”
Magus’s eyes flared suddenly with a consuming flame. “They wouldn’t DARE harm me. No, not unless they want to be dragged screaming into the depths of the Abyss alongside me.”
The anger felt good, burning brightly within him. But anger was the bane of reason, and he wouldn’t let himself fall prey to its insidious clutches, not now. He banished it, storing it away within the confines of his mind, leaving him cold and emotionless.
“Aerie, stay with Rail. Come Void, and let us find what the Wizards have to say for themselves.” With a wave of his hand, he permanently dismissed the lingering corruption enchantment that had been their deception for more than a day.
A second later and they were gone, leaving Aerie alone with Rail. He was beginning to stir, shifting as if in the midst of some unpleasant dream. His recovery was remarkable. She judged he would be awake in no more than half an hour.
* * * * *
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
Xandax was following Virdel down the streets of Atkathla.
He didn’t like the fact that they were going to warn the thieves. For all Xandax cared, the thieves were evil and did not deserve to live.
But Magus seemed to think that the thieves and wizards had a kind of symbiosis and that it would be better if the Black Helm were removed from the equation. Still….. thieves. Oh well, Xandax were just in it for the adventure and gold – and the possibility of getting some magic equipment were never to be ignore, especially with his past hunting him like it did. He just realised he didn’t get any of the trinkets Magus had offered earlier, oh well, he thought, there will be other times.
Xandax kept thinking, analysing.
The air was cold, and the occasionally gust of wind cut its way to the bones. Xandax looked up and inhaled in some air, he knew this smell.
He didn’t like the fact that they were going to warn the thieves. For all Xandax cared, the thieves were evil and did not deserve to live.
But Magus seemed to think that the thieves and wizards had a kind of symbiosis and that it would be better if the Black Helm were removed from the equation. Still….. thieves. Oh well, Xandax were just in it for the adventure and gold – and the possibility of getting some magic equipment were never to be ignore, especially with his past hunting him like it did. He just realised he didn’t get any of the trinkets Magus had offered earlier, oh well, he thought, there will be other times.
Xandax kept thinking, analysing.
The air was cold, and the occasionally gust of wind cut its way to the bones. Xandax looked up and inhaled in some air, he knew this smell.
Insert signature here.
“Thryn, I have a task to ask of you. Go to the Shadow Thieves’ headquarters and warn Aran Linvale of the imminent attack.”
Magus pulled a small runestone from his robe and handed it to Thryn. Taking a quick look at it, he saw it was intricately inscribed with the likeness of a hooded mage. He held a scale in his hands, a plate with the likeness of a demon on one end and another shaped like an angel on the other end. It leaned conspiculously on the angelic plate. But most remarkable of all was the mage himself. His face was hidden completely in shadows, but two eyes shone from the darkness with an eerie ruby light, all the more striking in an otherwise colorless rendition. They seemed to stare right at Thryn as he observed, as if somehow judging him.
“Show the door guards this if they give you trouble. It is my sigil, and it is well known throughout the city.”
Thryn pocketed it and turned to leave.
“Hurry back, my friend. There’s much yet to be done, and you don’t want to be out alone when the chaos hits.” Thryn nodded, then passed through the curtains of the large booth.
Half way out of the Copper Coronet, thryn felt the warm, orange, stone he had taken from the table he held it and it suddenly started to glow and began to get hot,instictivly he thew the stone, bouncing remarkably well of the ally wall and again the warm sensation, clever thought Thryn and hurried to the thief guild
Magus pulled a small runestone from his robe and handed it to Thryn. Taking a quick look at it, he saw it was intricately inscribed with the likeness of a hooded mage. He held a scale in his hands, a plate with the likeness of a demon on one end and another shaped like an angel on the other end. It leaned conspiculously on the angelic plate. But most remarkable of all was the mage himself. His face was hidden completely in shadows, but two eyes shone from the darkness with an eerie ruby light, all the more striking in an otherwise colorless rendition. They seemed to stare right at Thryn as he observed, as if somehow judging him.
“Show the door guards this if they give you trouble. It is my sigil, and it is well known throughout the city.”
Thryn pocketed it and turned to leave.
“Hurry back, my friend. There’s much yet to be done, and you don’t want to be out alone when the chaos hits.” Thryn nodded, then passed through the curtains of the large booth.
Half way out of the Copper Coronet, thryn felt the warm, orange, stone he had taken from the table he held it and it suddenly started to glow and began to get hot,instictivly he thew the stone, bouncing remarkably well of the ally wall and again the warm sensation, clever thought Thryn and hurried to the thief guild
@Xandax: As I understand it, it was VIRDEL that said that the Black Helm had to be eliminated. Not Magus. Magus still hasn't exactly decided what to do, as hinted at in my post.
