Intercepted PM
from Weasel to Ysh........ So, in return for the beer, you ask only that I succeed in burning down the tavern? beautiful!
As you see, weasel DID have foul intentions.
Intercepted PM
from Ysh to Weasel.......yes, all you need do is weaken the resolve of the staf, that we may take over.....hehe
gets better.......
Weasel to Ysh.................I shall speak to Aegis, behaps he can be bought. If not, I shal still shift blame to him, thus dealing a vital blow to Spam.....mwuaahahahahahaaha
While this does not proves Aegis's guilt, neither does it prove his innocence.
From Geogi to Ysh...........please hurry the plan along, I don't know how long I can hide my true feelings about Bloodstalker....he is so manly and hot.....
hmmmmmmmmm, not relevant to the subject at hand.....lurkers are not very discriminating in what they post.
I shall continue monitoring the network.