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Post by CM »

Nah...magical yeah.
Blessed by Tymora?
Nah...has her symbol yeah.
Made in silver yeah
nah not anything really special. :D

I Just need a magical weapon.

Second i should have gone all out and gotten a full plate with anti-mage protection and stuff! :D
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Post by Aegis »

Virdel bowed his for a moment. He could feel the mages eyes on him, waiting for an explanation of the battle. After a moments silence, he looked back up, and towards Magus.

"I can into the area when the horde and the skeleton began to attack you. I was on my way to..." virdel thought a moment. "Warn you." Magus nodded, and motioned continue. He saw Rail frown at Virdel's last comment. "I saw them enclose around you, and I saw your defenses go up. I also saw those other slackjaws watching as you were about to get trampled by a horde of undead. From there, I charged into the melee, and sent as many of those basterds back to the Abyss. When I finally faught my way to you, the skeleton had already broken your defenses. I got it's attention, and faught it, as well as the horde. I also managed to grab hold of that gem of yours for a few moments. From there, it was too much to concentrate on. lost a hand, and the gem. Upon retreating, I managed to fight through the mass." He paused a moment before continuing. "Of course, during this time not a one of our other "companions" decided to assist me. Not even your Assasin friend. I didn't see him, but I knew he was nearby."

Magus listend to the report, nodding. He then raised his hand, and scratched his chin in contemplation before saying anything.


@Magus: I hope that eye strain goes away soon... :D
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Post by Rail »

Rail showed no emotion at the drow warrior's accusation. In truth, he felt none. No guilt, no frustration, no remorse. He knew the warrior had not sensed him nearby, else he wouldn't have had to dodge around him so often during the initial stages of the fight, but he understood Virdel's frustration and need to lash out. The warrior was a fool to get into a fight he could not win or escape. Yet he certainly admired the drow's fire, his willingness to sacrifice himself for a man he hardly knew.

He glanced down at the stump where Virdel's hand used to be. It had been completely healed over, but it could still be reattached if the drow desired. Yet, clearly the man nad no wish to reattach the severed appendage. Probably a cultural thing, Rail thought.

What would have happened if he had stepped in and taken the gem? It had been in his care for some time, yet nothing such as this had happened to him. The gem had been unable or unwilling to reach out to other powers. Could his non-detection have extended to such a powerful artifact? Could his own covenenants have covered such magic that Magus and his connections could not? And why would Lazal and his master wanted desperately to keep the undead lord from reaching the gem? Certainly the ambition and eagerness could be read in the divine voice in Rail's head, but it couldn't be just that. There were far too many unanswered questions for the assassin to act yet, so he would continue doing what he always did, wait and watch, preferring to act only when he chose. He doubted, however, that he would be afforded that luxury this time. Events far larger than him were in motion. He would surely be force to act sooner rather than later or be crushed under the wheels of destiny.

Rail sat back to hear Magus' response to the battle.
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Post by Xandax »

Xandax quickly drew his hands out of the mirror.
This was a strange feeling – but it needed investigation.
The aerial servant was still present – as a spectator in a circus it observed Xandax – wich is exactly how Xandax felt, in a circus.

He focused on Faisal – and he materialized on the mirrors and it started shimmering.
He saw Faisal go through something looking like an armoury.
Clever Xandax thought – of course the young warrior would try to find something of use, and a powerful mage as Magus would properly have something laying around.
Xandax again tried to put his hand through the mirror; it went through with a feeling like going through water.
Xandax drew his hand back and examined it.

I wonder if this only works inside this place.
Xandax thought of home, or rather, what were left – and the ruins of the keep became visible on the mirror.
Xandax watched the ruins, but no feeling went through his mind, it was unreal, like he heard it as a story told by a beggar in the streets for money or a bard entertaining others an evening.
Xandax again tried the mirror, this time the hand didn’t pass through the glass.
“Hmmm – there must be protective magic wardning this place, so no one leaves or enters without Magus knowing” Xandax said to himself.

He stepped away from the mirror – the aerial servant had left Xandax alone, Xandax started to put on his armour and after that, strapped his sword on his side and his shield on his back. It was time to get back to the others – and to see if he could get answers.

Xandax walked over to the mirror – and focused on Magus again.
This time – Xandax passed through the mirror.
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Post by Magus »

@all: Sorry for the delay. I’ve been oversleeping a bit lately ;)

@Fas: Wouldn’t do you much good in the Rift :D

@Aegis: ‘Fraid it’s gonna be a long time ‘fore he gits any shuteye ;)

* * * * *

Magus listened to the report, nodding. He then raised his hand, and scratched his chin in contemplation before saying anything.