Quote: As much as he hated to admit it, his [Magus's] hands were tied until he could find out what in the Nine Hells was really going on.
Just wanted to clear that up.
@craig: Huh? Do you have some plan I'm not aware of? I think I'm entitled to know what just happened with my character's runestone
You can personal message me with an explanation if you want to keep it a secret.
Quote: As much as he hated to admit it, his [Magus's] hands were tied until he could find out what in the Nine Hells was really going on.
Just wanted to clear that up.
@craig: Huh? Do you have some plan I'm not aware of? I think I'm entitled to know what just happened with my character's runestone
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
{Originally posted by Magus:
<STRONG>@Xandax: As I understand it, it was VIRDEL that said that the Black Helm had to be eliminated. Not Magus. Magus still hasn't exactly decided what to do, as hinted at in my post.
Quote: As much as he hated to admit it, his [Magus's] hands were tied until he could find out what in the Nine Hells was really going on.
Just wanted to clear that up.
@craig: Huh? Do you have some plan I'm not aware of? I think I'm entitled to know what just happened with my character's runestoneYou can personal message me with an explanation if you want to keep it a secret.</STRONG>
Oh - my bad, but I think my character would still belive that Magus wanted the Helm gone from the eqaution from things said ealier in the story - I forgot it was "Virdel" that said the other though.
I think the "stone" craig talks about was one of the "trinkets" you placed on the table and not your runestone?? (I may be wrong
Insert signature here.
Xandax was following Virdel down the streets of Atkathla.
He didn’t like the fact that they were going to warn the thieves. For all Xandax cared, the thieves were evil and did not deserve to live.
But Magus seemed to think that the thieves and wizards had a kind of symbiosis and that it would be better if the Black Helm were removed from the equation. Still….. thieves. Oh well, Xandax were just in it for the adventure and gold – and the possibility of getting some magic equipment were never to be ignore, especially with his past hunting him like it did. He just realised he didn’t get any of the trinkets Magus had offered earlier, oh well, he thought, there will be other times.
Xandax kept thinking, analysing.
The air was cold, and the occasionally gust of wind cut its way to the bones. Xandax looked up and inhaled in some air, he knew this smell.
Virdel, too, recognized this smell. The Underdark reeked of it, and it made his face cringe at the thought. War was on the wind, and it was imminenant. Off in the distance, he could hear the fanatic war songs of the Black Helm, singing to their gods for victory. He wondered if maybe the Shadow Theives already knew. He couldn't risk it though. The small group needed the help of the Rangers to implement any plan that MAgus had. The cunning mage was an intelligent man, and Virdel had no doubts of his ability to find a solution to this problem. His found his hand straying to the comfort of his weapons. He gave a releaved sigh as he felt the cool metal under his hand.
The two men turned one last corner, and came upon the modest building that served as the Tangers Head Quaters. He approached the door in haste, and rapped his knuckles upon it. It took no time at all for a response. Rodel opened the door swiftly, and let the two men in, where Ferchen was already waiting for them.
"What news, Virdel?" she asked inquisitivly, knowing little of how much this guild war had escalated.
"War breaks out tonight. I have been sent my Magus to ask for your help in the coming tumolt." Virdel replaied so calmly, Xandax wondered if the Drow really did care. "Of course, if you say no, it would be accepted." He laid no guilt trip on her, and honestly expected the answer he received.
Fercehn scratched her chin before coming to a decision. "Virdel, as much as I wish to help you, My Rangers and I have no right to interfere with these affairs. We were only here to maintain a watch on them." She walked to Virdel, gently placing a hand on the stern Drows arm. "I am truly sorry, my Dark friend."
Virdel nodded, and turned. He knew Ferchen well, and was not upset. He knew better than the be mad at her. "Let's go Human." Virdel coldly said to Xandax as he passed him on his way to the door.
Xandax's jaw hung limply. A look of disbelief struck his face. "That easy for you, isn't it Drow."
@All: I'm tired, and quite sore from practice, so, I'm done for the night. If anyone feels like continueing this part, be my guest. Otherwise, I'll be back tommorrow.
He didn’t like the fact that they were going to warn the thieves. For all Xandax cared, the thieves were evil and did not deserve to live.
