Ever play a game with NO in-game save feature, and the ONLY way that you CAN save is by completing the entire level, which can usually take an hour or two. Phantagram, the company that makes it, said they would fix this in the upcoming Gold upgrade foe those like me who bought the Original KUF. That was 10+ months ago.
I'm just glad that Ubisoft does release patches once in a while. Unfortunately for me, if Phantagram and Abovenet Communications Inc. don't fix the situation where Abovenet classified KUF website as an Open-Mail Relay and started Blackholing (blocking) access to the site, I'll never get any Gold Updates.
We have the crappiest of crappy computers, and yes, we did have a bug (that saving or lack of one) when we first installed POR, but we installed the patch, which was not a big deal to do, and it has been fine ever since. At first we didn't like the game much, because its so different from Balders, but we haven't stopped playing it since we fixed the prioblem. Honestly we had alot more problems with BG2. I really don't see the big deal. Stop playing it if your too lazy to download the patches to fix it.
This thread goes back a while when the game was released. Many people at that time had problems with the game and some of them could not even install the game. After several months 4 patches were released for the game and it seems that now the bugs have minimized. The fact stays that the game was very buggy when it was released but at least Ubi Soft had the "courage" and time to release 4 patches and fix several major/minor bugs. The problem is that now Ubi Soft carries a buggy name for a fair amount of people.
"When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong." Buckminster Fuller
and find the game to be very enjoyable. But I found that if Ubisoft would have contacted Interplay and talked about Baldur's Gate and others games like it, maybe even collaberated on the project, then POR could have been an even GREATER game to play. Like I said, I enjoy it very much.
Make no mistake, Denise. I'm not faulting or hating POR because of a few bugs. Ubisoft DID release 4 patches to fix the problems and could be releasing more. I just don't like Kingdom Under Fire, mainly because of all the broken promisses from Phantagram to its loyal gamers. If you read all the posts on their official website, then you'd get an idea of what's hapening with that game. Would you remain loyal to a game that the manufacturers stalled on fixing a very major problem (no in-game save feature) for over 10 months now, and has released the Gold Edition (with the in-game save) all across Europe and Asia, but not yet to North America? Do the people who purchased the Original KUF CD have to buy a new copy of that game just to be able to save in-game? When KUF came out, on the box they said the the game HAD the in-game save. I, frankly, see no end to this on-going fight.
I thought you were refering only to POR, as you are posting on the POR forum. I haven't played Kingdom on Fire or whatever, so I don't know about the problems with that game. I just think that since Ubi- soft at least addressed the problems with POR and made the patches, they should get credit for that. And I really like POR. That's all.