Why do you fee like that fable. Is it because you don't want the movie to disrupt your feelings about the book?Originally posted by fable
I was beginning to waver on my idea of avoiding this film, but these comments have firmed that opinion up. One of the few less than moralistically polarized things in Tolkien was the way he showed (or implied) various people wrestling with their own personal darkness, and either subcumbing or winning out: Frodo (of course), Denethor, Saruman, Wormtongue, Boromir. If this is removed, I have one less reason to consider the film.
Personally i have not been placed in many situation where i have read the book before i have seen the film, LotR is the same. So i speak from a film goers point of view
I think that movies distort the original method of literature since they are one persons visualisation of a body of work. Literature quite often leaves a lot to the imagination (unlike film when poorly handled *cough Gandalf's death *cough* *ahem* ) so is this possibly what gets effected when one converts a book to film and is this what you are avoiding @fable?