But Magus seemed to think that the thieves and wizards had a kind of symbiosis and that it would be better if the Black Helm were removed from the equation. Still….. thieves. Oh well, Xandax were just in it for the adventure and gold – and the possibility of getting some magic equipment were never to be ignore, especially with his past hunting him like it did. He just realised he didn’t get any of the trinkets Magus had offered earlier, oh well, he thought, there will be other times.
Xandax kept thinking, analysing.
The air was cold, and the occasionally gust of wind cut its way to the bones. Xandax looked up and inhaled in some air, he knew this smell.
Virdel, too, recognized this smell. The Underdark reeked of it, and it made his face cringe at the thought. War was on the wind, and it was imminenant. Off in the distance, he could hear the fanatic war songs of the Black Helm, singing to their gods for victory. He wondered if maybe the Shadow Theives already knew. He couldn't risk it though. The small group needed the help of the Rangers to implement any plan that MAgus had. The cunning mage was an intelligent man, and Virdel had no doubts of his ability to find a solution to this problem. His found his hand straying to the comfort of his weapons. He gave a releaved sigh as he felt the cool metal under his hand.
The two men turned one last corner, and came upon the modest building that served as the Tangers Head Quaters. He approached the door in haste, and rapped his knuckles upon it. It took no time at all for a response. Rodel opened the door swiftly, and let the two men in, where Ferchen was already waiting for them.
"What news, Virdel?" she asked inquisitivly, knowing little of how much this guild war had escalated.
"War breaks out tonight. I have been sent my Magus to ask for your help in the coming tumolt." Virdel replaied so calmly, Xandax wondered if the Drow really did care. "Of course, if you say no, it would be accepted." He laid no guilt trip on her, and honestly expected the answer he received.
Fercehn scratched her chin before coming to a decision. "Virdel, as much as I wish to help you, My Rangers and I have no right to interfere with these affairs. We were only here to maintain a watch on them." She walked to Virdel, gently placing a hand on the stern Drows arm. "I am truly sorry, my Dark friend."
Virdel nodded, and turned. He knew Ferchen well, and was not upset. He knew better than the be mad at her. "Let's go Human." Virdel coldly said to Xandax as he passed him on his way to the door.
Xandax's jaw hung limply. A look of disbelief struck his face. "That easy for you, isn't it Drow."
@All: I'm tired, and quite sore from practice, so, I'm done for the night. If anyone feels like continueing this part, be my guest. Otherwise, I'll be back tommorrow.
@Xandax: Hmm...I hope I’m not being inconsistent
And thanks for setting me straight about what Thryn did. That makes a lot more sense.
@craig: Nevermind
Xandax straightened me out. It’s fine with me if you want to determine for yourself what your magical trinket does. Just keep it in reason
It’s a fairly powerful item, but it’s no artifact.
* * * * *
Magus stood in front of the towering structure that was the Cowled Wizards’ headquarters. The faint light of the moon cast a pale milky light on its glistening towers, and he couldn’t help thinking the scene looked ominous. Undoubtedly here lied the source, the instigator, of the coming conflict. As he walked through the double doors, he was reminded of Aerie’s words.
“One more casualty would mean nothing to them.”
It was likely he wouldn’t leave without a fight.
-Bah. You worry too much. Cowards don’t become brave overnight-
-Humans aren’t as simple as you make them out to be. Gather them in large numbers, and you’ll be hard pressed to find a more unpredictable enemy, or a more dangerous one...-
Entering, he found the place a flurry of activity. Always a bastion of quiet and order, the sounds of frantic rushing and the din of conversation met his ears. It quieted quite a bit at the sight of the famous archmage. Mages all around stopped what they were doing to stare for a moment at one of the few wizards in all of Amn to be neither Cowled nor renegade.
Finally a senior member got up the nerve to approach.
“Lord Magus, what brings us the pleasure of your visit?” he asked respectfully, though somewhat strained.
“I must speak immediately to the Grand Wizard, Corellan. It is of urgent importance.”
“As you can see milord, we are all very busy this night. Preparation for quarterly inspection, you know. I’m very sorry, but he’s been away for a few days planning the inspection. I’m afraid he won’t be back until the whole mess is over and done with.”
Suddenly the mage found himself staring right into the eyes of Magus’s infamous hakeashar.
-You shouldn’t lie. It’s not...healthy-
The blood drained from the poor man’s face, and he took an involuntary step back.
-Take us to Corellan...-
“See here, demon!” His voice quavered, and he looked about to panic.
“We both know Corellan’s here, so we can dispense with the prevarication,” Magus quickly interjected, seeing this could get ugly. “Simply tell us where he is, and we’ll find our own way.”
