Viconia Romance(not the same question as everybody else)
Viconia Romance(not the same question as everybody else)
Yes I did search and read all of the other threads on the Viconia Romance, but here is my question, I started a ToB game after playing SoA AND romancing Viconia, (all the way as far as I can tell) but the romance did not start up. Now I am in Watchers Keep and I have already killed Yaga Shura, by this point I thought something must be wrong for the romance to have not started up again so I came here. Now I know it should have started up after the FIRST pocket plane challenge, but it didn't, now if I do the CLUA command SetGlobal ViconiaRomanceActive to 2 and start up the romance, will this cause the romance to run its course or will the dialogues that I missed to mess up the romance. I don't want to start my game over, but I wanted to do this romance. PLEASE HELP!!!
The interior of Watcher's Keep is considered a Dungeon area, so you won't experience any romance dialogs inside. However, if all is well with the romance and the romance is not waiting for an event to occur, romance dialogs can occur outside.
If the romance is waiting for your party to rest in an appropriate area (ie., not a dungeon), simply moving your party outside and resting should be enough to trigger it.
I'm guessing that somehow your romance with Viconia was terminated, so yes, entering the following at the console would re-start it:
You'll miss out on the scene with Gorion, but her romance should proceed normally.
If the romance is waiting for your party to rest in an appropriate area (ie., not a dungeon), simply moving your party outside and resting should be enough to trigger it.
I'm guessing that somehow your romance with Viconia was terminated, so yes, entering the following at the console would re-start it:
You'll miss out on the scene with Gorion, but her romance should proceed normally.
There's nothing a little poison couldn't cure...
What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, ... to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security.
What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, ... to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security.
Thanks a lot. Now, I know it is a lot to ask, but could anyone who has played this romance before tell me what I missed? I'm not asking for a verbatim listing of the dialogues that I missed, but could someone just tell me what happens when the romance gets started again and what does the fake Gorion say & do outside of the temple at the Forest of Mir? I just want to know what I missed since I won't see it. 
The fake Gorion tries to make the PC feel bad about the life he/she has led since his murder, he'll go far as to say the PC murdered him in a round about way. He then summons forth somone the PC's romance interest has lost, in Viconia's case her brother Valas, her brother goes on to accuse her of murdering him she cries out to the PC to make it stop, more dialogue between the fake Gorion and the PC then the battle occurs. After she calls herself a fool for reacting the way she did even when she knew it was a lie, she vows not to let it happen again.
That work for you
That work for you