@all: All right

I thought I was going to have to roleplay everybody!
* * * * *
As Xandax left, Magus fell deep into thought. Corellan had accused the Shadow Thieves of plotting the Cowled Wizards’ downfall. But from the looks of it, Aran thought the attack had been totally unprovoked. Such a dangerous misunderstanding was uncharacteristic of the keen guild leaders. He had a nagging feeling that Lazal had a part in all this.
Magus thought back to his meeting with Corellan.
“How did you find out about this plot, as you call it?” he had asked.
“One of our freelance operators warned us...”
Freelance operator! Why hadn’t he realized it sooner!?
But why...?
His eyes shot towards the dark assassin, his voice sharp and commanding. “Rail. Do you know any reason at all why Lazal would have conspired to start a guild war?”
* * * * *
“If each leader tells the truth, I fear something sinister is going on. And I bet Lazal is somehow involved.”
Aerie watched her husband’s face. They hadn’t had much time to talk, and she knew little of this Lazal. But powerful he must have been to do what he did to Rail. Gazing at Magus, she saw the wheels spinning feverishly behind his eyes.
Then a feeling, an odor almost, passed over her. As a cleric, she knew it only too well. It was the stench of death, the reek of the living dead. The faint sensation was gone in an instant.
“Rail. Do you know any reason at all why Lazal would have conspired to start a guild war?”
Magus’s voice jolted her from her reflections. She pushed them to the back of her mind, giving Magus and Rail her full attention.
* * * * *
“Where in the Hells were you bastards during the fight? We were nearly wiped out!” Calahan yelled at the robed man, his helm conspicuously absent.
Xandax approached unnoticed.
“Calm yourself,” the man commanded, irritated. -
Did he always have to be the one to deal with all the Wizards’ undesirables?- Sarak thought.
“It wasn’t our fault that you people let word of the assault leak. Our preparations weren’t finished yet,” Sarak reminded him.
Calahan’s face turned beat red, and he looked ready to rip the wizard apart with his bare hands. As it was, he barely restrained himself.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I must depart. The time of our own attack draws nigh.” The Cowled Wizard gestured, and disappeared in a swirl of magic.
Calahan’s armored fists clenched. Suddenly he recognized Xandax standing nearby.
“YOU! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU WHEN THOSE DAMNED THIEVES BURNED DOWN OUR HEADQUARTERS!?” Calahan screamed, grabbing his halberd and advancing threateningly.
* * * * *
@Aegis: Was the sensation of death Virdel was feeling the approaching undead? If it was, I’m not sure how he felt it...
BTW, I’m kind of ignoring Void right now, as you can probably see. It’s a flaw of mine that I can’t effectively play three characters simultaneously

(Magus, Aerie, Void) Void probably would have sensed the undead, as you said, so you can have him and Virdel interact if you want.
@Fas: It’s up to you whether Faisal senses the approaching undead
@craig: Sent you another PM.
[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]