The mage opened his mouth to protest, but Void’s dire glare made him reconsider.
“Third story, second door on the left,” he sputtered before hurrying away. It didn’t matter anyway, he thought. No one could get through the wards to the next level uninvited, not to even mention the vast network of wards surrounding the Grand Wizard’s office.
He smiled inwardly when he saw Magus pause at the portal to the staircase. Magus and his demon pet would puzzle at the wards for a few moments, then would no doubt see the futility of it and leave.
Magus muttered a few words of magic, then waved his hand over the runes. They burned brightly, then melted away, leaving the door scarred and blackened. He calmly pushed through and began to ascend the stairs, Void hovering close behind.
“Wait!” the mage cried, running up after him. “I’ll take you to him! Just don’t erase any more runes or I’ll have a one-way ticket to Spellhold!”
“As you wish,” Magus replied, a cold smile on his lips.
* * * * *
@Rail: You’re welcome to wake up anytime you’re ready
No doubt more than a half an hour will have passed before anyone returns.
@craig: You can go ahead and make your way to Aran to start the meeting. Just don’t talk about the attack, because I already have his general response pre-planned (though you can end your post by telling Aran about it and waiting for his reply). If you want you can exchange a few jibes with him, or talk about your future in the Shadow Thieves.
[ 09-17-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 09-17-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
And thanks for setting me straight about what Thryn did. That makes a lot more sense.
@craig: Nevermind
* * * * *
Magus stood in front of the towering structure that was the Cowled Wizards’ headquarters. The faint light of the moon cast a pale milky light on its glistening towers, and he couldn’t help thinking the scene looked ominous. Undoubtedly here lied the source, the instigator, of the coming conflict. As he walked through the double doors, he was reminded of Aerie’s words.
“One more casualty would mean nothing to them.”
It was likely he wouldn’t leave without a fight.
-Bah. You worry too much. Cowards don’t become brave overnight-
-Humans aren’t as simple as you make them out to be. Gather them in large numbers, and you’ll be hard pressed to find a more unpredictable enemy, or a more dangerous one...-
Entering, he found the place a flurry of activity. Always a bastion of quiet and order, the sounds of frantic rushing and the din of conversation met his ears. It quieted quite a bit at the sight of the famous archmage. Mages all around stopped what they were doing to stare for a moment at one of the few wizards in all of Amn to be neither Cowled nor renegade.
Finally a senior member got up the nerve to approach.
“Lord Magus, what brings us the pleasure of your visit?” he asked respectfully, though somewhat strained.
“I must speak immediately to the Grand Wizard, Corellan. It is of urgent importance.”
“As you can see milord, we are all very busy this night. Preparation for quarterly inspection, you know. I’m very sorry, but he’s been away for a few days planning the inspection. I’m afraid he won’t be back until the whole mess is over and done with.”
Suddenly the mage found himself staring right into the eyes of Magus’s infamous hakeashar.
-You shouldn’t lie. It’s not...healthy-
The blood drained from the poor man’s face, and he took an involuntary step back.
-Take us to Corellan...-
“See here, demon!” His voice quavered, and he looked about to panic.
“We both know Corellan’s here, so we can dispense with the prevarication,” Magus quickly interjected, seeing this could get ugly. “Simply tell us where he is, and we’ll find our own way.”
The mage opened his mouth to protest, but Void’s dire glare made him reconsider.
“Third story, second door on the left,” he sputtered before hurrying away. It didn’t matter anyway, he thought. No one could get through the wards to the next level uninvited, not to even mention the vast network of wards surrounding the Grand Wizard’s office.
He smiled inwardly when he saw Magus pause at the portal to the staircase. Magus and his demon pet would puzzle at the wards for a few moments, then would no doubt see the futility of it and leave.
Magus muttered a few words of magic, then waved his hand over the runes. They burned brightly, then melted away, leaving the door scarred and blackened. He calmly pushed through and began to ascend the stairs, Void hovering close behind.
“Wait!” the mage cried, running up after him. “I’ll take you to him! Just don’t erase any more runes or I’ll have a one-way ticket to Spellhold!”
“As you wish,” Magus replied, a cold smile on his lips.
* * * * *
@Rail: You’re welcome to wake up anytime you’re ready
@craig: You can go ahead and make your way to Aran to start the meeting. Just don’t talk about the attack, because I already have his general response pre-planned (though you can end your post by telling Aran about it and waiting for his reply). If you want you can exchange a few jibes with him, or talk about your future in the Shadow Thieves.
[ 09-17-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 09-17-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?