Virdel was edging. He had held the gem. It must have spoken to him, offered its power. That he now stood handless testified to his refusal. Magus decided not to press the issue.

Surprisingly, his account rung true. Mixed in with the anger, and a touch of hidden hurt, was a genuine desire to help, impetuous as it may have been. Perhaps the one he was angry at was himself. For losing control. For being humiliated. For turning down a certain dark promise...

“Very well then. I’ll replace your hand. But promises of gold mean little to me. I have what I require, and need little more. I trade in a more exotic currency.” Magus eyed him cooly.

Virdel narrowed his eyes. “What are you leading to?”

“Knowledge, my friend. Gold is fleeting, but knowledge is forever. Lives are snuffed and preserved by its phantom touch. It whispers, and kingdoms rise and fall. Civilization itself rests in its palm. This is what I desire.” Magus’s lips curved in a smile. “I like to know those destined to fight at my side. Tell me; who are you?” The melodious words seemed to weave a hidden spell about Virdel, almost compelling an answer.

On the other side of the room, Faisal appeared, followed shortly by Xandax. Sensing the sudden silence, they waited to see what would happen next.

-This should be interesting- Void commented to Rail, mirth evident in the spidery fragment.

* * * * *

@Aegis: Just so it’s clear, “who are you?” is meant in a very general sense. Background, motivations, feelings, etc. Of course Virdel could resist the suggestion partially or even totally...though it may not be the best course of action ;)
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Post by Aegis »

@Magus: You smart son of a *****... You just gave me one hell of a great twist! :)


Virdel's eyes widened, taken aback from Magus's request. What was he getting at? What was it that Magus didn't believe, or trust, about him. He looked to Void, then back to Magus. Even though he didn't show it, he was nervous. He had never been asked such a request, and was not quite sure how he would respond. He took a step back from Magus, giving plenty of room between the two.

"If I am to tell you these things, I request that only you, Void and Rail remain." His voice rang eerily different, almost with respect. Magus became even more intrigued at this turn of events, and waved the rest out of the room. Void eyed Virdel interestingly. Rail merely raised his chin, and prepared for the information that was to come.

Once everyone else had left the room, and Virdel secured them inside, he turned back to Magus. From the corner of his eye, he saw a breif flash of silver as Rail cautiously withdrew a dagger, merely a precaution as he would put it. Something about Virdel seemed different, but not in a way that sent feelings of distrust. "I was sent here by my people. We know about what happened a decade ago between you three, and Aegis. My people have a wish that it not repeated with Lazal. They sent me to either stall Lazal, or remove him."

Rail took a step closer. "Why would the Drow have such an interest in the people of Athkatla? This is the first time I have heard of them even being interested in the surface world." His interested was truly piqued now, eager to hear this grande plot.

Virdel smiled, and turned to Rail. "Good sir. I said "my people," not the Drow." This remark even caught Magus and Void off gaurd, as both of them were not able to read this in his thoughts. "You heard me correctly, Grande Wizard Magus. you see. I am not of the Drow at all." Virdel paused again, and pulled a small pendant from around his neck, the one that signified his house as that of Mae'Shar. As he removed it, his ebony hue slowly faded away, and was replaced by the supple flesh tones of the elves of Suldanessalar. His white mane was replaced honey blonde hair, nad his eyes turned to a deep blue colour.

He looked to the stunned images of his compatriots, and bowed gracefully low. "I am Virrilis Fel'hanlo" he flashed another smile. "High Blade Singer, and personnal gaurd to Queen Ellesime herself."

Magus wasn't sure how to respond. He stayed for a few moments, trying to find the words to describe this turn of events. The stotic, unfriendly Drow was gone, to be replaced by a high ranking Elven man...


@Magus: This should make things more interesting... :D

[ 11-30-2001: Message edited by: Aegis ]
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Post by Rail »

*groan* Ah, Aegis, just when Rail was beginning to like you! A blade singer?!? :rolleyes: ;) :D
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Post by Magus »

@Aegis: Twist taken and returned with interest, I see :D Just how long have you been planning this? :eek:
BTW, you seem to have forgotten poor Aerie ;) She was also there in the battle against Raistlin. So I’m going to assume you meant for her to be in the room also. Even if you didn’t, she would’ve found out anyway :p
Oh, and just for the record, Magus isn’t always trying to read people’s minds :D When it does happen, it’s usually more habit than conscious choice. Void, on the other hand, is a different story...

