recently playing new game in baldurs gate 2 (lost my old copy a while ago so i finally went out and bought it) and i am now in chapter two and am trying to romance jaheira. I remember from my last game having a random encounter where i found renfeld and so started jaheiras harper quest. however so far i have only had one random encounter which did not involve renfeld, however i did find a plus 2 (arbanes +2 ) short sword in this encounter. I am worried that i have somehow screwed myself along the way here, should i have found renfeld at this encounter or will he appear later in the game in a different one(btw in game time i have been playing for about 24 days and i am also using tob with latest patch 26498)
Actually, the Renfield quest and following Harper dirty work quest are hard to avoid. In my experience, the second time you're waylaid between city zones or the first time you head for the D'Arnise hold, bang, there it is.
ah now that does sound kind of familiar thank you very much. However alienbob i have already gone out of the city to do the shade lord/Valygar quests, but i hope going to the D'arnise hold will solve my problem (and get me some nice items so thank you all again i will post again it dosnt work