* * * * *

Magus smiled, shaking his head, wondering how he had let this get past him. Abruptly the smile faded. If this Virrilis could pull it off, why not others? It was a sobering thought. Some new wards were definitely in order.

Aerie broke the silence. “If this is true, why did you refuse my help? A true tel’quissir would never choose an artificial construct over natural healing, given the choice.” A trace of felt betrayal escaped into her sweet voice.

Magus gazed at him thoughtfully, thinking better of intervening. Instead he waited, curious what Virrilis’s response would be.

Suddenly a hakeashar appeared next to Magus. He recognized it as the captain of his perimeter guard.

-Master, many soldiers gather outside the Rift. Their intent seems to be hostile-

-How many?-

-Hundreds, master. What should we do?-

Hundreds?! What fools would dare attack an accomplished mage in his own abode? It was madness...

-Send word for the entire defense force to be mobilized, awaiting my signal. And fetch the Guard Commandant. I will assess the situation myself-

-As you wish, master-

The hakeashar disappeared in a flash of magic. Magus motioned to Void. “The Rift is under attack. I fear I must take my leave,” he explained before the two vanished.

Aerie gasped, ready to join them. Then she remembered their guests. She sighed before turning to Rail and Virrilis. “One place is as safe as any other. They shouldn’t be able to get inside. Even if they did, they’d need the aid of very powerful magic to get anywhere. I might have to leave at any minute, so is there anywhere you want to go while I’m here?” The latter was directed more at Virrilis.

* * * * *

Xandax and Faisal sat at a table in the library. Xandax calmly polished his sword, while Faisal fidgeted in his chair. What was up with all this secrecy anyway?

Suddenly a figure tumbled from out of nowhere, crashing into a bookshelf. Luckily it didn’t budge, though a heap of books fell on the unfortunate person. They realized it was Thryn. He got up, brushing himself off. Behind him, the books returned to their places as if nothing had happened.

“Damn wizard’s mirror,” he muttered. Seeing the other two, he walked over to the table and sat down. “Fancy meeting you guys here.”

An aerial servant suddenly rushed past them. Xandax recognized it as the one from his room, though he had no idea how. “What’s going on?”

Mennn ataack thee Riift. Muust huury.

It vanished through a wall, leaving the three very puzzled.

* * * * *

@Aegis+Rail: The conversation between Magus and the hakeashar was telepathic. Only Magus and Void "heard" it.

[ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by Xandax »

Hmm – what ever Virdel had to tell Magus, he didn’t like for ”outsiders” to know.
Well, that soothed Xandax fine, he didn’t want to get involved too much with the drows schemes.

Xandax and Faisal had been taken to something looking like a library, well just assuming that a room of books in a wizards “home” was the library of course. Xandax sat down at the table and out of habbit started to polish his sword.
Suddenly Thryn came literally tumbling in – he didn’t apparently like these mirrors anymore than Xandax did.
Thryn….. Xandax felt uneasy around him – another rogue. Honourless types.
Suddenly an aerial servant came rushing through – somehow Xandax knew it as the same he saw in his room.
Mennn ataack thee Riift. Muust huury.
Then it continued on.

Men attacking this place? – Xandax imidiatly thought of Calahan, and the Black Helm, was it he again, trying to get foothold in his new position as leader of the helms.
Xandax sat down again – they could not get out of this room without guidance, he put the piece of cloth he used to polish his sword away and placed it in its sheet.
He wondered what is going on.

[ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
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Post by Aegis »

Virrilis looked to Aerie. He saw the betrayed look upon her face, and offered a reassuring smile. "My dear, in order to make my ruse a success, I had to be as much like the Drow as I could." He placed his hand on her shoulder, "Do not think to much into it. Virdel was merly an act. I am the real person beneate the mask. I am a much more honourable man." He smiled again, and took his hand off her shoulder.

"Now, may you tell the good assasin and myself why it is that Magus left so abruptly? If it is danger, I would like to know, as having Magus assist me in my mission is key. I cannot risk having him fall." He smiled again.

Rail was finding this Virrilis very interesting. The complete opposite of Virdel. He shrugged his shoulders. The man was good. Even his keen senses couldn't find anything but a Drow there. He began to wonder just how many more secrets Virrilis had hidden from the group, and how much he knew about Lazal...


@Magus: I've been planning something like this since near the beginning of the story. :)
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Post by Craig »

Thryn binked blood rained onto the floor, he couldn't see
"That damn mage, my parents are free but the debt is not repayed."

{OOC not magus
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Post by Magus »

@craig: If the blood’s from Thryn hitting the bookshelf, I didn’t intend for him to get hurt.

@Aegis: Magus said “The Rift is under attack” out loud (Virrilis spoke as if he didn’t hear that). When characters say something out loud I put it in quotes. I denote a telepathic message with a dash before and after. Magus’s are in bold and Void’s are in italics.

* * * * *
Virrilis looked to Aerie. He saw the betrayed look upon her face, and offered a reassuring smile. "My dear, in order to make my ruse a success, I had to be as much like the Drow as I could." He placed his hand on her shoulder, "Do not think to much into it. Virdel was merly an act. I am the real person beneath the mask. I am a much more honorable man." He smiled again, and took his hand off her shoulder.

She returned the smile weakly, and backed away. Broken trust was broken trust, whatever the reason. She wasn’t quite ready to forgive him.

"Now, may you tell the good assassin and myself why it is that Magus left so abruptly? If it is danger, I would like to know, as having Magus assist me in my mission is key. I cannot risk having him fall." He smiled again, hoping she’d soften.

“I don’t know much more than you. But he wouldn’t hurry such if there was no danger. You’ll just have to trust his judgement. Whatever the case, the attackers will be at a severe disadvantage. Magus and most of the guards can tap the Rift’s power, significantly increasing their own.”

Virrilis nodded. “Nonetheless, I’d like to help if I could. Could you take me to him?”

Aerie shook her head. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. The majority of the servants are magic resistant, making them ideal for withstanding the mass destruction spells Magus would want to use. Without magical protection, you’d be a handicap.” Her tone was uncompromising.

As Virrilis searched for a response, he abruptly noticed the assassin was nowhere to be seen.

* * * * *

Magus stood before the Rift’s outer structure, a tall obelisk sitting atop a large cliff. Below and to the north, a mass of armored figures, some mounted, were scaling a gentle slope, the only viable physical approach. They were clad in the dark armor of Black Helm elites.

It had to be a trick of some sort. A few well-placed fireballs and the whole column would collapse like a stack of dominoes. He scanned for mages among their ranks, aided by a wizard eye spell. There were at least twenty.

-The commandant arrives-

The hakeashar floated past Void. To the untrained eye they all looked the same. But Magus knew better. This one had large, wide eyes, tinted an unusual flat red. They complemented its direct, no nonsense attitude.
-The guards are ready. Shall we strike the first blow?-

“Not yet. Let us see if we can parley first.”

-We pass up a valuable opportunity. But very well-

Magus waited and observed for a minute. Judging by their gait, the soldiers were tired, suggesting a long march. They weren’t from Athkatla then. Reinforcements, perhaps. It made sense, especially after the last night’s battle.

Xandax had said they had a new commandant named Calahan. Maybe that had something to do with this. He took a closer look at the leader, who was riding an armored horse. He was a big man, clad in seamless ebony armor, undoubtedly magical. He wielded a large halberd with a haft of solid oak, topped by a blue blade that shimmered with arcane energy.

That was close enough. He focused his mind for a powerful sending.
-Halt, soldiers of the Black Helm! Continue to advance and your death will be swift-

The line stopped abruptly, the men whispering fearfully among each other. None of them had ever experienced telepathy, though they’d heard rumors of the archmage’s dark powers of the mind. Powers that could destroy the mind and leave the body an empty husk. They had thought them just stories until now.

Calahan motioned to his head battlemage. “We’ve got him. The fool. Have your wizards teleport in a circle around him. We’ll accompany them.”

“Sir, I’ve detected a strange field around the Rift. If it’s an anti-magic barrier, teleporting could be dangerous.”

“I don’t care! Just follow orders!”

“Yes sir!” The mage signaled to a group of fifteen wizards, veterans of skirmishes along the Tethyrian border. They disappeared in a flash of magic, followed by him and Calahan. Suddenly he passed through the barrier. It was all he could do to hold the spell. He and Calahan appeared at their destination unharmed, along with four of the mages. The was horrible. Looking around, he saw body parts of mangled comrades littering the area, some still twitching. A couple colleagues were turned inside out, theirs guts spilling onto the ground as they breathed their last. “YOU MONSTER!” he screamed, protections activating with a flash as he shot a lightning bolt at the archmage.

It fizzled before it left his hands. Magus’s commandant was gone before he could stop it. A fist of solid shadow sprouted from the head battlemage’s back, blasting through protections like butter. He collapsed to the ground, dead instantly, blood pooling around him.

Magus snapped his fingers, and suddenly each wizard was flanked on each side by his own elite guards, his finest hakeashar.

Doon’t moove.” Spinning around, Calahan found himself face to face with a daunting spectre. The chill of death emanated from it like an unwashed cadet. He swung his halberd at it with all his might, but it disappeared before the blade could connect. He dropped to the ground just as the spectre reached for his heart. The hand went right through armor, numbing his left arm with a glancing touch, and making him drop his weapon.

“That’s enough,” Magus proclaimed, stepping forward. Calahan climbed angrily to his feet, glaring at the archmage. He could tell the damned spectre was right behind him again. Down below his soldiers were preparing to charge.

“Call off your men, or you die like the dog you are,” came Magus’s voice, sharp and demanding.

Calahan replied by spitting in his face. Suddenly he was face up on the ground, muscles twitching involuntarily. Another wretched hakeashar stood over him. Its eyes flared menacingly.
-Do it- Void commanded.

Calahan slowly got up, signaling to one of the wizards. She shot a red colored light from her hand into the air. The soldiers quieted.

“We shall finish this inside.” Magus turned to his commandant. “Round up all the wizards and have them taken to the secure chambers. And tell the rest to make camp where they are. Deal with dissenters as you wish.”

-It shall be done- It vanished, followed by the rest as the hakeashar carried out their orders. Only Magus, Void, Calahan, and the spectre remained.

“To the library, then. Perhaps Xandax can confirm your identity.” Magus noticed how he jerked at the name’s mention.

“I want my halberd.” Calahan scowled stubbornly at the archmage.

Magus glanced down at it. “I think not. But never fear. I’ll keep it safe while you’re here.” He gestured to Void, who floated over to it. Before Calahan could protest, he muttered a teleportation spell to take himself, the spectre, and the disgruntled fighter to the library.

* * * * *

@all: Whew. Long one for me.

@Xandax: All yours ;)

@Aegis: I’ll let you write what Virrilis and Aerie did in the meantime. I’m done for tonight :)

[ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
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Post by Xandax »

Xandax was sitting with the others, waiting for word on what was going on.
Suddenly – through the wall, Magus appeared, followed by somekind of magical creature and …. Calahan.

“What the hell are you doing here, boy?” Calahan cried out, momentarily forgetting where he was, and that he actually was the prisoner.

“So Calahan, you found us.” Xandax calmly said.

“This is Calahan?” Magus asked Xandax.
”Yeah – no doubt about that” Xandax replied.

“What the hell is going on here?” Calahan was impatient “And where is my weapon?”

“You’d better calm down – Magus here isn’t as forgiving as I” Xandax replied to Calahan – “So shut up and listen”
Xandax could see Calahans anger rising – but then vanishing, as suddenly realising where he was, and what had happened. He was obviously annoyed at his situation.

“This is Magus, as you no doubt already are aware of” Xandax said to Calahan. “He is the reason I joined the Helms, trying to infiltrate your organisation as to avoid, or at least uncover, the plot behind the full scale war between the Helms and the Thieves – with the mages in the middle”
Calahan impatiently tapped his fingers on his armour.
“You see – somebody is manipulating with all of you – the mages, the helms and the thieves – to fulfil some purpose. Latest consequence of this was the undead horde that just recently went rampaging through Atkahtla.” Xandax continued.

Calahan had heard of this from his harbingers – it had happen when he had taken the major part of remaining helmsmen towards this mages stronghold.

“At the center of all this, currently, stands a powerful mage” Xandax said well knowing this would spark Calahans hatred towards these people. “He wants something either for himself or possible a more powerful master – and to fulfil his goal he needs mayhem to take focus from his quest.”

Xandax looked in Calahans eyes – they were fill with resignation, here this mighty warrior had fought against the thieves and for the mages only to find out that he was a mere puppet by, yet another, mage, and apparently a powerful dark hearted one.

{ooc: @Magus: good enough?

EDIT: change void to something else....hmmm, void, everytime I type that in here - I feel like programming :D

[ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
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Post by Magus »

@Xandax: Void's off storing Calahan's weapon somewhere. The spectre (a wraith-like undead creature) is the one who accompanied Magus and Calahan.

@all: I'll post later.
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Post by Magus »

@Xandax: You could always change Void to an int ;)

* * * * *

Xandax looked in Calahan’s eyes – they were filled with resignation, here this mighty warrior had fought against the thieves and for the mages only to find out that he was a mere puppet of yet another mage, and apparently a powerful dark hearted one.

A smirk flashed across his face on Xandax’s side, gone in an instant. He was up to something. Xandax inched closer to him.

“Now that the pleasantries are over, why did you attack my tower? I don’t believe I’ve done anything to warrant the Helm’s wrath.” Magus was obviously tired, and it was beginning to wear on his patience.

Calahan bowed his head. “I was just following orders. The Cowled Wizards badly want you dead.”

Magus shook his head, brushing a stray hair from his eyes. “Don’t they ever give up? When will they realize they’re being played like puppets, while Lazal-”

Calahan took a step towards the mage. Xandax flew at him, trying to tackle the big man. What happened next caught him by surprise. Calahan spun with that incredible speed of his, catching Xandax in mid-air. Before he knew it the powerful warrior was clutching his neck, squeezing with all his might.

His vision turning gray, he heard the Helm leader whisper, “I hate spies.”

* * * * *

@Fas+craig: Feel free to intervene.

@Xandax: You’re also welcome to try something ;)
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Post by Xandax »

Originally posted by Magus:
<STRONG>@Xandax: You could always change Void to an int ;)
Well I was thinking more of a float :D
Originally posted by Magus:
@Xandax: You’re also welcome to try something ;) </STRONG>
{more ooc:
Well I'm sure you have big plans and that I wouldn't be able to do much, so I guess I'll just dangle untill somebody gets me out :D
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Post by CM »

As soon as Faisal stepped into the room he was asked to leave along with Xandax. They walked out of the room and into what appeared to be the mages Library. Both sat down at a table across from one another and Xandax started to polish his sword. With nothing better to do Faisal started to check the books on the shelf and at the same time made a mental note to ask Magus if he could keep the hammer.

Faisal sat back down at the table as the looking at the books bored him. To his sudden surprise a figure tumbled from out of nowhere, crashing into a bookshelf. Luckily it didn’t budge, though a heap of books fell on the unfortunate person. They realized it was Thryn. He got up, brushing himself off. Behind him, the books returned to their places as if nothing had happened.

“Damn wizard’s mirror,” he muttered. Seeing the other two, he walked over to the table and sat down. “Fancy meeting you guys here.”

Faisal finally recognised him as thyrn.

An aerial servant suddenly rushed past them. “What’s going on?” Xandax asked.

Mennn ataack thee Riift. Muust huury.

It vanished through a wall, leaving the three very puzzled and alone.

With nothing better to do and not wanting to know what exactly was going on Faisal went back to the book shelf looking for something on clerical magic.

Suddenly – through the wall, Magus appeared, followed by somekind of magical creature and a man.

Faisal paid attention to the conversation between the the 3 men, but stayed to the strangers right side and behind him.

All of a sudden Calahan took a step towards the mage. Xandax flew at him, trying to tackle the big man. Calahan spun with that incredible speed, catching Xandax in mid-air. Before anybody knew it Xandax was suspended in mid air.

Faisal grabbed the War Hammer at his side and smashed it against Calahans back, but again the man's incredible speed helped him move aside. Faisal over-balanced fell on his face, but quickly rolled to his leftside.

Calahan finally noticed Faisal and Thyrn, seeing that he was out matched and that squeezing Xandax neck was a liability, he threw Xandax against a book shelf and launched himself at Faisal and Thyrn.

OOC Magus i didn't know if you wanted him knocked or not.
I personally thought a bong on the head from the back was a little to cheesy and would just stop the story! :D
Now You and Thyrn can do whatever you wish, and i will post after that.

[ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Fas ]
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Post by Aegis »

@All: It took some time, but chapters 11 and 12 are now up, and on the site.
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Post by Craig »

Thryn heard a noise, he spun faced Calahan and charged "Black helm scum" Said in rage, "I may not see you but you still can't see"

it promtly slashed thryns eyes and in retalliation he cut an arm of the construct, amazingly it vanished save the arm
thats how thryns eyes were put out of action.
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Post by Aegis »

when did that happen?
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